VW Beetle has a top speed in 328 kilometers per hour

In the World of Speed ​​on a salt lake in a Volkswagen Beetle Bonneville set an absolute record.
The specially prepared version of the Volkswagen Beetle on tradlitsionnom event World of Speed, which takes place on a salt lake in Bonneville, has a top speed at 328.195 kilometers per hour, thus setting an absolute record for this model.
Modification, called LSR (Land Speed ​​Record — land speed record), passed through the hands of specialists THR Manufacturing.
Under the hood, the champion — 2-liter «turbochetverka». With new superchargers, pistons, connecting rods, camshafts and cylinder head of the engine power increased to 550 hp (In the Russian market Beetle sold with 210-horsepower engine). Besides setting up the suspension was subjected to a reduced ground clearance, new tires and wheels, as well as a limited slip differential.

Compared with the ordinary version of the interior were significant changes — the safety cage, racing seats and harnesses, fire fighting system and a pair of brake parachute.

It remains to add that during the record run the car piloted editor Automobile Preston Lerner.

Photo: open source
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