Funny Car set records

Technical constraints still can not help but «arms race» in the classroom.
Although entered into force on restrictions on the angle of the exhaust nozzle relative to the surface of the strip introduced in the first place to stop gaining momentum arms race in the classroom Funny Car and reduce the increased speed last weekend in Seattle was the fastest in the entire sixty-year history of the division. At the sixteenth stage of the account of the national championship happened nine fastest races since the base class. The weather conditions were as close to perfect, and most of the teams were able to adjust dregster optimal way to achieve the best results. During Saturday's qualifying session, reigning champion Vorshem Affairs twice rewrote the national record, having spent on the passage of the scoring distance just 3.832 seconds, which enabled him for the first time the second time in a row to complete the qualification in careers in the first place.
This result was nearly one-tenth of a second faster than last year's record of Jack Beckman, installed on the same course, in the context of the division — a real gulf and the clearest proof that the return of cars came to a different level as compared to the 2015 season. In all of this, the fastest on the calendar strip NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series is located in Brainerd, where in two weeks will be held the next event of the championship. And therefore very likely that the net time barrier will collapse once again under the onslaught of the best pilots who safely rewrite records tracks on each, without exception, the national championship event.
«We first rolled his car in Denver, and he has proven himself perfectly, — said Vorshem Affairs. — The Sonoma thanks to him I was able to qualify in the first place, and in Seattle we were able to make the most of this configuration, which allowed us to repeat his success, chalked up a record class. But the really matters is how we will play on Sunday, the day of the race. »

Photo: open source