Spyker is on the rise

Manufacturer Spyker sportscar won the battle with creditors and received the support of the manufacturer elektrosamoletov Volta Volare.

The Court annulled the decision of the Netherlands on the recognition of Spyker bankrupt. A moratorium on the fulfillment of the obligations removed. Spyker, with support from the manufacturer of electric passenger aircraft Volta Volare, announced his return to the business.

«In the coming weeks we will complete all the transactions with the investors, who were delayed for two months because of the trial... We can now move forward to the ambitious goals,» — said Spyker CEO Victor Muller. These goals include not only the «sensationally elegant» electric cars, but electric aircraft.

Recall, Spyker declared bankrupt last year on the eve of Christmas. Apparently, Victor Muller, of which nothing was heard six months, found new partners and was able to get a loan for restructuring of the company, which was founded in 1999 and released in that time only 290 of exclusive sports cars. Victor Muller noticed that today are moved on roads not less than 250 Spyker. The last production model became C8 Aileron cost from 180 thousand euros.

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