Nimbus on the «Formula 1»

Ferrari team pulled the car head protection system.
Once the network has photos from the pre-season tests in Barcelona, ​​fans of «Formula 1» could not contain his laughter.
The first team that tested the design on the car was the Ferrari of Kimi Raikkonen.
Special arc called halo («halo»), here it is only in appearance more like a beach sandals, or even the subject of women's underwear. However, such a structure should be implemented by 2017.
About additional protection pilot worried for a long time. The current version of the cockpit was developed in 2012, but then because of their excess weight it recognized unsafe. Craftsmen Mercedes finalized the design and easier. This variant, with simple shapes, most preferably for cars, since it is not only simple, but inexpensive to commands.
For example, the idea was to make a transparent cap, but it would be much more expensive, and, in the event of an accident, the car fragments could fly off in the stands. While the «halo» Tests are ongoing. Another problem is that for its installation have structurally changed the chassis.

Photo: open source

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