Cancel all rules in Formula 1

Bernie Ecclestone has decided that the last couple of Formula 1 Grand Prix were very eventful, dynamic, and unpredictable. It means that one should leave the next year’s regulations alone and take a few new entries off the list together with that.

Bernie Ecclestone has decided that the last couple of Formula 1 Grand Prix were very eventful, dynamic, and unpredictable. It means that one should leave the next year’s regulations alone and take a few new entries off the list together with that.

What Formula 1 needs is some “fine tuning”, decided the Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone. “All the stupid and unnecessary rules that have been added in recent years, it should be no more. I want a World Championship of drivers, not of engineers. There will be no standing start after a Safety Car phase. What we saw in Budapest was good enough”.

Most probably, the race of “taxi drivers” will also be brought to an end and Ecclestone will cancel the fuel limit as well. However, the FIA is unlikely to support this idea.

What concerns the speculations about a “show consultant” Flavio Briatore, who was to help the Formula 1 boss to improve the reputation of Formula 1 races, Ecclestone has not confirmed the information about employing Briatore as a Formula 1 image-maker: “We do not need Flavio in these questions”. Apparently, the consultant is going to deal with different questions… however, it is unknown which exactly.

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