Cadillac Escalade tweaked to become a mobile office

American tuning studio Lexani Motorcars has customised one more SUV, which can serve as a mobile office. This time it is based on the Cadillac Escalade.

American tuning studio Lexani Motorcars has customised one more SUV, which can serve as a mobile office. This time it is based on the Cadillac Escalade.

It is a one-off vehicle with the price tag of around €250,000.

Unfortunately, no performance figures are available. In any case, a special emphasis of this project is put on its interior design, making the horsepower figures not that significant. The seats are trimmed with Italian leather and feature massage functions. To make the interior even more aesthetically appealing, wood inserts and covers were used, making the car more luxurious.

On the inside, one will find a 40-inch Samsung LED Smart TV, two video monitors, and an embedded iPad.

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