Tesla to produce four electric vehicles and a submarine

By 2018, Tesla, the US-based manufacturer of electric vehicles, plans to produce four new models and start developing an amphibious car.

By 2018, Tesla, the US-based manufacturer of electric vehicles, plans to produce four new models and start developing an amphibious car.

In addition to the already announced SUV and sedan models, Tesla will produce a city car, dubbed the Model C, and a Model R roadster.

The SUV is scheduled to come to market in the end of 2014, while the sedan will go on sale only in 2016. The rest of the premieres are due to arrive before the end of 2018, however, there is no word on exact dates yet. The company also plans to launch production of an electric submarine: “It’s a low priority project but we can create a transformation amphibious vehicle using Model S electrics. It will look like the Esprit too but 10 percent bigger and we’ll make it in single digit numbers, but it can be done”, said Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk while looking at the famous James Bond Lotus Esprit amphibious car.

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