Time machine on Moscow Raceway

Or three laps on the BMW 635CSi Jens Klingmanom

The first time I visited the DTM races in 2015 — when I arrived at the Moscow Raceway, and, in addition to the German series, was very impressed with the race taxi, that German marks arranged for guests of honor. Especially from the «big German three» stood BMW — Audi and Mercedes-Benz used to pokatushek modern race cars DTM, but the Bavarians have brought to the classic BMW M3 E30 highway in the back. The car, which I personally think is the most beautiful among the touring art of all time. In the 2016 season, BMW has not disappointed and brought under Volokolamsk no less legendary and exquisite BMW 635 CSi, but first things first...

It just so happened that today I was one of the first journalists arrived at the track. On Friday, August 19, I had planned two interviews — the first, with the pilot Mercedes-Benz Paul di Resta, as much as 11 in the morning, and the second, with the Audi driver Mattias Ekström, only three hours of the day. As a result, arrived at Moscow Raceway much in advance, I have decided to spend your free time for a walk in the paddock. As in the previous year, the focus has attracted marquee BMW Race Taxi Legends, where German mechanics rubbed gloss BMW M3 GT2 (E92) in the livery of Deutsche Post and the classic BMW 635 CSi (E24) in the colors of Original BMW Teile. Of course, the access for the coveted ribbon to these machines, I had not, so take pictures because of the fence and asking mechanics to wipe drool over me — the guys were with humor and was asked to take the next time with a napkin, so they once again did not have to mess around! — I went about their business, each time holding the jaw, he passed the legendary «shark»...

The next day, on Saturday, colleagues and friends from Shell incredibly pleased me a pass in the VIP-lounge Bavarian brand for 20 and 21 August, that is directly on the racing days. In addition to all sorts of treats and other entertainment package I was presented with branded souvenirs, however, comrades, smiling enigmatically, said that this is not the main thing. What they had in mind, I learned later, when among the guests of BMW began to play a trip to the race taxi, a charming girl from the BMW Motorsport suddenly called my name and invited «with things on the way out»... As we walked out of the pit-building, had (as far as I let my english) to talk — I questioned whether I am often on the DTM race, for whom I am a fan (it was odd, because I spent the whole weekend was held in a T-shirt with the BMW M3 (E30) on all the belly), well, and finally, my companion He advised to enjoy every moment and handed me an envelope with the logo tricolor BMW M GmbH and the words that made my heart beat faster — BMW Race Taxi!

Opening invitation, I was once again glad humor Bavarians — on the left side it was written that I was waiting for a trip with Jens Klingmanom at Moscow Raceway, and on the right was stuck a bag of those that give to the aircraft during take-off, with a very elegant on your trolling inscription Let your emotions run free (loosely translated to «let their emotions to freedom»). With difficulty imagining how it is possible to release the «emotions» on the freedom of wearing a helmet and firmly deciding that the build of a Mark Webber in the Japanese Grand Prix of the season-2007 I'm not going, I stepped behind the ribbon that separates the world of BMW Race Taxi Legends from ordinary mortals in paddock.

I instantly took the guys turn of BMW Motorsport — first given a pen and told to sign a traditional in such cases, the disclaimer of the state of emergency during pokatushek, and then held in a trailer. I thought that there are tools and a compartment for the transport of racing cars, but it turned out that there was a place for a real wardrobe — racing taxi is not new to BMW, so Bavarians carry with them a lot of helmets and racing suits of different sizes, from small to large that none of the guests of honor did not lose the unique chance to ride with a professional driver on a race car on the track. In general, using a small vocabulary and mainly gestures, we are a German employee of BMW Motorsport picked the right my jumpsuit, helmet and balaclava, and then they gave me time to change, to pack (with a strictly forbidden to take anything in the car showroom in for security purposes) in the lockers and issuing earplugs, we were invited to wait for check-in tent.

