IndyCar. The sad result of a failed race

Rain on the oval in Texas and a terrible accident prevented to hold the ninth stage of the championship.

From Saturday night till Sunday evening, the fans have been waiting race on the oval Texas Motor Speedway. First, we are waiting for the start, and then continue, but in the end it was over the transfer of the competition in August. In addition to the failure of the plot, when the race all started, there was a serious racing incident with Conor Daly (Dale Coyne Racing) and Joseph Newgarden (Ed Carpenter Racing). Fortunately, the accident there were no casualties.

The most persistent fans of motor racing, probably going to see the live broadcast of the IndyCar race, which was to begin at about four o'clock in the morning Moscow time. At this point in Texas it was already late in the evening. Organizers planned to hold competitions under artificial light, but it did not work, as the next day in the natural. More than two hours of track dried but have not dried up availability status for the competition. It was decided to postpone the race on Sunday. By the time it coincided with the Canadian Grand Prix, «Formula 1», which prevented IndyCar live on the channel «Arena match.»

Priority of «Formula 1» is clear and is dictated by the chain of command, in addition, the channel promised to show «Indy» in delayed broadcast. It turned out as follows. At the end of the race, «Formula 1», on the racetrack in Texas already hung a red flag and mark proydёnnyh 71 circles of 248. The broadcast began and «catch up» with the live broadcast. After some waiting has been informed that the event will not go on.

In fact in combat mode, the race lasted only 42 range. Start won the pole position winner of the Carlos Muñoz (Andretti Autosport) and kept the lead until the first pit stop. Stops began in the 30th and stretched for more than 10 laps. At the 42nd turn of the race it was suspended yellow flags due to an accident. Conor Daly has lost control of his car and touched the car Joseph Nyugardena. At a speed of about 340 km / h both cars struck the fence. Daly almost did not suffer, but Nyugardena rescuers had extracted from the mangled car.

Joseph for a while lost consciousness, but then woke up. Doctors immediately sent the pilot to the hospital. Nyugarden broke his right collarbone and right arm. On Monday, the pilot hung on the network its positive picture and signature on them. In the media this signature seems to be more «combed», the original looks like.

«Just give me a little time, and I'll kick some ass gotod. I am very happy that all is well with conorms Daly. Many thanks to all that helped me to our team, a group of rescuers, all the organizers and the IndyCar race track and the doctors of Parkland Hospital. We are very fortunate to work with people who are the best in their field. I'm going to drink a whole bunch of (victory) milkshake. Once healed my bones, I'll carry your ass once in a race car. I was very lucky to have so many wonderful people in my environment. See „- wrote the pilot.

In turn, Conor Daly admitted his mistake, calling a «typical» for a beginner. «I did not expect that the car skidded, and I am very worried about Joseph. It was completely my fault. I tried to stay on the inner radius, because he knew that Joseph was catching up with me, and probably overdone. Joseph is a good friend, and I apologize to them. I am glad that it will be all right », — quotes the pilot site Russia.

IndyCar official website reported that the race is Nyugardena replace JR (John Randall) Hildebrand (John Randal «J.R.» Hildebrand, Jr.). The pilot wrote in his «Twitter» that vozvaraschetsya on the road is clearly not on the ideal reasons. «I hope that my pal Joseph will soon return to the game until I replace it yet,» — says Hildebrand. «I called Ed Carpenter and asked to conduct tests in Elkhart Lake, but at the moment the team does not know whether Joseph will perform in the race, so I just try to do a good job in testing, but we'll see — Hildebrand said. — It seems that the clarity with when it Nyugarden back behind the wheel, you will be later », — quotes the words of the pilot Russia.

Russian driver Mikhail Aleshin IndyCar (Schmidt Peterson Motorsport / SMP Racing) started the race from 16th position. Until the pit stops went on the 14th, and before and after the red flags occupied the third position in the back of the field. Michael now has left the US and arrived in France to take part in the famous race marathon «24 hours of Le Mans» for the Russian SMP Racing team.

In general, «dudes» of the IndyCar and more ready to «tear ass» for and against his colleagues on the slopes of the championship. Road America is waiting at a party team and fans on June 26. A Texas again try to hold the race on 27 August.


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