What kind of battery do you prefer? With sugar or with an electrolyte?

Usually, the technology innovation means new technologies or materials at molecular level research and development using lots of energy. However, things can be very simple. Sugar battery. You just need to add water.

Usually, the technology innovation means new technologies or materials at molecular level research and development using lots of energy. However, things can be very simple. Sugar battery. You just need to add water.

Scientist team from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute (USA) announced the development of efficient and powerful sugar-based batteries.

According to the report the scientists team used special enzymes to oxidize glucose. After few experiments biochemists found a conclusion that a chemical reaction where sugar is decomposed into water, carbon dioxide, and electric power can be done in a battery.

The calculations show that a sugar battery can provide the energy storage density to 596 Ah per kilogram in case of ideal conditions. Just to compare, modern lithium-ion batteries have a density of 42 Ah/kg. The head of research group told to LiveScience media that «sugar» battery will be cheaper to produce, will have 10 times longer resource without the risk of self-ignition and environmentally clean.

However, CO2 still is being produced in the reaction and reducing carbon dioxide exhaust to the atmosphere is the main purpose of the electric vehicles development. Scientists are already arguing about this statement.

Well, let’s see how soon we will be able to get batteries powered with sugar and water from the nearest supermarket…

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