Infatuated with the aerodynamics. Part 5

We continue our story about the life and work of a native of the Russian Empire, Alexis de Sahnoffski who left a considerable and a bright trace in the history of automotive design.

Glowe has not gone!

It seemed, after great success in Europe, in the form of a fifth consecutive «Monaco Grand Prix» at the «Competition of Elegance» and several more not less prestigious prizes now with the American car Cord L29 (link to Part 4, about Cord) Alexis de Sahnoffski could become conceited.
However, most inspired, Count plunged headlong into the work by deploying just incredible activity by activity. Not the last impetus for this was the more mundane desire to receive decent pay for the fruits of their creativity. And in the 30s of the last century in the United States de Sahnoffski really found its niche, being really a trend.

With his head in work … 

For example, if the same Cord L29 never went to series, but he did not intend to do so, his legacy can be found in other cars. One of the most significant for the de Sahnoffski became double roadster body with a boat tail Auburn 851 version Speedster Boat Tail.

Just this incredibly beautiful car went into a series of drawing attention to their unusual body «upturned boat» and littered with back windscreen, also performed in the spirit of high-speed motorboats of the time. It is important that in this case the story, including the official corporation Cord, is the owner of Auburn, recognizes the Alexis de Sahnoffski authorship of this extraordinary machine.

The fact that many manufacturers, customers Hayes Body Corporation, which became the first official employer of de Sahnoffski often attributed all the credit for the design itself, does not mention the Count, and those even one year of his work as an art director in Hayes was not enough.

And Hayes customers at that time were such major manufacturers as the aforementioned Cord with Auburn, American Austin, Franklin, Marmon, Peerless, Reo, Studebaker, and others. It is known that many luxury piece body Stutz and Packard went just «from the pen of» new company employee. However, which of them — most likely never will be known, because at this moment the young Count did not work in his own name but on the company … 

Here he was attracted to a variety of projects, mainly related to the design, including the entire family of cars. In this case the actual Hayes not only developed but also produced a «turnkey» ready body. And this is where the company holds a special place Devaux.
Officially, it is de Sahnoffski is the developer of the entire production line brand Devaux, but as he had a hand in its production samples have been seriously distorted by the Hayes, rather use the graph name as an advertising ploy, as below.
However, de Sahnoffski not forget about self-PR. Despite the work «for the company,» he continued in all possible ways to remind yourself.
For example, on arrival, he spoke at a symposium designers, which immediately did not hesitate to criticize the methods of the local automotive design. Even then, the local press also did not remain in debt, responding to «reciprocate» the young upstart, referring to the graph, not as an engineer and as a «painter, concentrates exclusively on the new design is not particularly worrying as far as possible to adapt his ideas into production.»
However, de Sahnoffski was by no means a dreamer, flying in the clouds. He proposed to unite efforts of designers and engineers to create working groups of them — in fact, as is the case in any kouchbildera, only now it’s like to be on another level.
In part, these ideas were really progressive, although little applicable to mass production. Being true to yourself, Count proposed to give an initial stage of development «mechanical artists», and only after they «draw» the entire machine, connect engineers.

Of course, in terms of unification for the sake of reduction in price of the final product, such method is not applicable, or rather not profitable both then and today. And although history knows such examples to create a mass-produced cars, they remained only in the form of large exception to the rule. However, in fact the proposed de Sahnoffski design bureau began to appear at this time, in the 30s, and eventually became an integral part of any car maker … 

… And work on «uncle»

Count not only put forward the idea, but also continued to create, however, do not always get the recognition. For example, already in 1930, the press excitedly praised the Roosevelt coupe, based on sketches made de Sahnoffski. The naked eye can trace a lot of stylistic solutions migrated to the victorious Cord L29, including general smooth lines of the body, even though it was much higher, less aerodynamic and saved for easy steps … 

Being true to his extravagant views, de Sahnoffski offered to decorate the cars radiator Roosevelt bas-relief of the famous US President Theodore Roosevelt. Naturally automaker rejected the idea … 
It is interesting to compare it to the coupe with the previous model of the same brand, with the 1929 model year, to see how different visions de Sahnoffski with reigning at that time forms, at least in the overseas automobile industry … 

However, it is not known how many were eventually released these beauties, at least, under the Roosevelt brand. Marmon parent company began to experience hard times, stopping the production of cars named after the 26th President of the United States in 1931.
Most likely, this compartment is left in a single copy, not later just «pop-up» is simply called Marmon V16 Hayes Coupe.

