El Niño coast «Dakar»

Not only the Queen of motor racing «Formula 1» of the problem, the king of rally «Dakar» — too.

Best friend «Dakar» Tourism Minister Enrique Meyer, Argentina, making a sad face, said that his country was not in a position to bear the financial burden for the «Dakar». Or ASO (Amaury Sport Organisation — French organizer of the prestigious rally, cycling, golf tournaments, etc..) Compensates for the loss of Argentina's withdrawal from the route of the rally-marathon rally Peru or not.

The race is on the verge of collapse

This is already in the history of the «Dakar» was not to say that a long time ago. History unprecedented to incredible. The teams flew to the «Dakar», gathered at the first briefing, which lasted a few minutes.

Organizers read out the text of the application and all dumbfounded. This — the terrorist threat, and to whom — the loss of confidence of sponsors, the monstrous moral and material damages. In short, punch in the stomach.

After this «Dakar-2009» left the Black Continent. In place of the South American sub-Saharan Africa came Atamaka — most lifeless desert on the planet. In addition to it — a dusty track roads, crossing the Cordillera, dry riverbeds...

Этьен Лавинь. Найдите разницу! На одном фото сообщает о срыве «Дакара-2008», на другом — о проблемах «Дакара-2016»...

  • Etienne Lavigne. Trouvez la différence! Dans une photo des rapports sur l'échec du "Dakar-2008" sur l'autre — sur les problèmes de "Dakar-2016"...

And now, seven years later, history threatens to repeat itself. Only with the difference that the torn «Dakar-2008» was only a plan A, and the «Dakar-2016», there is also a plan B: plan B, fast, very fast! In the sense that losing partner in Peru (which replaced Chile, emerged from the alliance after six years of cooperation with the «Dakar» after the flood), the race gained speed.

Peru came out of the game due to the weather forecasts predicting intensification of natural phenomenon El Niño.

Если теплое океанское течение наберет силу, то горячий год ждет не только Южную Америку.

  • If the warm ocean current gain strength, the hot year waiting for not only South America.

After a pause until mid-September, Peru confirmed its decision: we are out of the game. There was Bolivia and Argentina. But Bolivia has also fluctuates, force majeure for all and not for the elite! Argentina is trying to put the squeeze on vengeance partners: c'est la vie, sir, at the hospitable Argentine host does not have such funds.

Series Dakar: cross out the line

For some, «Dakar» — an adventure for anyone — a sport, and for whom, and business. Himself rally-marathon is preceded by preparatory and qualification series Dakar. This year's calendar was:

Desafio Ruta 40 (Argentina): 17 to 23 May
Desafio Guarani (Paraguay): 20 to 26 July
Desafio inca (Peru): 10 to 13 September

Between the first and second line substantial time lag, is not it? Yes, the gap left «Silk Way», which took place in early July.

Семен Якубов сделал невозможное: гонка уже на второй год своего существования получила название пол-Дакара. Не из-за качества, а из-за срока проведения — одна неделя вместо двух дакаровских.

  • Semen Yakubov has done the impossible: the race for the second year of its existence became known as a half-Dakar. Not because of the quality, but because of the period of — one week instead of two dakarovskih.

First, Russia has refused to him because of the fact that «gosteprimstva» is not enough and the Olympics in Sochi, and the rally-marathon in the same region. And then there were sanctionsand the idea to go back to the new-old venture with the «Master Rally», which is a truncated version prepared for the role of «Silk Way».

Once we delete...

Argentina's claim to the «social aid» justified. Prestige prestige and Business.

Floods, cyclones, and other natural disasters — all this is so. By the way, after the floods in Chile organizers of the «Dakar» listed on the charitable account of $ 50 000. How shall I put it mildly... In general,the party kicks off the entrance fee of 14 800 euros. In short, we are talking about tens of thousands of euros, which add up to a hundred...

