Another highbred British car

New British company David Brown Automotive, which was founded (it’s rather easy to guess) by David Brown in cooperation with the former Land Rover chief designer Alan Mobberley, plans to reveal its first model in April. This is going to be a sports car named Project Judi so far.

New British company David Brown Automotive, which was founded (it’s rather easy to guess) by David Brown in cooperation with the former Land Rover chief designer Alan Mobberley, plans to reveal its first model in April. This is going to be a sports car named Project Judi so far.

Judi is developed by Envisage Group — a company famous for Lyonheart coupé and roadster. The latter were created as a modern version of the legendary sports car Jaguar E-Type. Alan Mobberley took part in designing Artemis “super SUV” produced by the British carmaker Eterniti Motors.

No other details about the project have been disclosed. The only thing about the vehicle reported by David Brown Automotive is that this model will be combining classic exterior design and latest technologies.

The new vehicle will have a limited production series which is natural for an exclusive supercar.

According to Autocar.

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