Infatuated with the aerodynamics. Part 4

The incredible story of the incredible Cord
We continue our story about Alexis de Sahnoffski. Perhaps most famous for his creation became the Cord L29, which, like almost everything in life count, related many interesting stories.
Having essentially as a translator and manager of the Belgian «coach bildingovoy» firm Van den Plas, an immigrant from the Russian Empire, he made a name for this car designer. It was backed up by numerous awards at various European «The competition of elegance», including several Grand Prix at the most prestigious of them in Monaco, and in 1929 it was the custom body in a Packard chassis.
The design of these machines in just 5 years, the Count has gone from a common toilet to the promised «ticket» to America. Ahead was an even bigger success.

At the new place

After a kind invitation from the Head of the Board of Directors Packard, and rejected the contract with GM’s, de Sahnoffski accepted the offer to take the post of art director in the firm body Hayes Mfg.Co. By the shores of America in the company of his young Belgian wife, who always remained in the shadows, the Count came in late autumn 1928 year. And this event thanks to the «PR man» has been the Hayes’ rastrezvoneno «in the trade press, including Autobody magazine where the graph above to open the way to their reputation by sending your materials to the editors … 
Sam Alexis remembers well his first few months in the United States: „By the middle of December, I gradually began to absorb themselves in America, studied the customs, but, more importantly, got into the American automotive design trends.

After years of creating entirely individual single body for me it turned out to be a completely new experience for the design development of the production line. Here severely limits the possibility of making silhouettes-bodies, and even required, such completely wild for me things like interchangeable door, the last year of application of the wings, etc. At that moment I felt that I had delivered to my knowledge unique experience to create a unique car lines in favor of the mass of the product, not cycling at the same time as such imagination.
Nevertheless, it was a fresh approach, something new, and American tinsmith expect from me is „freshness“, and that was my goal — to adjust my thinking and techniques to a new style, put new ideas in the mass of the product media. „
And de Sahnoffski did it, but before that he had to make a difficult choice. At the end of December 1928, the year before he could settle in a new place, the Count calling all the very head of the Board of Directors Packard Elvan Macaulay, inviting Christmas dinner in Old Town Club, one of the most prestigious schools of Detroit.

The choice was still!

At that time, I am using Packard supplied by the body, manufactured in small batches of 10 to 100, depending on their needs. In addition, each kouchbilder had its own approach, but there is one big BUT. Although they all said that the body is manufactured exclusively for Packard’s, in reality with minimal changes in their selling and other auto manufacturers.

Macaulay wanted a truly unique, and invited de Sahnoffski to work — to create their own «Ying House» design studio. Here it seemed the most proposal- «chance of a lifetime», which the Count dreamed. However, he asks a few days to think.
The problem was that, although de Sahnoffski not sign any papers in advance with the Hayes, he was aware of one very important aspect. These are his future employers were busy for the Count and his wife, having received special permission from the US Department of State to «import» it as a «long-term expert.» The situation was aggravated by the fact that at that time the Russian quota for immigrants was significantly exceeded.
It is clear that in Hayes hoped that the Alexis at least a year will work on them. Earl decided not to dissemble and to discuss directly with the tempting offer Hayes Head of the Board of Directors, the very man who «noticed» it even if the visit to Belgium.

For both sides, including the Hayes, it was very important not to offend influential Macaulay, so the company concerned with understanding the situation. De Sahnoffski signed Hayes exactly a year, and its lawyers have come up with, rather it is the truth, the justification for the graph to the other party: the original 2-year work visa was indeed issued not personally count, and on the company Hayes, and his refusal to cooperation could mean immediate deportation back to Belgium.
These arguments are completely satisfied with the «big bump» from Packard, and he repeated his proposal four years later. However, during this time de Sahnoffski managed to do a lot, including for the first time (and not the last time) to really write your name in the history of automotive design.

His new creation not only took the top prizes at the Paris «Competition of Elegance» and «Honorary Grand Prix» (Grand Prix d’Honneur) in Beaulieu, also highly valued at the time, but also makes admire today, after almost a century, and surely continue to do so after a hundred years.

A new challenge

Hayes worked with a lot of car manufacturers, producing a body for them. However, the first significant, or, if you prefer — see that Alexis de Sahnoffski made on the American continent and the fact that as a result of his fame in the century, it became a compartment Cord L-29. Few little as this is the first front-wheel car series in the history of the American automobile industry. And it has been chosen not without reason, although the reason is not at all this progressive design. Designer himself describes the creation of his creation:
«Upon my arrival in America, I still decided to try once more to win the highest prize in Monte Carlo, this time with a fully American car (earlier, none of the cars built in the United States won the first prize at a competition of elegance). I chose the lowest of all American chassis — front-wheel drive Cord L29.

And although the designers have paid much attention to front of the vehicle, as for me the rest of the line as the body was simply awful.
The proportions of the car was also not ideal — roughly vertical windshield and completely flat side line. I think that it is the shape and caused this fiasco this model Cord in terms of sales. Given the popularity of small cars — who will come to mind to spend thousands of dollars on a luxury version of the body for it ?! However, I had the lowest gear, and the front of the car, too, I liked».