It is worth noting that in our parish of the two machines in the tent remained only BMW M3 GT2 — the guys from the team mechanics were told that we Jens will ride on the classic «six». Some of the guests did not let someone from the Russians unhappy grimace — a pier, waiting at least M3 GT2, but rather «militant» BMW M4 DTM out of some of the current participants of the championship, and personally I was more than happy. Rightly judging that age M3 / M4 More long and ride on them is potentially an opportunity to be a few more years, but with retro sports car can be more and do not meet with great enthusiasm, I waited for the arrival.

Agree, a delay would be a luxury, however, take a picture with a yellow BMW M3 GT2 and some guy who needed a photograph with anyone in the racing overalls, I attacked rasprosy chief logistician BMW Motorsport Tom Wise — smiling and incredibly open-bearded man, who gladly answered all the questions and, far more importantly, understood my clumsy English in mid-sentence.

From the conversation it became clear that at the Moscow Raceway guys brought from Munich BMW 635 CSi 1983 release. And this is not some kind of a museum piece, from which blow away dust particles, but it is a «combat» car racing classic cars and similar entertainment events like race taxi. Concrete copy at one time had been prepared by AC Schnitzer (there is even a photograph in which one of the founders of the company, Herbert Schnitzer posing with the E24 in the coloring of Original BMW Teile), but in general the preparation of BMW 635 CSi to the races involved as a producer himself, so In addition to these companies, and more notorious Alpina. About fifty copies massively started racing years 1983–1985, and «combat» E24 did not descend from the race tracks until 1987. During this time, «Shark» won many victories and has won a lot of titles, from which we can mention three championship European Turinge the ETCC, the title in the forerunner of the current series DTM Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft, won the season in Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, the Japanese national touring championships, three victory in the marathon «Spa 24 hours» daily two wins in the race «24 hours Nürburgring» and many other trophies.

When asked what kind of instance, Tom smiles enigmatically and breathy responsible — in this car in 1983, his third title in ETC Championship took Austrian pilot Dieter Quester, known besides that starts in Formula 1 and three wins in the «24 hours Spa. » In addition to the racing battle that saw this coupe, the pilot's name lets you know some characteristics of the machine. Yes, racing BMW 635 CSi prepared Schnitzer team, and for the fine-tuning of the engine specialists answered Alpina — under the hood 3.4-liter engine with M30B34 Bosch Motronic control unit producing 285 hp 1.0 at 6800 rev / min. Brakes — disc on all wheels, the gearbox — five-step «mechanics» Getrag with H-shaped shift pattern. In general, all — no power steering, no electronics. On the last question about the availability of on-board electronics my interlocutor replied very original — hearing him, Tom ran into the trailer and, after a moment, smiled widely. «At this time the electronics definitely not! Jens phone left here, and watch from Clingman mechanical! „- This phrase we are both laughed.

Looking at the folded around Avon tires, ask Tom about the availability of original and not «native» to the parts brought back under Volokolamsk BMW 635 CSi (E24). Wise responds as always thoroughly — for the mechanical part, he is ready to swear that everything comes from the days when this coupe was at the peak of technology, but without modern elements, of course, can not do. Consumables such as oil and filter, brake pads and discs, shock absorbers and springs, and tires — are the products of our days. In the same way as the safety cage that meets the applicable requirements of the FIA ​​(do not forget — the car is involved in official races, where without homologation will not be allowed), and Recaro buckets with seat belts. Fuel poured commodity, but on-site activities, to which belong and DTM stage in Moscow, were carrying gasoline from Europe, so as not to risk it.

Our conversation is interrupted with Tom — it's time to go to the track! Our group of a dozen people loaded into the minivan Volkswagen, to take on the service track for the middle of «reverse» line, where by a straightforward transposition of several orange cones impromptu boxing to change passengers racing taxi. While we were going, I started a little rain, but the guys from BMW Motorsport this did not bother! Clingman bravely attacks the track on slicks while the boys team of Mercedes-Benz, suiting parallel «pokatushki» in the modern Mercedes-AMG C 63 the DTM, consolidates truck with intermediate tires and tire changes. Race taxi begins!

