VIP-concept from Poland

Varsovia Motor Company published a picture of the prototype hybrid premium.
Varsovia Concept — so named prototype hybrid sedan, which small-scale production (50 copies a year, not earlier than 2018) intends to establish a company in Poland. In itself, the name of Varsovia, of course, in honor of Warsaw, which is reminiscent of a mermaid and the hood (which is also on the coat of arms of the Polish capital).
The hybrid propulsion system will consist of an electric motor and a gasoline engine, which will take on the role and the generator to recharge the batteries, the stock of which should be enough for 350 kilometers, and in the combined mode — up to 850.

The first hundred sedan overcomes 5 seconds and its top speed is limited at around 200 kilometers per hour.
Do not try to sit on the right front seat, it's not there.
Instead, hybrid... footrest and pull-out table with built in it wireless keyboard and mouse, because everyone in this car for passengers in the back seat, two 19-inch display multimedia complex, satellite internet, adjust chair position in space, by weight and height, under the intensity of the massage, ventilation, heating...

Photo: manufacturer
Formula 1,

Formula 1,

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Formula 1,


Formula 1,

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Motorsport news,

Formula 1,