Most likely, Alexis has impressed quite a long hood, which was necessary in order to cover not only the in-line 8-cylinder engine and front-wheel drive and features of the design of the car.
«In fact, the construction of Hayes Body Company of this machine, which cost 15 thousand dollars (at that time a lot of money), in his own epic. I’ll tell you so — to persuade a harsh Board to spend such a sum in the midst of the «Great Depression», but still only just to satisfy my desire to once again showcase their talents in Monaco, has demanded from me confidence and considerable eloquence.

Fortunately, the knowledge of «inglisha» I received from the British women, nursing a child, were canceled. Apparently, I spoke quickly and convincingly enough, so that in the end the machine was built exclusively for my wishes!
The body was made completely new, used an aluminum hood, fenders and dramatically altered. To achieve the ideal lines, first the whole body, we have made of solid wood as a layout and have it with a hammer tapped the actual body parts. Needless to say that almost everything was done not only «from scratch», but entirely by hand».

The most incredible fact that the machine was made by experts Hayes in just 2.5 months!
It is also noteworthy that the official number of the owner of the Countess de Sahnoffski — because for contests car was officially to be in private hands, and not represent or kouchbildera automaker. However, this was only the beginning of the history of this pair — extraordinary Earl and his new creation. To begin with, «I hardly had time to ship Ile de France, to keep up with the competition. Imagine — in the car was not connected to any electrical component while I drove her from Le Havre to Paris. I call this part of our journey, «To get to Paris.» But further more.

Adventures of Russians in France

De Sahnoffski continues: «The very EL Kord (founder of Cord A — author’s note.) Assured me — „we have there is one of the best engineers, who will do everything, do not worry!“. This turned out to be the best mechanic colored boy, to put it mildly, not very much who respected engineering refinements Cord. Relief from it too turned out a bit.
„Hell“ — he swore, when I complained about the „telling lies“ fuel gauge — „none of those is available here in Paris, does not work! So we replaced the sensors are simple dimensional probe in the tank. Imagine the image of American cars were standing about a million francs, flaunting dimensional probe for fuel gauge! After his „help“ I went on.

Every morning, I found the „dead“ battery, but in those days there was no quick recharger. So I came to the Riviera with a trunk full of „dead“ battery. To have time, and time is running out, I drove to the full. After serpentine rock in front of Cannes bolts of the front bumper of the vibration flew off, and the bumper I hooked wire. However, the main thing — the body passed all these tests, its graceful lines remained in the form, and I was quite sure I conceived that French judges appreciated them.
I arrived on the scene in the morning until the early hours a couple falling asleep on the go-French mechanics replaced the necessary parts, washed and polished, they said „la Cord Americaine“. At 10 in the morning I drove to the Casino International. Dressed butler threw open the door for me and pulled the handle, which was locked from the inside. With a nasty sound, she broke down and hopelessly hung in a vertical position — a good start.

Then I notice the suspicious emptiness and the absence of traffic for the day, which should be „Contest Shootout“, always preceding the main „big opening event.“ And then the International Athletic Club secretary tells me the sad news — „Shootout“ took place the day before! „Thanks to the“ delay in Paris, we had escaped from the schedule … 
„But, Monsieur, you’re in luck,“ — he tells me — local „American Colony“ overexcited news that will participate in the contest American car, built entirely in the United States. They have already told us about this yesterday, asking not to disqualify the car without looking at her, assuring her that when we see, we will understand everything. So let’s take a look.

Naturally, I took heart. But, more importantly, as it turned out, those Americans who spoke a kind of guarantor of my creation, in reality had no idea what it looks like the car! They were bluffing! Nevertheless, I took it as a compliment — such support from my new country, I was impressed.
After a morning inspection, the judges retired to lunch with champagne, followed by two hours of the day all the contestants formed a column. The fact that it was my car was surrounded by photographers, not only gave me confidence, but also gave the main news. The judges’ decision was leaked to the ubiquitous reporters — my baby took the Grand Prix!

When we finally pulled up slowly to the judges’ table, I was asked to leave the car, and he handed me the Prince of Monaco Cup with a wreath, and thanked for the fact that I came back to Monte Carlo. With the tablet Grand Prix in our cooler, we had full immunity from the traffic police, and, believe me, I took it to the full … „Interestingly, this is the story of the journey of the graph in Monaco interspersed with“ won the Grand Prix „has given rise later for a completely stupid mistakes in the media today, assuring that de Sahnoffski won by the car ‘Monaco Grand Prix’, and even the legendary „Rallye Monte Carlo“ … 

Elegance and singularity

However, after returning to the United States, de Sahnoffski, who are not even 30 years old, has become a real star of automotive design. Now it has really wrote the local press, and also continental. Here is an excerpt from an article from the same Autobody May 1930:
«Cord Coupe on the chassis has been developed by Alexis de Sahnoffski at his request and for his personal use. After some vicissitudes, it was presented by the author in the „Contest of elegance“ in Monte Carlo and then in Bule … The machine is worthy of attention her departure from traditionalism — instead of the usual straight here almost everywhere used flowing lines. Finished in sky-blue color „Mountain Fog“ with gold, which even the wheels were covered.

