Seven Martyrs Dakar

Seven world champions, saying ironic / bitter / negligent «Farewell, WRC!», Set foot on the territory of a special rally-raids and rally-marathons...

World Rally Championship (WRC) erected on the podium 18 world champions, and every second up on a pedestal from two to nine times. But we all have to go sooner or later: where, how and why?

Seven brave

Loyalty rally (only WRC!) Characteristic of six champions: Tommi Mäkinen, Timo Salonen, Stig Blomqvist, Bjorn Valdegordu, Didier Auriol,and, of course, the current champion Sebastien Ogier.

A special case — 34-year-old Richard Burns, his life took a serious illness.

The two moved «to another job», to test pilots: famous for his wit and Walter Rerl least known Hannu Mikkola.

Another two — Petter Solberg and Marcus Gronholm — drew rallycross.

What happened to the other seven?

Carlos Sainz Senamor, Sebastien Loeb, Colin McRae, Massimo Biazon, Juha Kankkunen, Markku Alen, Ari Vatanen — all of them, saying, ironic / bitter / negligent «Farewell, WRC!», Set foot on a special area of the rally-raids and rally-marathons. What's so special? To understand this, go back to 2005.

Team of dream «5 stars»

At the «Dakar» were so many stars that they could easily outshine the brightest celestial bodies. But poboku astronomy, will focus on the stars WRC.

So starts the «Dakar-2005». Nissan team at the wheel of one of the three prototypes Pick Up — Colin McRae, driving a second — Ari Vatanen. The team Volkswagen — Juha Kankkunen. In the truck class — «Mikey» Biazon Markku Alen and...

They are the five stars of WRC, we gathered at the rally-marathon, each with its own problem, and an unquenchable thirst for speed and victory that the sport is not one at all.

Let's start with Colin Makreja. What is he, the fastest pilot of the world, even here, in the «Dakar», doing ?!

«Goals prestige» Colin Makreja

Colin McRae on the «Dakar-2005» came back as the home, because he made his debut here a year earlier. These two of its rally-marathons McRae was the first on the individual stages, but both times ended up virtually all converge.

Such is the strange thing: try their hand at «Dakar-2004» — did not happen, and he came back here, and here a year later. Why?

First, try to understand what led Makreja on his first «Dakar». It was preceded by a very difficult year in the WRC when Colin was unable to win a single victory. He is the youngest world champion, was seventh in the overall standings! Citroen could not hide his disappointment and did not offer a new contract macro. Leave the rally? McRae was thinking about it, but it kept on Richard Burns decisive step on the road — rival in life — each. They both do not know what McRae survive Burns just two years...

So Colin appeared on the «Dakar». He fought to the last, but there was no chance. Yet two «goal of prestige» scored — won two spetsuchchastka. Perhaps his entire career in the WRC, Colin (he himself admitted) as not engaged in the car, both for those eighteen dakarovskih days. On the ninth stage in the Nissan refused gearbox, but then suddenly it turned out that because of the terrorist threat to cancel the last two stages. Under the terms of the race to finish it was counted, we had two days on their own to come to the bivouac. Colin McRae came!

Anyone who was there, confirms: «Dakar» the first time will not bow to anyone, because if reached, is already won.

Is it any wonder that the macro has returned to the Black Continent and confirmed — not on the pavement and in the dunes! — A reputation as the fastest pilot of the planet, winning the first two stages, but in the sixth broke the car...

After that, he tried to live without racing and could not: «If I'm not back in the rally next year, then never return.» Rally — a WRC? No, the «Dakar» is not forgotten, it was listed in the plans for the next year (already signed a contract with BMW X-Raid). But September 15, 2007 Colin McRae took the helm of a helicopter... Stars do not go out, but it happens they fall.

«Four and a half victory» Ari Vatanen

On star «Dakar» — on the same where the first prototype Nissan driver Colin McRae was waiting for «sweeper» — Ari Vatanen, the pilot of the second prototype, presented a birthday cake with candles fifty special stages won — no joke! He is the champion of WRC and winner of four Bedouin, then laughed lightly.

Maybe because I certainly knew that, as he writes later, «in any case, a banana skin waiting for you around the corner. And you never know exactly where it is...»

But compare: in the WRC — one gold medal at the «Dakar» — four Bedouin. Account for the benefit of the marathon. Does this mean that Vatanen wins in this discipline given easier because he moved here?

«Lucky» Ari four years after the championship in the WRC had an accident after which in itself was a great success get to his feet, and he, after eighteen months of rehabilitation, granted to the «Dakar» and four rose on his podium. However, in addition to the triumphs experienced many bitter moments (which only cost a stolen car, deprived Vatanen, as he says, another Bedouin).

As Ari Vatanen man writing (his memoir, «Every second is considered to be» demand), there is no reason for him to conjecture: «Paris-Dakar Rally — special in many ways the race. It is not only the speed, but the ability to time to slow down as well. There is much more dimensions than what you might call the usual competition. »

That's the answer to the question, why I come here Vatanen and returned McLaren «special in many ways the race.» In this phrase all the words — key.

