Carbon fibre to lose its exclusiveness

Scientists say that carbon fibre, which is now used in sports cars and expensive models only, might become a mass and easy-to-get product. The experts from MAI, a company which cooperates with the German automakers and the leading scientists, are looking for a way to make production of this composite material much cheaper.

Scientists say that carbon fibre, which is now used in sports cars and expensive models only, might become a mass and easy-to-get product. The experts from MAI, a company which cooperates with the German automakers and the leading scientists, are looking for a way to make production of this composite material much cheaper.

Head of the project, Klaus Drexler, said in his interview to Automotive News that the engineers “have reached an important tipping point” in their research. Drexler also added that the cost of carbon fibre might be decreased due to manufacturing automation. It will allow replacing steel components with composite materials in some of the car’s key points. For instance, one may use carbon fibre for the load-bearing elements of the car’s design in mass production models. Ford is funding similar projects. Americans started looking for ways on price reduction of composite materials back in 2012.

Carbon fibre is not used in car manufacturing on a large-scale basis due to its high price, although its characteristics in regards to low weight and durability clearly outstrip steel. However, the financial aspect is crucial. The experts have calculated that the price of 1 kg of carbon fibre details is set at around $20, while the price tag of 1 kg of their steel analogues is less than $1.

Anyway, the experts from MAI are determined for success. They promise to reach a radical turn in this sphere in the nearest future. This research project with a budget of $100 million is supported by more than 70 companies with Airbus, Siemens, BMW, and Audi among them.

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