Dakar drug truck

At the northern French port of Le Havre, a transit point for the major part of service vehicles of the most famous rally raid, one of the service Dakar trucks, which was on its way back from the South America to Europe, found to be carrying a huge batch of cocaine. It was here in the port of Le Havre where this detective story unfolded.

At the northern French port of Le Havre, a transit point for the major part of service vehicles of the most famous rally raid, one of the service Dakar trucks, which was on its way back from the South America to Europe, found to be carrying a huge batch of cocaine. It was here in the port of Le Havre where this detective story unfolded.

The team involved in drug scandal is Epsilon Team which is (or rather was) dealing with providing assistance services to the participants of the marathon. One of the trucks belonging to the Spanish team was used in an attempt to smuggle a record-setting batch of the drug. 1.393 tonnes of cocaine was hidden in tyres stored inside the truck.

The approximate price of the seized batch of poison is €300 million. It’s one of the largest finds of the drug which has ever been seized by the police. The truck was arrested near Normandy on its way to Barcelona.

Forces from various European countries were involved — police departments from France, Spain, and Bulgaria. Four people have been arrested so far in the ongoing investigation including David Olivares (the founder and director of the Epsilon Team) and Xavi Mora (team member who was driving the truck). There is no doubt that the history of the Epsilon Team, which started taking part in Darkar races in 1987, has now come to an end.

According to almrally.ru

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