Greek approach to the drag strip preparation in Novokuznetsk

The third stage or Russian Drag Racing Cup will get a special technical support. To prepare the drag strip properly Proaction Motorsport Events specialists will visit the stage and they will help to prepare the track with traction compound.

The third stage or Russian Drag Racing Cup will get a special technical support. To prepare the drag strip properly Proaction Motorsport Events specialists will visit the stage and they will help to prepare the track with traction compound.

As we told before, Dragtimes as an organizational team of Russian Drag Racing Cup already has experience in working together with Proaction Motorsport Events: before the beginning of the season Russian specialists visited Greece to learn how to improve the track with the compound. More earlier in the autumn 2013, Dragtimes and Proaction Motorsport Events held an Unlim 500+ festival in Crete, Timpaki airfield. Participants of that festival could set new records and proper track preparation helped to achieve such results.

Thanks to the cooperation with Proaction Motorsport Events the experience was expanded to Russian drag strips: first two stages were treated with traction compound according to European experience. But interaction between Dragtime and greek specialists proceeds to the next step: Nikiphoros and Nikolaos Diakakis will visit Novokuznetsk to prepare the drag strip on basis of Spichenkovo airport (IATA code — NOZ). This will be the first time when Russian drag competitions will get the track prepared according to world rules. This will help all participants to improve their times and it will make the competition more spectacular.

Greek team Proaction Motorsport Events is organizing drag competitions for more than 10 years and Greek Drag Racing Championship is held with their help as well. During these years huge experience, new tools and technologies were tested and high results were achieved: all European drag racers come to Timpaki. Now Russian racers get an opportunity to check the experience. 12th of July Russian drag car owners will be able to check European experience on Novokuznetsk drag strip.