Moreover, thanks to operating time de Sahnoffski born Marmon whole family — just look at the Big Eight or later Marmon 16, issued in 1931. In this case the customer is not particularly spread of the design author, in fact, attributing all the credit myself … 

Another interesting fact is that the young designer’s employer also did not hesitate to «part-time job» on the side and not quite correct actions. It is known that practically the same body with minimal changes, and supplied to other manufacturers, including Peerless. It is believed that even a luxury Convertible Victoria, made on the basis of Marmon 16, which was supposed to have been made in one copy for one customer, in reality later offer other … 

Moreover, there is a version that in reality it was released several similar cars already own Marmon, but with some differences.
As a result, several families, with two producers, and if you count the Roosevelt, the three had shared the wings, as well as the basic line of bodies, differing only in smaller decorative details … 

However, with the growing strength of «Great Depression» some automakers voluntarily went to the unification of the body, and after only a few years after leaving de Sahnoffski of the Hayes, according to his figures have been released yet and bodywork Reo and Fanklin, but it is not excluded that and many other … 

Operation name with the title of … 

It is noteworthy that the very body Hayes released through their new art director were called not only as Hayes-Alsac. In other words a reduction from the Al-Sak — Alexis Sakhnoffsky. But when Hayes is needed, we could go and do a pure PR, if not to talk about fraud! At least in one case, the company used the exotic title of Count as «ad features» at shows and in the press. We are talking about the very Devaux, is a direct partner of Hayes. Among other things, the company promoted these machines as women, talking about the «ease of management of fragile female hands and chic, the effect achieved by the Count and appeals to them …»
However, immediately evident that the design of these machines is more a classic «mass product» of those times, who had little to do with the favorite Earl smooth lines. And so it is! In this case, it was about the exploitation of exotic name and title Sahnoffski de … 

In reality to what went into the series, I had almost nothing! Bodies were leftovers from the previous company Durant, and only some of the contours in the new fenders and grille have taken something from the graph design, which, in fact, the emphasis was placed under a new brand advertising campaign.
DeVaux lasted a little more than one year, going to the Continental, and even when it was produced, the Count has left the company Hayes.
It stipulated in the contract year passed quickly and soon the Count got real freedom for creativity, going on «free bread». At this point, having in its portfolio such iconic cars, including the same serial of Auburn, he was more than needed and could afford to choose interesting projects.

Finally, de Sahnoffski was able to come close to the level of life, which he missed in the poor during his «Belgian time.» And, as the then-press, his eccentric extended to wardrobe — de Sahnoffski could safely wear «breeches and boots a rider with a snow-white shirt to plow.»
Around the same time, Alexis came up with yourself branded monogram, which later was his original signature.
Most interesting is that the initials engraved in it is not Latin and Cyrillic — A.d.S.

… And the next turns of fate

In some karmic that one of the first contracts that de Sahnoffski performed as a freelancer for the company Mullins Mfg.Co in 1931 became a … 7-foot speed boat. It is possible that the effects of this strange project was the fact that in May, the Count and his wife had nearly died! A small newspaper wrote: «… local boy Richard Hurst rolled a couple on the lake in Michigan, when the speed boat capsized about a mile from the shore. Richard kept his head, ducked and disconnect the motor and let the boat float. After that, he managed to save the Countess, who by this time, apparently, hopelessly drowning and then later helped to Earl, who was in a state of shock … „.
But very soon, in the summer, there was news of another nature, and in the New York Times — Auburn hired de Sahnoffski as a consultant.

However, according to the company recognized historians, none of the Auburn Cord or did not become a real fruit of this collaboration graph now. Most likely, at that time it was a different story. Due to this serious request automaker Immigration Department has changed the status of de Sahnoffski by allowing to remain in the US indefinitely, as well as taking formal orders that for the next decade made a name de Sahnoffski known everywhere, even in the homes of most ordinary Americans.
It is noteworthy that a few years later the Count still again converged with Auburn. However, in this case, all it limited only schematically, but in fact, the advertising company 1935 year. However, how much in the design of new Auburn SuperCharged were traces of itself Boat Tail?! … 

Together with the design work, and Count ever perform very unusual job. For example, he spoke not only interpreter, but also a real negotiator with the French investors to William Durant (person from the company which is the same DeVaux was born), who tried to return to the issue of small-car business. And in January 1932, nearly three years after that meeting in Paris at the exhibition with the head of the Board of Directors Packard Alvan Macauley (what link??), Who became the father Edward Macaulay hires de Sahnoffski as a design consultant for their new stylistic Department. However, the contract and there has been very specific.

