Racing and computers Alexander Moiseev

He gives the impression of absolute phlegmatic. Though outwardly calm — the inheritance of any IT specialist, a man accustomed to deal with inanimate nature. Or to be more correct to say — non-living nature?

I've always wondered if these people can be in the sport, and what they will do at the wheel of a racing car. There is a special case. Sasha was so engrossed in the topic of motor sport in all its aspects that distinguish it only the pilot did not seem possible. He is manager and ideologue of creatives in one bottle. And sales director «Kaspersky Lab». In fact it is precisely with its entire supply originated sub-brand «Kaspersky Motorsport», which develops in several directions, and it was he who created the same command, which is currently involved in the Blancpain GT Series series.

We managed to talk to him during one of the race weekends, namely on the track Paul Ricard, which hosted the 1000-kilometer race on the eve of the 24-hour Endurance in Spa. We talked on Friday night, in a completely empty press center, because it was the only available place is quiet and cool in the 30 degree heat of the night the French. He still did not know what the next day for nearly five hours, they will lead the class, and then descend due to the failed engine. What he psihanet, wants to withdraw from the race, and then say: «We must make all and win.»

He talked about how he found himself in motorsports as friends with Ferrari, both rode his first race and made a real racing simulator, and I listened to him and understood that motor sport for him — a truly great adventure, and the world he perceives, rather everything through the prism of the monitor and a joystick. But what he groovy in their plans and ideas!

In the last weekend of July, namely 30 and 31 July at the famous Spa circuit in the Belgian Ardennes on 24 hour marathon within the Blancpain Endurance Series, that everyone can look at site — and at the same time watch the how a team performs Kaspersky Motorsport.

Alexander Moiseev: I have an old acquaintance, his name is Fisichella. Yes, the same. I lived in Italy for a long time, and my friend met him. Through this same friend in 2009 we with Eugene Kaspersky, Richard Branson handed an invitation to the Italian Grand Prix at Monza.

After this trip, Jack says to me: «Let's come to Formula 1 sponsorship, I want, I want.»

We then from the standpoint of a purely mercantile calculation reviewed and weighed all teams in Formula, and the best in terms of usability turned Ferrari. She was also the most difficult in terms of the beginning of cooperation. After all, we essentially had to start now, and they have already become monsters themselves were selected, with whom want to work with and who not. It was then and handy introduction to Fisichella, who introduced us to the agency, is responsible for promoting and sponsoring brand. I was at the meeting dropped a phrase that «Evgeny Kaspersky is the Enzo Ferrari in the field of computer science,» and that they bribed. So in 2010 we launched a joint project in which we acted as support for the company. By the way, in the beginning we supported GP2 and personally Giancarlo Fisichella, who played there, and then went up another notch and came into F1.

AM.: Behind the wheel of a racing car, I was almost by accident. There was a funny moment when we return to the track in Monza, together with Enrico Zanarini (very well-known character in world motorsport, past manager of many pilots, including Fisichella), and I picked up at the airport. Something I probably played on the road, because before you go out, he told me: «Come this way, I'll make you a test on the track. Better you kill yourself on the track than on the road ditched me. » And I arranged a test. It was in Valencia. The tests went very well, by the way, Eugene Kaspersky was driving, and we both have everything worked out quite well.

And then Ferrari asked us: «Do you want to?» And we wanted.

The first experience was in the Ferrari Challenge. This year all the team just moved from 430 th to 458 th, and I was seated behind the wheel of a car. For me it was the first race in general. And I, by the way, it won then, however, in the Am category, of course.

AM.: Of course, we do not just ride. For example, last year, when it was decided to participate in the Blancpain GT Series, we have gathered all the marketing data and realized that, even against the backdrop of the Formula 1, we are getting very good numbers! Of course, Formula 1 is our primary tool, but it is mostly B2B, but in terms of partnerships Blancpain story is much more interesting. Here we have our own team, its history, and despite the fact that this team is still under the wing of «AF Corse», this awesome tool, which is very nicely complements our history of Formula 1.

AM.: Kaspersky Motorsport is still sub-brand, and only what we have. We promote it to Kaspersky Lab, of course, fans' story, but it is the direction is a little distance from the main business. Of course, as a result, we aim to get people to buy the company's products, but first of all we want to receive and athletic performance.

AM.: You may be surprised, but we are comparing auto racing (primarily F1) with football, when making their choice.

Cumulatively UEFA probably larger, but the problem is that UEFA is held every 4 years. And then a huge amount of steps every year.

As for the Ferrari, it is a very strong brand with history, charisma and incredible odds vizabiliti. Spectators watching the Ferrari principle, their victories and defeats, and everything happening around. No other team with Ferrari beats. So we chose a Ferrari and not make a mistake. The return we have a very large, with high rates. We felt that if we invest a dollar, you get back about seven, as if bought advertisements for the money. Chic thing.

AM.: Who is one of our tasks is to find the «race of genius», which could become the face of «Kaspersky». I'd like to repeat history with Alonso, who «discovered» Santander. We have seen many interesting young people, but we liked Antonio Fuoco, he was 19 years old, have the right age for Formula 1, he passed a series of tests in Barcelona and at the Nürburgring, and went very well. Now he helps with the settings of the machine, which is very popular and Vettel and Raikkonen.