Top Leather Eagle-Ottawa flesh-colored, whereas the leather used in the elements, painted in blue body color. Opened metal parts, including radiator, chrome-plated. Hood distinguish unusual horizontal slots formed as a louver, recessed depth and extending almost the entire length of it. Outside, all the body lines are smooth transitions and moldings, as well as an unusual form have side windows. Of special note is the unprecedented low profile of the machine, while the coupe is the usual space of 37 inches above the seat».
In other words, for a total height of 140 centimeters, inside of the seats there was nearly a meter to the roof! At the same time standing next to the car, leaning, Alexis put his elbow on the roof, and even one of the miniature «Girls Siegfried» Marion Dodge posing against the backdrop of the compartment was higher Cord.

His design Earl gave the car an even lower appearance. He argued that at the time it was the lowest car in the world, and track 154 cm, the widest … 
«The car is completely absent unusual steps between the wings — to get to the salon, you can simply putting his foot right into the floor. (In those days cars because of their high frame structure have steps, while at such a low gear in the Cord could get in on any modern car today). Wide front fenders smoothly into the sides of the machine with improvised ribs. Especially highlighted newly manufactured rear fenders, rear combined in reverse bending, giving an unusual „strimlayning“ effect throughout the body.

Hind wings are not „terminated“ as usual, and one common „skirt“. By some dividing lines are fine leather inserts … Extended back panel, chrome trim strips — all this gives the body extending effect … (In this case, the actual body length is very small — less than 4.5 meters). Even the steps to the rear folding seats here have a special shape, harmonizing with the other lines of the body … 
Spare wheels are coated in the color of the top of the skin, and using the disclosed zipper … (Thus, the replacement of the driver would not be soiled, remove it). Also important, and a smooth transition of the roof at its base, and particularly elegant and unusual incredible narrow oval rear window (in reality it was going down, allowing conversation with sitting behind „Teschin place“). Moreover, the author even gave an unusual elongated shape of the door handles, which are located at the same angle as the flowing lines of the body moldings, further emphasizing the spicy curves whole body … 

The interior of the car is more conservative, but also full of pleasant and eye-catching details. Here there is a folding center armrest. Contrary to the trend, inside door handles and switches — all completely smooth in contrast to the outer flowing lines … Bronze controls form two arches on either side of the central panel. Interestingly, if one controls the volume of the radio (in reality it was behind the seats, and the speakers are embedded in the floor), then pulling the other, we find cylindrical ashtray, which can be emptied by turning around its own axis or completely pull out …»


In fact, completely devoid of straight lines the car never left the press bands and not only the specialized automobile. Interestingly, one article entitled «From dresses to machines.» By the way, it was argued that at that time the mother of Alexis, in due time to draw women’s clothes, is still held in the Paris salon of women’s dresses. According to another article, «The Count was forced on the way back from Monaco to keep doors and windows closed against excessive public interest. In Paris, as he had to repair the four handles „de Sahnoffski itself, for which it is the Grand Prix in Monaco was the fifth in a row, the row continues.:
„I want to note that prior to this event, many, many luxury body bodywork American based on American chassis, took part in the competition, as well as the fact that in reality the continental body on the chassis of the US won and not too little. However, this case was the first in history, when the machine is based on an American chassis with a fully body made in America, received the highest award. On top of this only a week later, we took the Grand Prix d’Honneur at the „Competition of Elegance“ in Boulet (Beaulie Elegance Contest).

Years passed. Do not believe it, but the car was sold, and not just gathering dust, and nearly rotted in some hangar of metallurgical plant in the city of Erie. However, collectors and enthusiasts of unusual vehicles, as well as my good friend, Brooks Stevens in Milwaukee, bought it shortly after the Second World War and restored to original appearance. Today (in 1955 year), it is a valuable copy in his collection, consisting of about 30 cars. „I knew would de Sahnoffski.
Later, the car took a lot of prizes already on modern „beauty contest“, including the famous Pebble Beach. Just a few years ago, it Cord L29, which became known as the Hayes Special, was sold at an auction for almost $ 2.5 million. At the same time, he has managed a total of about 20 thousand.

Returning to a new home, Alexis plunged into work for its intended purpose — creating a design for Hayes clients. It fully lived up to its promise, just starting to bring in line the previously flowing openly angular design classic cars of the time, adding original colors. This is often the graph really sinned, without going into detail engineering of nuances, for which he subsequently some contemporaries and later «historians», belittled his achievements, though, it was more a question of the envious. And every day there are more, because the performance of de Sahnoffski impressed … 

To be continued…

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