Still in Packard

Firstly, it consisted of only three months, and it appeared, that de Sahnoffski Packard will allocate projects to two full days per week. Payment measured $ 800 per month. As is the case with the Hayes, the main task was to make the count, and the novelty of his vision in the existing projects of the company, as well as change the design of projects remaining after Ray Dietrich, who left the Packard in favor of Chrysler. The main visible result of this, it would seem very short-term co-operation, was the famous «false-hood» that the world first saw the 12-tsillindrovom Packard 1108 Sport Phaeton, which appeared in 1933.

Unusual moments also was the fact that the graph is strongly inclined windscreen, suffered a «spare tire» with a standard front seats in the niches on the wings, on the trunk, as well as a whole was able to make a huge classic sedan with classic folding roof aerodynamic style. Naturally the car won the Grand Prix at the first exhibition, where it is «lit up» in Chicago.

Subsequently, the same par with Cord L29 Hayes, this car was considered one of the most beautiful, at least in the history of American kouchbildinga.
However, here we can not say that, not only de Sahnoffski developed extra-long «false» —kapot. For example, in the same Chrysler Imperial was released in 1932, becoming the first American production car with such style.

However, comparing the design of the two machines can be seen as more progressive and generally trivial Packard line in comparison with the much more trivial competitors … 

Moreover, the author of Imperial-and Ralph Roberts made it clear that «spied» the decision … at the Paris Motor … Recall that it was de Sahnoffski, back in the 20’s working in the Van den Plaas was the author of a number of bodies, including many Minerva is, including the most scandalously known Victoria for the polo player, using «flalsh-hood» was the first in the history of … 

In reality, for the three months to de Sahnoffski Packard painted a lot of sketches, which at that time did not fit into the style of this classic American automaker. All these sketches became the basis of long-term (and secret) archive companies, including, including 12-tsillidrovuyu front-wheel drive car. And after just a few years, on the verge of the 40’s Packard at the completely new model in which the design heritage of the Russian Count traced to and from … 

Fortunately, even though the company «did not shout about it,» but at least it did not deny ‘the consultant’ involvement in the emergence of this new generation of cars. But the Count himself, as they say, «was not a mistake.» Almost at the same time de Sahnoffski nothing prevented to work in the same stylistic consultant for the Studebaker, although in this case it is not known that it was used by later. And just a year later, in 1934, he began working with Chrysler!

And the rescue Airflow

However, in this case, he was called in the truest sense of the rescue, literally to save the situation with the first US car entirely executed with the design streamline, become the first in history, developed in the wind tunnel!

The most interesting thing here is that not de Sahnoffski helped develop the famous Airflow with its incredibly futuristic monocoque body-cell with a fully streamlined forms. However, this design was so innovative — and the yard was the 1933rd year — that has completely failed! And Chrysler was any ways to revive the public interest to the radical creation.

In order to advertise on car shows and exhibitions and stunt drivers are even deliberately overturned Airflow, thereby demonstrating to the public the incredible reliability of the ordinary steel body, made similar to the safety cage of a modern sports car.

This is when all the company around, including the Chrysler itself, widely used classical frame structure, moreover, in the course still went wooden frames … 

However, we must clarify once again — no real relation to the appearance of the car did not have de Sahnoffski. Again, it was about his name and solid reputation of the designer and innovator. However, according to the historical annals of the Chrysler, Alexis change the interior of the machine. Plus he designed the exterior of show halls at fairs and exhibitions, which sold Airflow, and drew a huge number of stylish sketches, which became the basis of the advertising company … 

Himself Alexis took seriously the matter, and even imbued with this car, though he was not the author of it, glad that at least as it has helped its promotion and sales of this innovative vehicle. However, as a result of Chrysler Airflow too ahead of his time, and in spite of several attempts facelift, still proved to be a failure in terms of sales … 

At the same time in America, there is no small event — the fall of 1933 year, there is one of the most prestigious men’s magazine named Esquire. The original 160-page magazine is published every quarter, but demand has been so great that since January 1934 Esquire began to come out every month. This is not surprising, since at the moment of its creation was considerable scope, and a regular contributor among the authors featured in its most famous writers of the time writers, including Ernest Heminguveya itself.
How to read the official press release, Alexis de Sahnoffski was chosen as the illustrator of «Illusions of speed», and soon promoted to technical and mechanical editor. Though, here again we can recall the skepticism of many, because in reality the Count was not an engineer in its purest form … 
However, far more important publication was exemplary and the more exclusive material futuristic machines that fertile and creative imagination de Sahnoffski provided in abundance. Especially that the graph is not limited to cars, trucks and drawing, and boats, and more.

It is therefore not surprising that with such a platform for self-realization, soon Alexis implemented the absolutely incredible, and sometimes, just unexpected design orders, thereby increasing inscribing his name in history, «not forgetting» while periodically itself becomes the story for «yellow press»… 

To be continued…
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