Losing voice of Formula 1 might lead to losing money

Who could have thought that the quite engines of F1 race cars might become the headache of Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone. He received a lot of complaints after the first Grand Prix held in Australia regarding the changes in the sound of motors, which have become much quieter.

Who could have thought that the quite engines of F1 race cars might become the headache of Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone. He received a lot of complaints after the first Grand Prix held in Australia regarding the changes in the sound of motors, which have become much quieter.

According to f1news.ru, a few days after the Grand Prix in the course of conversations with the track owners, Bernie Ecclestone heard a few threatening statements — they would insist on renegotiating their contracts downwards due to the reduced sound of motors. Bernie gave an instant response. The Telegraph quoted Ecclestone who thinks the sound should change.

“After the race in Melbourne I was sorry to be proved right with what I've said all along; these cars don't sound like racing cars. I told the FIA’s president we should find the way to change the sound. We should investigate whether it’s possible. I think let’s get the first few races out of the way and then maybe look to do something. We can’t wait all season. It could be too late by then”.

Serious actions have to be taken to solve the problem. The organisers are yet to learn how to turn the volume up and give the voice back to the Queen of motor sports but the solution should be found quite promptly taking into account the pressure coming from promoters. Hopefully, they don’t apply an audio recording. The modern electric cars have to be equipped with external speakers producing the sound of the roaring engine so that pedestrians could pay attention to the otherwise mute vehicle. However, in order to provide the “right” level of volume and power of Formula 1 cars one should probably need to add a trailer fitted with a concert audio system to each race car.

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