Mikhail Aleshin: IndyCar is super training

The Russian pilot of his season in IndyCar, plans for the future, and races WEC.

Throughout the season, we watched Mikhail Aleshin performances in the American series IndyCar: sick, worried about the failures and enjoyed successes. But Indy season is over, it is time to take stock: Michael was the 15 th in the overall ranking of pilots with 347 points, his teammate James Hinchklif — 13th, ahead of Michael on 69 points. Total classified 35 pilots, but some of them are visited by only one or two races — for example, the Indy 500.

Generally Indy is much more than just a race. This lifestyle, which includes both charitable events and meeting with the fans, the legends of American motor racing, and even musical evenings, one of which Michael has demonstrated quite a virtuoso guitar playing.

The fact that the season has been difficult for Michael, everyone knows who watched the broadcast from America. We take this opportunity to talk with the athletes almost immediately after his return to Moscow until he went on to conquer the summit of motor sport: Michael will continue performances in this year's Championship Endurance World (WEC), which will perform in the remaining three races in Japan, China and Bahrain crew №27 with Nicolas Minassian and Maurizio Mediani the Russian prototype BR01.

— Michael, your last season in the Indycar can be divided into two parts: the first — when you desperately unlucky, since otstegnuvshihsya seats, hitch at pitstope in Toronto and ending with the time when you are leading the race in Mid-Ohio, and you released after a pitstop in another car; and second, since the race at the «triangle» in the Pocono, when things went smoothly. There you first took pole position at the start after winning the qualification, you handed a nice prize, and then the second place in the race.

— In life, as always...

— In life, yes, but motorsport technical sport, here is most likely due not only to you but also to other members of the team...

— I can say that the team with the end of the season, obviously you progress. In the beginning, there were mistakes, they were seen and understood, and knew how to deal with them. We spent quite a serious work, including by replacing part of the staff. Because of this we decided the main part of the problem.

— Say, for you to recruit new people into the team?

— Actually, yes. Some of the people I knew from his previous season, but more than half were unfamiliar to me. We had to work together, but it does not always work. It just seems that motor racing is an individual sport. Not really. It is above all a team that should interact. And therein lies the problem. It is clear that all those who had been hired, had a good experience and knows what to do, but we just did not work.

— And how is the process of replacing the structure?

— In the team there is a special person who is engaged in the recruitment of staff, and they make a decision. We had some obvious problems, but in motorsport, they must be dealt with quickly and radically way. It's not even the fact that people are poor or unprofessional. They just could not work together with each other. Some of them have replaced most of the left, but in the end it led to the fact that more interaction within the team already has developed very well.

— I think all are very interested in your comments about the story in Mid-Ohio, when you after pitstop «released» into another car...

— For example, I understand why it happened: the nerves and all the cases. People make mistakes, too. It was, of course, a pity, but not as much as when something happens out of the blue. The error then made chief engineers, professional people, and after this incident it was a sorry sight, so he put a stop to yourself for that mistake. The guys are professionals, they are well aware of what happened and who is to blame — they talk and do not need anything, they will not allow this. I must remain calm, because you have to be professional in all plans. You can, of course, poorat someone, say a few words — but it will not change anything. It is understood that the inside can be anything, but you have to be calm.

— What is the most important thing has happened this season for you?

— First of all, of course, pole position on the oval at Pocono. It was important to me above all psychologically, because Two years ago I had an accident was on an oval. This does not mean that I was experiencing some problems with ovals, no. But it was important for me and for everyone else in that sense, to show that nothing terrible has happened, we all digested.

It was a very important progress of the team. When they realized that I have the speed and all the other ingredients for good results, they have also grow right before your eyes, become more motivated.

— You have to have Hinchcliffe vnutrikomandnye rivalry?

— Probably, it is always and everywhere, but in varying degrees. We Hinchey, of course, to compete, but also to our results need to work together. We have absolutely the same machine, with the exception of settings, of course, and we always share with each other useful information, because the only way to progress. For example, Graham Reyholl — one driver in the team, and he was insanely hard he works alone, he had no one to compare the customization options, and the progress slows down. And when you have a partner, the more powerful you with him to push each other forward.