And here's another interesting detail: the Peruvian press (for example, Gestion) with great enthusiasm writes that in the coming year Desafio inca also expand its route because «becomes a great opportunity to create and promote tourism, „which El Niño is still not a problem (which is not true of the“ Dakar „).

Buy your tickets in advance, but...

Well, yes, and the money is recalculated on the spot... But the entrance ticket to the «Dakar» is not confined to a buy. Everyone who had a chance to get to the «cash» (pilot + ATV = 14 800 euros, payable in three installments — € 4,000 on the eve of the selection 5000 — 15 September and the latest 5800 — until October 31), passed through the comb selection of new sports Director of the «Dakar» Marc Coma.

«We select the riders who meet very specific requirements, they have proved themselves in the top of the rally-raids, have navigation experience, their physical attributes beyond doubt, as well as the courses of study.»

Registration for motorcycles and ATVs is over for another 15 of July. It intentionally: for two or even three years, the applicant argues that he is entitled to a ticket.

This principle applies not only to the desperate bikers. For example, at the start of the rally «Sardinia» of 80 riders nearly 20 hoping to be better, to challenge the «Dakar». Same Baja 500 in Mexico wore the same direction, especially as the technical conditions for the race to become the traditional dakarovskoy.

Marc Coma

12-time member of the «Dakar» (came to the rally in 25 years) and 5-fold the winner Spanish motorcycle racer Marc Coma after all the triumphs and painful disappointments, retirements, injuries, penalties already seen their future on four wheels, and considered options as he has received an offer from one of the crew...

Coma was shocked: «My first reaction was:» Wow!... «As for Etienne avalanches, the idea to urge Coma he considers absolutely obvious.

«His candidacy — the first that came to my mind. We both share the same passion — a passion for the» Dakar «. I know that when he takes up something that is given to the full. I like its solidity and calm... »

Rekonessans according to plan «B»

French mot rekonessans (which is not surprising — the main master prescription «road book» French) corresponds to the English reconnaissance — reconnaissance before the battle, or exercise. But the exploration area is preceded by a draft version of the route.

That this is now a draft copy problem. Please minus Chile, now the minus Peru runs far ahead... we will not, as amended on the logo today, Bolivia and Argentina.

First we are going to start from Lima in Peru (it is not Chile). Hills Bolivia will add «Dakar» contrasts. The new route to large-scale map of the South American continent to build easy, but it's hard to squeeze in a «road book», integrating all of the turns and maneuvers in three-dimensional topography of the Andes.

Instead of a long corridor sands of Peru — the rugged heights of the plains of Bolivia the lake Titaka as a bonus. Good for tourists, but bad for the pilots who were going to storm the dunes.

Well, all the preparation down the drain? The question is not rhetorical, it provides an answer to the general manager of «Dakar» Etienne Lavigne.

«Dates, number of steps, the distance will remain the same, but the nature of the proposed area will cause participants to use a different approach to driving and provide an opportunity to go one gear higher. The first three days will be smaller dunes and more technical tracks... I have a feeling that a change in the general classification will more than likely... »

European team against the team of Naberezhnye Chelny

Who among the first to cross the finish line in Rosario (hope that Rossar) January 16?

For passenger cars, trucks and technicals registration is open until November 1, but the basic movements already in these classes are made. Everyone in a position of low start. The account is no longer for months, and today...

In the same «KAMAZ-master» calendar is filled to the limit — rally-raids across the steppes vast country, rallying in the Baltic and so on... The Russian national team from Naberezhnye Chelny did not miss even the Festival of Speed ​​at Goodwood. Know ours!

But the «KAMAZ-master» as usual will delay the announcement of the first team until the last, then the Dutchman De Roy had full certainty. In the team «road book» the main point — the podium!

В прошлом — Де Рой бывал и в гостях у «КАМАЗ-мастера», даже после травмы реабилитировался у их «семейного» доктора Бубновского, специалиста по сломанным позвоночникам.

  • In the past — De Rooy visited and visiting «KAMAZ-master», even after the injury was rehabilitated from their «family» doctor Bubnovskogo specialist, broke his spine.