Immediately see the difference between classic and cutting-edge BMW Mercedes-AMG. Where the mechanics of the Bavarian brand are just standing and waiting in the pilot, and on his arrival one with an umbrella accompany another passenger in his place and help buckle up, and then leads the fence has already swept the lucky, the second quickly measures the pressure in the tires and about something shortly have a word with Jens, the mechanics of the Stuttgart company plow tirelessly. Preparing for trёhkrugovomu breakthrough for Moscow Raceway for Mercedes-AMG C 63 DTM is similar to space launch — a technician connects to the car notebook and, without looking up, looking at the screen, a couple of people run up to the fans to cool the engine, another conjures inside the cockpit. Where retro-coupe has already committed its three laps, the car of the day just ready to go. Of course, the mechanics of the BMW joking good-naturedly over the guys from Mercedes-Benz, and they remain defiant calmness and equanimity. I asked Tom how much preparation required race on E24 website, to which he responds with a smile, that it is enough to check the tire pressure and fill petrol in the tank and you can start. «We have everything much easier than these guys!» — Shows the view of the rain ёzhaschihsya three ray guys with a star on the overalls.

Finally comes my turn to ride on the Moscow Raceway at the BMW 635 CSi with Jens Klingmanom «in the steering wheel.» Overalls buttoned zipper, belt tightened with Velcro, tucked into the collar of balaclava, helmet, stretched on the top — Tom fastens HANS and slapping on the back, parting words: «Get pleasure!». The fact that this happens, there is not a doubt! With some difficulty overcoming rollcage cobwebs, arranged in a «bucket» — a mechanic fishes out from under me (I had before getting fold belts in the sidewall seats!) Straps and buckle, tight pulling six-point belts to the «bucket», and then I alone I tighten them tighter to barely breathe. As the first round — not in vain!

Jens starts smoothly but forcefully. Mindful of the fact that the track is wet, the tires without tread, and to the right sits the passenger, the vestibular apparatus which may well not be ready for the trip on a racing car, Clingman going in full force. Obviously, it is possible to add, but the meaning is, if the tires are not for the weather, and besides, it's not a race, and the demonstration races? Of course, up to a maximum of 260 km / h, our 1185 pound car does not accelerate, but to get the right emotion that is not required. After the first round of throws with Jens views — it seems that my thumb raised up he perceives as a signal for action. He nodded in response, the driver presses the right pedal to the floor and the landscape outside the window begins to turn into a diffuse band. Klingmann severely hampers, in one fell swoop change the transmission, the coupe throws of a turn in the rotation — BMW 635 CSi obediently follow the instructions of the steering wheel. Out of the car interior offers something that is not seen on the broadcast — firstly, Moscow Raceway track very relief, where the ups alternate with descents, secondly, the slow corners perfectly combined with high-speed banked turns and straight. Two other observations relate solely to trip on a racing car. As much as you are not tightened safety belts, in the corners overload send you in the direction of Jens, who clings to the wheel and does not so much depend on the laws of physics, it just slams the door. Well, the pilot's work is impressive — Clingman is struggling with the car, tucking it in turn deprived of the power steering, it allows the coupe to go turn in light demolition, and that get up to his feet on the pedals — just a dance speed! My guide for the Moscow Raceway never for a moment ceases to dance on the pedals — each gear change requires soaking clutch plus the driver turns constantly presses on the brake, then the gas. I, as a person, ezdivshemu on the «mechanics» in the first and last time on the courses in a driving school, it seems some sporting miracle. But all good things must come to an end — in the third round Jens drops me on parting shook hands, and by downloading the last guest goes to the final round three at autodrome.

Tom met with a smile and asked my impressions, but letters do not add up to the word, and the word — in the proposal. My idiotic smile is not able to cover even the helmet, and then Wise does not hold back laughter and invites to hide from the rain in a minibus waiting for us. I continue to stand with a friend on the sidelines of Moscow Raceway, enjoying the sound of a racing car, and the guys from BMW Motorsport laughingly throw us «Crazy russians!», Awaiting the return of Jens. But Klingmann immediately upon completion of the last lap is returned to the paddock and we hasten to it.