— It's no secret that you're going to continue to act in the next season, but there is already some preferences? Whether the team is saved, mechanics, and in general — whether the team survive?

— While no clear nothing, including a command. But now I have nothing to say, because we are in the process.

— When the first tests are planned for the new season?

— In the next year, most likely after Daytona, in late January — early February. In 2017 changed the rules: before the number of test days was unlimited, and from next season decided to impose restrictions. And it is quite logical, because reduces costs commands. It is for this reason the organizers have imposed restrictions on all technical changes on the machines. Do not try to become a Formula 1 yet.

But here in 2018 something planned: most likely be the same body kits from Honda and Chevrolet, and that they leveled. Expected new regulations for the motors, but not the fact that the equalization.

In general, with respect to Honda, it is the end of the year showed a big improvement from the beginning of the season, especially on fast ovals like Pocono and Indy 500 Honda always in the top. The only problem is with short ovals, but it can not be solved without the new engines. Although the engines are updated too. We had four engine upgrade this season, and because of this we were able to achieve results.

— In the short ovals it is very difficult to drive?

— Short oval is probably the hardest part of what is in IndyCar. It is impossible to rest or relax, there is not direct, it is mad race around the circle. Nothing is more crazy, I did not do in my life. On television, it is not so obvious and it is difficult to realize how crazy this action. When I was two years ago, the first tests on a short oval, and I went on the road and saw it live, my hair stood on end. Because it's not just fast — it's incredibly fast.

For example, in Texas, the average speed on a track — 350 km / h. Average. Speed. On the track! And you see as you sweep past the car at that speed — and not one, not two, but five in a row! And if one person makes some, even the slightest mistake — everything.

— Participation in Indy helps in other races, or is a separate story that no matter what no effect?

— Indy is superpodgotovka in physics, nothing is more difficult, I did not do in life. Firstly, because the race in Indy by about 30% longer than the same F1, and there is no booster or other devices that can facilitate your life. In addition, it is not easy psychologically. After the race, you get tired not so much physically as mentally, especially after the ovals. So this is a very good exercise and the brain, and body.

The prototype, which I will go on in the WEC is a completely different car — it is not easy and not complicated, it's just different. For example, there are other loads. On the one hand, it is easier to manage — at the expense of the steering, on the other — you sit in a closed car in her hot, stuffy, etc. Everywhere difficulties..

— Always wanted to learn about the features of the rain race in an open car. Fills whether at the start? It does not interfere with the moisture on the visor?

— At the start, yes, the water is collected, and in the race aerodynamics designed so that rain does not fall inside. With regard to the visor, we rub it with a special compound, such as «antirain», which drops roll down the sides. In addition, we have a special glass rain. A much bigger problem — fogging visor. With this it is very difficult to fight, but now kind of found a solution — began to produce double glazing, and they do not fog up.

— And before both went to double-glazed?

— I once invented such a thing — svoeboraznoe know-how. I carved a special plastic screen that separates my nose against the glass, so that the breath goes down.

— Is it easy to go to the night race?

— Not really, and that is in terms of biorhythms. Because the body gets used to a certain rhythm of life — got up in the morning, I went to the gym, work out, and night races begin in the late afternoon, when in ordinary life I have had dinner and was sitting reading a book. In other without problems.

— What are you reading? Fiction or special?

— Special for the night definitely not read — I need to rest, like all of us. Here, for example, I finished reading Remarque. Zarathustra read recently. Very cool book.

— Your popularity grew in America? How to you there are?

— In America, I know a lot more than here. But I can not say I enjoy it, I'm tired. There are people who are happy photographers and autographs, and I was even a little uncomfortable.

— There is something very striking, what happened with your fans? I climbed out the window, for example? ☺

— Yeah, I found out where I live in Indianapolis, even had to change their place of residence. Not that straight much fetched, but still, my personal life has been violated. They wrote letters, left some envelopes with hearts... It's hard to convey to you, on what the girl in a fit of unrequited passion ☺ in Moscow is much more comfortable in this regard. But then I met so many people at the airport the day before yesterday, I was just amazed. And this is very nice.

Photo: IndyCar, SMP Racing, archive M.Aleshina

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