«Flying Finn» Juha Kankkunen

Third in the Team of dream Champions WRC star on «Dakar» was Juha Kankkunen, who began to stare at the rally-marathon, even while continuing to act in WRC.

Championship restrained Finn smiled a broad smile more than once.

His fourfold leadership for a long time remained unsurpassed until its record is not surpassed — first compatriot Tommi Makinen and then Sebastien Loeb.

Juha managed to get behind the wheel of many rally cars — Toyota Celica, Peugeot 205, Lancia Delta, have not gone past him and Ford, Subaru, Hyundai... What can I say — «The Flying Finn».

Why else and «Dakar»? And here's what... He appeared in the marathon twice.

The first time — when there was another romp with employment in the WRC (left from Lancia, going back to Toyota, and the Italian management team wanted to take his compatriot «Miki» Biasion — we will soon get back to it).

Here at this turning point Juha sat behind the wheel prepared for the «Dakar» Peugeot 205 and together with co-driver Juha Piironenom namesake won there. By the way, despite the fact that the Finnish crew, not a word in Finnish is not pronounced, English only — on «Dakar», before and after him).

For the first time followed by a second (it was the same star «Dakar»), is also at a turning point for Juha — with WRC was over. He sat behind the wheel of Volkswagen Touareg. And in vain! Before the triumphant march of the «Dakar» Touareg'u it was still almost four years (Volkswagen triumphantly won the «Dakar» three times, including through another WRC champion Sainz senior, but the bitter taste of his victory in a moment).

In the meantime, just say: Juha came to the marathon because of the broken car. Perhaps Kankkunen then just sat on the hot sand, reminded all of their cases in the WRC, when he moved from team to team because of technical problems and... In general, the left and did not return to the «Dakar», which was not only an adventure but also cure the failure (after the victory of «Dakar-1988» Juha twice on the podium WRC). After that the ice does not seem quite so slippery...

Eloquent «Miki»

The fourth star to champion «Dakar» was Massimo Biazon (which he almost preferred to WRC Toyota executives instead Juha Kankkunen). He appeared at the rally-marathon, too, not suddenly. The driver, in the WRC having won three-quarters of all races (he «Miki» calls these golden years), he realized that fortune turned away from him (started, in the words again of the «Mika» misadventures).

Biazon slashed with a shoulder about the Escort RS Cosworth, where he came to Monte Carlo Rally eighth: «Piece of shit!». It has been said in public, but the lead pilot Ford «frankness» just hoping the result, but it just somehow was not.

Eventually Biazon left quietly from the WRC, moved on a truck in the World Truck Championship («raids have always fascinated me,» — he would say later), he has made it a double championship and only after that — unlike McLaren, Kankkunen and Vatanen — He appeared in the «Dakar».

Journalists are not forgotten his eloquence, he immediately rushed to him: «Mr. Biazon, call the main rivals Iveco?» — «Tatra, Hino, Mercedes, Renault». Reporters look at each other: «A KAMAZ?» — «I did not forget.» He is ready to rush for urgent cases, as it is overtaken by the question: «You are not going to fight for victory?».

All look forward to answer a la Ford. Massimo Biazon takes a deep breath: «We do not fight with kamikaze...»

Start of rally-raids for «Mikey» looked like a prelude to a new triumph: second place at the «Dakar-2003» from Mitsubishi, but watch out — the gathering, breakdown, accident, moving from team to team, longest Biazon was driving Iveco...

I had to sum up. And «Miki» did this with his usual expressiveness: «Dakar 2013 was the thirteenth of my misadventures...» What did he say goodbye to De Roy on account of his tactics, history is silent.

But there was hope for the future «Dakar». December 3, in fact before the start of the race, Massimo Biazon left short post on his website: «Unfortunately, I have to tell you that I will not in the» Dakar 2014 ". Orobica Raid Team can not give me a Fiat Panda because of lack of budget. I am very sad, I'm so disappointed ... "

«Uncrowned king» Markku Alen

But back to the star of «Dakar-2005». At the bivouac very close to the truck, «Miki» Biazona was another truck that deserves attention. Behind his wheel — Markku Alen, «uncrowned king» WRC.

On the one hand, it is above all deserves to be in the «champion» list: Allen was the best even when the championship among pilots is not played, but the Cup FIA (1978), and his record of won SU Loeb (soon we come before him ) managed to beat only four years ago. On the other hand, WRC champion Markku spent only 11 days until he was granted the title of Peugeot and not left to compatriot Juha Kankkunenu, who was also a star in the «Dakar».

