Kristofferson won the first stage of the season World RX

Swede Johan Kristofferson managed their first win in this year — he surrendered to the stage of the legendary French track in Loeake.

Before the start of the eighth stage Kristofferson took fourth place in the individual competition. Ahead of him just simply three points was Andreas Bakkerud, and the first two positions occupied by Petter Solberg and Mattias Ekström — they shared the four points.

However, the spectators in the stands of the French stage, interested in another racer — and only he Sebastien Loeb. First appearance of nine times world champion before his countrymen as part of Peugeot-Hansen eagerly awaited — and expected him to just win!

But first Seb does not meet the expectations of their fans — including, by the way, was his longtime co-driver Daniel Elena. The first qualification of the Frenchman finished second, second finished sixth, third — failed and showed only the fourteenth result, but in the final was the seventh.

But this was enough for him to eventually take sixth place among three dozen participants and calmly pass to the semifinals. And then... well, we will return to this a little later.

This is certainly not lucky this weekend, so it's Timur Timerzyanovu. For Russians French phase was completed as early as the first qualifying session — And finally.

The clash with Ian Le Zhossekom led to the departure from the road and the hard hit the back of the car Kazantsev about the bump. Fortunately Timur was not injured, but the Ford Fiesta was seriously broken, and the continuation of the struggle could not speak.

Accident Timerzyanova

The winners in the four qualifications were only two — the first day of the two qualifying session Mattias Ekström won, and the second double excelled Johan Kristofferson. The essential difference was that on Saturday the track was dry, and on Sunday — wet. This allowed the riders to show their best qualities, taking advantage of the most favorable terms.

Surprisingly, but in qualifying has not carried to multiple potential favorites. The current — and twice — the world champion on rally-cross Petter Solberg finished the qualifying session, only the fifth. Better for him was the final qualification, in which he finished second. In other rose above sixth place.

His main rival for the past year, Timmy Hansen finished the qualification altogether seventh — between him and climbed Solberg Sébastien Loeb.

Thomas «Topi» Heikkinen showed 15 result Anton Marklund — 18 minutes and both have not been in the semi-finals. And who has passed?

Besides those already mentioned Mattias Ekström, Johan Kristofferson, Petter Solberg, Sébastien Loeb and Timmy Hansen in the semi-final race broke teammates Andreas Bakkerud and Ken Block and Davie Jeanne Robin Larsson, Kevin Hansen, Reinis Nitishs and Andrew Scott.

Qualification. First day

By the time of the start of the first semifinal of the track was dry. This meant that the two semi-final and final of the race were to be held on a dry surface. From the point of view of the leaders of this situation was more favorable Mattias Ekström and less profitable Johan Kristofferson.

But Forecasts, and yet still need to get to the finish semifinal arrival — And certainly in the top three, because only the lucky three from each semi final race in the fall.

The first of the two favorites battle took Mattias Ekström. Confront him a strong contender — Solberg, Bakkerud, Hansen-average. Well, just a couple more strong, from which you can always expect surprises — Nitishs and Larsson.

But before we talk about the struggle worth to mention one particular route in Loeake. Here, the «joker-circle» — the additional distance which is mandatory, each participant must enter a time of arrival for the move — positioned in such a way that does not impair the position of the driver, drove it, and sometimes even on the contrary! So this time, «the joker» virtually no negative impact on the situation in the races.

In the first semi-final Ekström best left «to pad» and he led the race. But it was released on the second place Petter Solberg could not only impose Swede struggle for leadership, but instead missed back Andreas Bakkeruda. But the two-time champion in rally-cross world immediately «broke» his tactics and stopped at the «joker-lap.»

No luck two participants remaining in the tail of the group — Hansen and Larsson did not share the road. Contact was seemingly quite insignificant, but it was enough to break through the wheel — And the two Swedes. Timmy was able to reach the finish line arrival fifth and last, but Robin surrendered to stay on the sidelines.

And ahead of other sports raging tragedy. Upon arrival at the «joker» Bakkerud was in the leading position, and Ekström, in turn, drove back to the track on a par with him. Again, little cars collided, and again it came to the puncture, but this time only one rider — leader Mattias Ekström stage.

Swede had to drive to the finish line arrival only a few turns, but razbortirovavsheesya front left wheel put an end to his plans — it ahead and Solberg and Nitishs. The result — Bakkerud won the race, and only the fourth Ekström!

In the second semi-final race at the leader Kristofferson gathered no less serious opposition than that in the first semi-final Ekström: Loeb, Joan Hansen Jr., Block and «dark horse» Scott.

As in the first race winner of the pole to keep the lead, and but the similarity of the two semi-finals ended. Ken Block almost immediately lost second place — its pretty hard went perfectly speaking in native walls Sebastien Loeb. This predetermined the outcome of arrival — gone far ahead Kristofferson won, and Loeb and unit closed the top three.

Start the final race did not work out for Nitishsa — his car initially refused to gain speed and raskochegarit only when other contenders raced off ahead.

As in the second semi-final Kristofferson keep the lead and sped ahead, leaving the rest to share the position from the second.

Hot guys Norwegian Solberg and Bakkerud began to divide the second and third place, but instead the two forward again missed Loeb! But pretty quickly he dealt with Andreas Petter and raced in pursuit of Sebastien. I caught up with him, and during the «joker-circle» — they drove there together — ahead.

Solberg after his «wild card» was the third — between Bakkerudom and Loeb. But the Frenchman was able to get ahead of it and finished the stage in the top three — it amounted to Johan Kristofferson, Andreas Bakkerud and, to the delight of the local fans, Sebastien Loeb.

Petter Solberg finished fourth and retained the lead in the championship, Reinis Nitishs was fifth, and Ken Block came down — an American in one of the last turns collided with the Latvian and finished the race in a chipper.

The next phase of the global rallycross will be held September 16 in Spain.

The final

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