All NSX!

Acura NSX could be the basis for a family of new Honda models.
156 thousand dollars — is the minimum price supercar Acura NSX, which is one of the most expensive cars in America. In Europe, the car costs at least 180 000 euro.
Soon basis Acura NSX could be the basis for a whole family of new Honda models. This was told the chief engineer Ted Klaus.

Recall that the NSX is equipped with a 3.5-liter gasoline twin-turbo engine the V6, three electric motors and a 9-speed transmission with double clutch. Hydride power is 573 horsepower, and acceleration to the first hundred will need 3 seconds. Maximum speed — 307 km / h.
In fact, initially this car is not regarded as an independent project, namely as a platform for other models. So that soon there will be many versions of it: lightweight Type R, convertible, electric vehicle and «charged» exhibit only with internal combustion engines.

By the way, some prototypes of vehicles can already be seen. So, to compete in speed climb the mountain Pikes Peak company exhibited a prototype of a lightweight NSX and created a concept electric car 4-Motor Acura EV with four electric motors.
Photo: manufacturer
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