Tesla Model X needs more time

Tesla has once again rescheduled the launch of the all-electric Model X crossover. The model’s prototype is still undergoing testing and its production will be delayed until the third quarter of 2015.

Tesla has once again rescheduled the launch of the all-electric Model X crossover. The model’s prototype is still undergoing testing and its production will be delayed until the third quarter of 2015.

Photo by NBC News

The reason for the delay was the desire to ensure high quality in the Model X. “We prefer to forgo revenue, rather than bring a product to market that does not delight customers”, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said.

As a reminder, the Model X was initially supposed to launch last year but later its release was rescheduled for this year. However, a few days ago Tesla Motors said in its third-quarter earnings report that the Model X crossover is delayed and it is now slated for release for the third quarter of 2015.

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