30 LaFerrari units for loyal customers

Being hurried by car customisers, Ferrari have finally got down to tests of the boosted version of the LaFerrari XX hybrid supercar.

Being hurried by car customisers, Ferrari have finally got down to tests of the boosted version of the LaFerrari XX hybrid supercar.

Upgraded LaFerrari units will be available only to the company’s most loyal customers. It will be a limited edition of 30 units, however, their price have not been disclosed yet. The price of a standard LaFerrari is around €1.2 million.

Quite recently, word leaked out that the company had upgraded its 6.3-litre V12 engine together with the work of electric part of the hybrid powerplant. As a result, LaFerrari XX’s power has been bumped up to a truly impressive 1,050 hp.

The initial plan was to make the car sprint to 100 km/h in less than 3 seconds. We’ll find out soon whether or not the engineers were able to achieve such results. As a reminder, it takes the standard LaFerrari model delivering 960 hp 3 seconds to accelerate to 100 km/h.

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