Dressed in civilian and received souvenirs from BMW Motorsport, uluchayu moment and pull out of the conversation with Jens mechanics a couple of words. Klingmann flushed, wiping his perspiring face and wet hair, talks about his emotions, and I simultaneously compare them with their feelings.

With Jens we have agreed to assess the Moscow Raceway — the nature of the route, it turns and terrain send us the soul. Also unanimously to Clingman we characterize the «comfort» in the BMW 635 CSi. Salon is a bare metal from abandoned tunnel elements over the central electrics and the front panel has kept the outlines of a standard — in this case on the dashboard there are signs temperature process fluids and tachometer, speedometer but no! Naturally, the row «six» roars loudly, and he is given the insane melody inside the body, but earplugs at least three laps, not needed. On the contrary, during the trip you enjoy the song of the motor, bounce and clatter of the mechanism of the living — the sound does not cause discomfort. In the same Mercedes-AMG C 63 the DTM, sure, without earplugs did not survive — it takes the soul vysokooborotisty roar even from the outside, and even in the confined space of the body and even more so. In addition to hot E24. The passenger after the first round left foot begins to turn into a steak too well done, and the pilot, respectively, roasted right leg. The steel sheet is not very good protection against the heated engine and gearbox. So after the trip it becomes clear why at every stop mechanics opened the driver's door and start waving it up and down — in a retro sports car reigns an incredible closeness.

«This car I really like! It is devoid of electronics, it is extremely honest and live — you control it without intermediaries. If you can find a common language with the BMW 635 CSi, it will respond to you in return and you will succeed — says Jens Klingman. — But I just do not see how in the past years on a similar technique could serve many hours of racing! It's incredibly hard physically. Yes, modern racing cars faster and overload is higher, but they are comfortable for the pilot. »

In these words we are going to standing next BMW M3 GT2 and the German pilot starts to explain with specific examples of what is at stake. The advanced aerodynamics allows the car to travel on rails, while dvuhdverka from the 80s is different from the production version except that the «duck tail» spoiler on the trunk lid. Plus E24 preserved architecture of the body — the engine under the hood, you're sitting in a road car, while the E92 in the ventilation holes in the middle of the hood are only visible radiators, while the engine itself is moved into the cabin, and the pilot sitting near the rear axle. And, importantly, it is a lot more comfortable — Jens draws attention to numerous air ducts and ventilation slots, which are covered with glass on the interior perimeter.

«I raced in the BMW Z4 GTE, in the BMW M6 GT3, conducted demonstration runs on the BMW M4 DTM and I can say that each of these machines, of course, much faster BMW 635 CSi, but a car from the past to control much more difficult, despite the lower rate of — he is very picky about your skills and much more severe in terms of the physical form of the pilot. But I like the old technique, because if you have found a common language with the pleasure of flying just get huge! This is a special thrill „- smiles Jens.

Of course, BMW M4 DTM, BMW M6 GT3 and even monokubkovaya BMW M235i Racing will be much more effective on the race track than a BMW 635 CSi, but... None of these machines do not give and share those incredible emotions even sitting to the right of the pilot, the car in 1983 model year that has passed through the crucible of the legendary tracks and iconic race. Those who have raced on a similar technique — heroes, even if they did not win titles and conquered. Get off at the start and meet the checkered flag at the finish of the arrival of dozens of laps, and even more so after 24 hours at the most complicated «Nordschleife» of yesteryear — a victory in itself.

Releasing emotions of freedom in the case of the BMW 635 CSi is only one way — to take a look graceful elegant line of the body, inhale the smell of gasoline and a racing exhaust, hand pat the heated iron, enjoy the sound of the engine and just say, «Thank you.» Thank you for living. Thank you for the real thing. Thank you, that gave the opportunity to touch the history, to plunge into the age of the analog in the digital age of motorsport racing. Long life, the «shark», and you bow to asphalt racing for what life has changed. I am sure that not only my...

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