Fireballs students yielded record

Students from the University of Stuttgart have set a world record for the acceleration from zero to hundred kilometers per hour.

Built by students from the University of Stuttgart competition «Formula Student» electric car has overcome the first hundred of the 1,779 seconds.

According Electric Autosport, race was held at the runway airfield JadeWeserAirport in Germany. Pilots student team Green Team made several attempts. As a result, one of them surpassed the 0,006 seconds on the previous achievement, belonging to ETH Zurich and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences.

The car is equipped with four electric motors, outstanding 136 liters. s., and a set of battery capacity of 6.62 kWh. Machine weight 160 kg.

Application for entering the result in the Guinness World Records has filed.

Formula 1,

Formula 1,

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Formula 1,


Formula 1,

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Formula 1,