NHRA. Injury Alexis DeZhoria

Do pilotessa be able to go back behind the wheel in the near future?
Weekend in Sonoma was really very fast and busy in terms of spectacular races at mind-blowing speeds. All pilots in nitromethane classes demonstrated outstanding results against the backdrop of a very tight competition. However, it was not without unpleasant incidents. In the first round of races Shootout Alexis DeZhoria could not cope with his car, and almost immediately after the start of her dregster suddenly thrown aside Buffer, after a meeting with that all four wheels off the ground, it turned out to be so strong kick. Kalitta Motorsports team representatives did not make any statements about the causes of the incident.

After the collision, pilotessa she left the mangled car, was able to walk to the golf card, and only after a few minutes I realized that during the incident received much more serious injuries than it seemed initially.
It is necessary to pay tribute to the courage of the racers, which immediately sent urgently to the hospital, where doctors after examination diagnosed a fracture of the pelvis.
Surgical intervention is not required, and Alexis was discharged the same day. Either way, the character of damage in any case requires a fairly long period of time that will be required for rehabilitation. Racer after the incident remains positive, and the words of the team members are not experiencing much more for their own health, and for the state of his car.
Currently no comments about how soon DeZhoria can return to duty in the press did not appear, but the representatives of the team do not exclude the possibility that in the cockpit Tequila Patron Toyota Camry until the end of the regular season will probably take another racer. Paul Lee was supposed to speak at the last four races of the season as part of Kalitta Motorsports, and it is likely he will spend a few driving dregster's Event Alexis while she finally recovers.
Photo: open source