Saab stopped its factory again

Saab still can’t rise as Phoenix from its ashes. Sometime ago the modes 9–3 Aero was announced to be a rebirth symbol, but the production is on hold again because of financial problem. In particular there are still no investments form Qingbo Investment, which owns NEVS company, managing Saab.

Saab still can’t rise as Phoenix from its ashes. Sometime ago the modes 9–3 Aero was announced to be a rebirth symbol, but the production is on hold again because of financial problem. In particular there are still no investments form Qingbo Investment, which owns NEVS company, managing Saab.

Mikael Ostlund, Saab representative announced that the factory has stopped for a month and redundancy will occur as well.

How can it happen? Early was announced that the money were found and new company plans were published. According to Qingbo Investment has internal problem and they could not transfer the money to NEVS in time.

Without money Saab could not pay to the contractors and without parts it is impossible to assembly the new old 9–3 with 2 liters turbo engine. There are two hopes: finally to see the money on the company’s account or to ask the second Saab owner, NME company, to pay the 331 413 000 EUR loan.

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