Allen then appeared in the marathon for the second time (his debut as McLaren took place a year earlier). What preceded it? Oily point set at the WRC. Markku Juha Kankkunen no less, «selected» in his title, sauntered from team to team: Ford, Fiat, Lancia, Subaru and, finally, Toyota, where he was assigned the role of a pilot №2 (pilot №1 — Sainz, soon we until we reach it). And then there was the accident (the time Allen was driving a Subaru Impreza) Rally «Thousand Lakes»...

Obviously, Markku regarded it as something that limits success at WRC exhausted. «The wildest of all the wild Finns», wrote about him a German magazine, has tried himself in the DTM and ITCC, then twice on the «Dakar»... With him was enough.

And if we assume that Markku Alen won to their legitimate Bedouin. What then? Then, perhaps, his fate would be similar to the fate of the WRC champion Carlos Sainz...

«Butterfly Wings» Sainz Sr.

Carlos Sainz on the star «Dakar-2005» was not. He announced himself on the rally-marathon later went up to the podium and confirmed receipt of another WRC nickname of «matador». It was a triumph Sainz, two-time world rally champion, and Volkswagen (you have not forgotten how tormented with Touareg'om star Juha Kankkunen on the «Dakar»?).

So, victory! One that, for example, was not at the «Dakar» has never had any McCline nor Biazona nor Alain.

And what? After that, someone is lined with carpet in front of Sainz? The championship is not a safety policy and a moment of luck.

After the «Dakar-2010», which brought victory VW, the Spanish rider as a rookie waiting for their fate: «I went to try to win and get pleasure. But I'm 48 years old and I have long danced around the globe. Volkswagen will make a decision — I think over it. If it is negative, I do not see how you can fulfill your potential. To go in alone and beat the car? I did not cheat, but do not know where to go next year... »

Volkswagen offered the post of advisor to Carlos, «test pilot». If the «Matador» was not a «Matador», he would have tried to «take pleasure» at least from the salary. But Carlos returned to the «Dakar», with which the left Volkswagen, claimed the gold with three Bedouin (2009–2011) and leaving behind their pilots. Business is just business...

Nasser Al-Attiyah and De Villiers Giniel got out of the situation without loss, while Carlos Sainz was different: «The decision to leave the» Dakar «was made for me Volkswagen, but my time for that has not come. It's no secret that I consider capabilities...»

The situation was complicated by the presence of a contract with VW, to accept the offer, say, the German brand is Mini BMW Group also cause a conflict of interest...

Yet Carlos is back in the rally-marathon, but he met his gatherings and injuries. On the «Dakar-2014» Sainz drove the newly established team Red Bull SMG Rally Team on the buggy, his navigator was the former champion Timo Gottschalk. Illusions Carlos was not: «Our goal — to bring the car to the finish line. We can be fast or slow, but we must not stop...»

Sainz and did not stop. He leads in the fourth stage. And on the sixth I realized that for him, «the rally is over,» one can only try to win individual stages. But Plan B was a fiasco: the ninth stage, the buggy broken suspension, but Carlos made it to the bivouac, on the tenth and hurried — go...

For the second year in a row to get to the finish line is not! Yet Carlos Sainz returned to the «Dakar». Again and again. What for? The answer is he himself: «To take part in the» Dakar ", you need to really create something special, because it is itself a race is unique. First, do not feel the excitement, but the nerves will be felt on the day before the start. This is normal — the eve of the marathon suddenly feel that you have in your stomach like butterflies flutter their wings... "

«Hundreds of hours of penalty» Sebastien Loeb

In fact, far from being the most successful for Carlos Sainz «Dakar 2014», she visited him Sebastien Loeb. What he then saw standing at the bivouac next to his colleague Sainz? Former colleagues, if we talk about the WRC. The future — if we have a stellar view of the factory team Peugeot, is being prepared these days to the «Dakar-2016».

Whatever he is, on the «Dakar-2014» did not see, and that would not have thought, but it was with Sainz in the rally-raid «Morocco» — a dress rehearsal before the «Dakar-2016».

Debut Loeb can not be called spontaneous. The algorithm of care in rally-raids that Sebastien took to try for yourself, ispopularin the WRC.

But the sandy ergs of the Sahara brought the winners of Rally — Loeb names are not there, however, as Sainz. Loeb in Morocco fatally unlucky: he twice tried to break his Peugeot 2008 DKR16 and he almost succeeded, as well as the penalties to save hundreds of hours.

Sainz senior unlucky in the same degree as Loeb. Although the leadership of the two stages on the penultimate descent recorded. This failure can be attributed to the updated prototype, and can be paired and the law cases, as to trouble the elder added Sainz accident Sainz Jr. to «Formula 1» in Sochi.

This did not prevent Carlos found all these positive charge: «Today's result means that our work is going in the right direction. But being first is not easy... »

Better, perhaps, do not say, «the Dakar. The perfect marriage between man and machine.»

All true, but long before the «Dakar» Leo Tolstoy said: «How many hearts — so many kinds of love.» And she, of this love, and happens to be unrequited. Especially if it's a marathon.

Photo: from open sources. Infographics author.

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