Another very young Italian talent to eight years of age very cheerfully travels on the map. We think now, what to do with him. Our children also watched, but, frankly, I did not find anything outstanding. Talent is there, but no more.

AM.: selection of people to the team involved too, I said. And my main requirement to them, that they should not have gone crazy in our reality. We strannenkie. We are IT company. And our strangeness can apply to anything.

For example, last year I was right on the track before the race at Spa soldered tidy car.

They wanted to change it to a warehouse for 7,500 euros, and I strangled a toad, and I soldered LEDs on it, and all we have to work the entire race.

AM.: For me, absolutely not difficult to participate in motorsport — in the sense that I was in the race and have time to work. We're going into the season only about 10 races. That's not a lot. For your own convenience, we have adapted the whole internal organization of the races so that everyone was comfortable.

Previously, everything was done randomly, and now I come to the track, get in the car and drove off.

Action Plan on the day I wrote my coach Marco Chochi. It includes all aspects — work on the track, car setup, work with the telemetry. At other times, I can do my work, and I have it so that I take the computer and do all that is necessary. That's all.

AM.: Well, for example, here is my tomorrow's race day will look something like this: rise at 8 am, we leave at 8:30. On the track you have to be at 9.00. At 10:20 I start to qualifying. Then Marco ordered that we sit and relaksiruem before the race, and we have no worries. In addition, we have a physiotherapist novel, which helps us to relax.

In general, nowhere to roam, the forces do not spend, and at 18.00 we start, and away we go.

This time we will go for one shift (stintu). We decided that double stint involves more opportunities for error — because it's hot, hard, and do not care to change tires and refuel with gasoline. But in the Spa we will go from two shifts, so there we go four, and after passing his shift, continue to give 6 hours of free time when you can relax, eat and even sleep.

AM.: I must say that no special regulations or the menu of the day we do not, we eat everything.

But I will reveal a terrible secret: the pilots of F-1 during the weekend, too, no diet is not that they did not tell the journalists! Macaroni and cheese — a great diet!

I watched all this repeatedly ☺ The issue is that you do not eat after the race, and during the weekend metesh everything as needed calories. In addition, we do not go in F1, where the rate affects each kilogram class and we — «Am». We have a plus / minus 10 kg can change time of 0.1 second. Tenth is, of course, a lot, but in this category it may not affect anything ☺

AM.: The animal fear the person has always been. There are no people who would not be afraid for his life. I can say for myself that in the same O'Ruzh leg involuntarily rises with the gas pedal. At a speed of 200 km / h when approaching a wall, like it or not, and scary, of course. But everyone who participates in the race, it happens a transitional moment; I do not know how to explain it, but after a certain number of kilometers you have lost the fear of man, that you can afford to harm. And it happens very quickly. Then comes the next phase you begin to worry that, if you will bring / deploy / vedesh into the wall, then you will lose valuable time and positions.

The main thing that a person has certain triggers: When you move into a new phase, trigger snaps, and you realize that you did it once — do both.

AM.: I badly want to get into a program called «Formula Medicine». This course for athletes who are in the North of Italy. They all come: and from Formula 1, and the youngest of the series: they are many who are trained and prepared. This combination of health programs, physical training and analysis of chemical processes in the body, they are completely paint your job in the near future life. It takes 3 days to find a life that is entirely dedicate program. I promise: I will find before the end of the year because it is a must do.

We are now conducting Kaspersky International Driving Academy — such utter driving school for customers and partners, which is 10 times a year to bring the tracks, motivate and put behind the wheel.

And now I want to bring to the track and even the guys from the «Formula Medicine» to unite together and establish a comprehensive training program. Because many of the problem is not to show a decent time, and to «collect» the circle. For example, I sometimes panic starts, I start to hurry and make mistakes: later I brake exceeds its speed, etc. And you need to do is strictly on the contrary — for example, brake earlier, and gas is pressed later, and then suddenly from somewhere there are 2 seconds.. But it must first defeat in his head, and to make this impossible. That requires professionals. Moreover, these trainings are quite adequate money — conditionally about a couple of thousand euros.

AM.: We are working on one of the most interesting projects. With a single command, which was previously involved in F1, we have created a car simulator.

The case itself we cast from carbon. In general, it is a machine, which is not, this thing called «Kaspersky simulator», say with a car we «stripped» we can not, but, in principle, when you look at it all becomes clear.

Only metallotehnicheskuyu part, we spent a year and then have plenty of time took all the software, for another three months, we «rolled out» route — ie, take tracks, they scanned laser and created their computer image.

It looks like a car without an engine: the body, roll bars, screens on the windows — everything is there. Just cut off the hood. We came up with a lot of technology to the management of this car give a realistic response. For example, you can get the right effort on the steering wheel — to simulate various situations: steering gear broke, the wheel flew off, led you, or you hit a curb — all the sensations you get full. Plus, we have established a real brake on the car, and come up with different tricks to brake and give a real response and the right feeling.

Designed on the principle of flight simulator it — ie, large room hemisphere, screens projected track well, etc.

In fact, it is quite a unique thing. The result was a real training simulator GT3 category. The difference between it and the track — 0.2 seconds. For Formula such exist, but for the body — no. All are available in more toy than a real simulator. And we have direct... well, really well!

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