Refusal of Peru on the route became bad news for Team Iveco Petronas De Rooy. If there are no dunes, it will be a cross-country race... And this at a time when Africa with a difference in a few days will be Africa Eco Race, has prepared a lot of dunes. Here necessarily thinking... De Rooy came on ASO — the organizer of «Dakar».

«This is — a shame... My first reaction was: how to move there at all? There will be no dunes — will not be enough space for trucks to race, do not train collecting dust. I am in close contact with the ASO, they told me about the organization of an alternative route. Their efforts deserve evaluation, I trust the new athletic director Marc Coma, he is well aware of the need for a competitive race. In the end, ASO assured me that the route will be the maximum amount of sand... »

De Roy made his choice and «kicked» a competing rally: «In general, it convinced us and our partners Iveco and Petronas to go to South America, as the safety and competitiveness in Africa would be a real problem for all of us.»

Of course, from Gerard de Roy's goal — to complete your collection by adding the lone gold Bedouin «Dakar-2012» new. But — alas — in 2013, the De Rooy was the fourth, in 2014 — the second, in 2015 — the ninth...

The team will take part in the «Dakar» with at least three trucks, they now go in this part of the race in Morocco. Behind the wheel of the first — De Rooy himself behind the wheel of the second — his countryman Ton van Genagten (11 place in the «Dakar-2015»), at the wheel of the third — Czech Ales Loprais (4th place in 2007, he had a bronze Bedouin). About Hans Stacey, who came to the «Dakar-2015» sixth question.

Tour of Europe

One of the preparatory PR-steps of the new «Dakar» — the traditional tour, in which representatives of the organizers, the famous racers and a pool of loyal journalists attending the tour dakarovskie star team. It was this summer and have not yet been spun around a mess of the route.

The tour was hosted by the Dutch armada de Roy, who was pleased with all the news that its flag and joined Ales Loprais.

«Perhaps, Czech pilot and will serve as a part of the team that will defeat the» KAMAZ-master? «»

This question, the statement sounded not at the reception, not on the sidelines, and the official website of«Dakar»(Could the Czech driver be the piece the squad needs to check-mate Kamaz?). However, De Rooy and attitude does not deny. Why no?

«We thought about it for a long time, and decided to join forces for the future of the podium. Loprais, as I was trying to beat KAMAZ for several years. It is time to combine our knowledge and our skills to do it... »

As for the tour, it will continue its route, which unlike dakarovskogo not undergone adjustments. The last stop was Poland, which, it appears, and ends with Europe and, moreover, its exploits on the «Dakar» grow every year...

And do not come back there «Dakar» in Africa?

Suppose the problem of «Dakar» in South America will grow. Not this, so in one of the subsequent years, something happened that has happened. Force majeure whether El Niño Is — does not matter. The question is not, will return there «Dakar» in Africa, but the fact is there where his return to the Dark Continent?

On the same route «Dakar», which makes beat faster heart settled «Desert Fox», Jean-Louis Schlesser (double world champion racing in the class sports car racer «Formula 1», a two-time winner of the «Dakar»), and not one and in company with his personal friend of the Prince of Monaco Albert II, is known to be an inveterate sportsman and an avid motorist.

This rally all reminiscent of the old «Dakar» Thierry Sabine times, evokes nostalgic feelings — heroes applauded at the finish line or anywhere else, but in Senegal, at the very famous Lac Rose (Pink Lake). In short, busy, busy, busy...

And by the way, unlike Dakarovskogo tour Schlesser familiar with the geography is much better, yes, probably, and the results of the general classification remembers harder. At least, the organizer of Africa Eco Race was not a lazy ride in the Astrakhan steppe at the April rally (he participated in the «Silk Road», it broke his hand on the podium).

Why he went this time? How to express his staff, «rushed to the boss because it's a good opportunity for him to meet with people from the east, with whom he established a very close relationship»...

Photo: open source and the author's personal archive

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