A new course record at the 1st stage of the Championship of Russia in drag racing in Krasnoyarsk

Stage, opens the season RDRC Championship 2016 was held in Krasnoyarsk and a surprise to the organizers of the tradition, the participants and spectators.

The first stage of the Russian Championship drag racing, which took place on 25–26 June at Krasnoyarsk motorhome «Red Ring», traditionally turned malopredskazuemy. On Saturday, in the course of events intervened weather, on Sunday the track record has been updated, and the podium in the class of front-wheel cars rose rosebud season and resident of Krasnoyarsk. The first phase also was an attempt to establish a new Russian record for time and speed of passing the distance in the ¼ mile.

The first day of the races was completely perecheknut weather: rain on the track almost did not stop. According to the rules in this weather races are not held. Therefore, the Stewards decided to postpone the qualifying race on Sunday morning.

On the second day back sunny and hot weather, and rides began to 9am. Almost perfect conditions Samorukov Dmitry updated the best time of the track «Red Ring»: its Dodge Viper DT overcome 402 meters of 6.548 seconds (without taking into account the reaction time of the pilot at the start), which is 1.4 seconds faster than the result shown Vadim Timashev last year. The rate of Dodge Viper DT reached 362.90 km / h — it is also the best indicator at this track.

Featured Samorukova results better than the current national record set by him in October 2015. Therefore, the organizer of the championship Dragtimes the company decided to apply to rossiiyskih Automobile Federation to secure the new record. The record attempt was made during the qualifying rounds. If the application is approved Dmitry Samorukov can become a two-time champion of Russia.

In addition, Dmitry, improve their own results and other participants. While the first stage is usually given to pilots and Technology challenging the tests in preparation for the season are often out of order different items, and time to replace them is not enough. It happened this time, so in Krasnoyarsk came only sixteen of the twenty-six pilots, who applied to participate in all four stages.

The number of participants in the finals turned out smaller than usual, but arrivals from this turned out not less spectacular. The class FWD (front wheel drive), two girls meet in the semi-finals: Jan Kholodkovsky (cellular) against Oksana Yakovleva. Two Honda Civic broke down at the same time from the start, but Jan could not immediately find the right gear, and she lost precious fractions of a second. Next car broke Oksana, which determined its victory in this race.

In the final, the rival Yakovleva proved Artem Demihov: VAZ 2108 it overtook the Honda Civic is still in the middle distance and the first to cross the finish line. Result Artem — 9,833 seconds, a very good result for front wheel drive cars in Russia, one of the few who was able to overcome the 10-second mark. Second place left for debutante RDRC and resident of Krasnoyarsk Oksana Yakovleva, third place went to Jan Kholodkovsky of Togliatti.

The most curious were the races in the class AWD (all wheel drive). In the quarter-finals could not start Alexander Albin — his Nissan Skyline GT-R is experiencing technical problems, in the semi-broke car Stanislav Lunev, a duel Alexey Krivolapov — Oleg Krokhin was not the winner, as both drivers made a false start, and it was awarded to defeat. Thus, virtually without a fight on the top step of the podium went up Dmitry Mandrikov (Subaru Impreza). Third place went to Stanislav Lunev, and the other left free because the pilots defeats.

Technical complexity of the persecuted and the class members RWD (rear-wheel drive). At Chevrolet Corvette Custom Turbo Andrew Mulenko right at the start, down came the gearbox, and a victory in the semi-finals went to Alexei Onopchenko (Toyota Chaser). The arrival of Dmitry and Denis Samorukova Ponomaerva machinery nobody failed, however, Dodge Viper DT was noticeably faster Nissan Silvia. In a competitive grid Ponomarev moved to race for third place, but because of the broken car Mulenko, went out to start alone — third of Krasnoyarsk has been guaranteed.

The final race for victory in the RWD class still made the audience worried: technical problems at the last moment may have occurred and the pro-fashion or, for example, the pilot could prevent a false start. That has not happened, Samorukov from the start took the lead, however, already at 200 meters elevation threw gas because when the car picked up speed for the braking distance may not be enough. The result was 6,850 seconds Dmitry «pure» time and 256.95 km / h speed at the exit from the ¼ mile. Second place in the RWD class left to Alexey Onopchenko, the third — to Denis Ponomarev.

The second stage of the Russian Championship drag racing is scheduled for July 30–31 in Moscow.

Artem Demihov, the FWD class: «I am very happy to win, had long dreamed of this. We are six months preparing the car, a week before the race he set up, turned global project. And now my dreams of victory come true, moreover, at the first stage. I managed to „get out“ of 10 seconds — this is a very good result for front wheel drive cars in Russia, especially in Russia. Now the dream is to improve the displayed time and go „low“ 9 seconds. I will try to do so in the next phases. Thanks to my team, thank Dragtimes, who organize such a good race. »

Dmitry Mandrikov, AWD class: «Impressions of mixed victory. On the one hand, it is very nice, but on the other — it has got is not particularly difficult, not to fight. In our class generally favor experienced competitors on the major vehicles, experienced drivers who know all, know how, allow a minimum of errors. With such people nice fight. But today, somehow it happened that some of the vehicles broke down, someone made a mistake, and as a result there was much struggle, we just jumped in the first place. Therefore, the main was — to overcome their own anxiety. I managed to do it. Hopefully in the next few races will compete with rivals in earnest. I like it when you catch courage from racing, you feel this euphoria. Then the taste of victory is quite different. I look forward to an interesting season in the future. »

Dmitry Samorukov, RWD class: «I really wanted to win in Krasnoyarsk and I got it. Thanks to all those who contributed to it, and it's almost all here present: from Krasnoyarsk to our team and himself. The victory was special for me: two consecutive years here I have been plagued with failures. Although the machines were much stronger than the other, they still did not want to win. At this time, to be honest, I also had a light jim-jams. In the last race I felt that something will happen, and did happen: we overclocked too much, the machine almost did not stop, was damaged, all of which have seen — I came without bonnet. But I overcame this feeling, the team eliminated the problem and get a perfect final race, I won. Perhaps now it is the most pleasant victory. As you start the championship — and so you go. »

Oksana Yakovleva, 2 in the FWD class, newcomer of the Championship of Russia in drag racing: «On one hand, it was difficult, on the other hand, I have not yet realized that won the second place, I'm a beginner. To be honest, I wanted to first place and could become the first. Not enough for only one thing — experience. Coaching was little, I went off the cuff, first polmoschnosti, then stronger. I still do not know how to cope with such a car, but I'm helping my head Igor Baranov, the champion of last year's class FWD. He explains, controls my actions. I want to boast: in today's settings, I overtook him — Igor drove 0.3 seconds slower. He was very happy because it felt good when student surpasses his teacher, and Igor is a very good teacher. Took second place in the „home“ track is very nice. »

The results of Phase I of the Russian Championship drag racing

Class FWD (FSA classification RAF front-wheel drive)
1. Artem Demihov (Usman), VAZ 2108
2. Oksana Yakovleva (Krasnoyarsk), Honda Civic
3. Jana Kholodkovskaya (Togliatti), Honda Civiс
4. George Garakishiev (Krasnoyarsk), Mitsubishi Mirage
5. Vladimir Ville (Tomsk), VAZ 2108
6. Vladimir Tretiak (Rostov-on-Don), VAZ 2108

Class AWD (FSB classification RAF, four-wheel drive)
1. Dmitry Mandrikov (Novosibirsk), Subaru Impreza
3. Stanislav Lunev (Chelyabinsk), Nissan Skyline GT-R Kiwamaru
4. Oleg Krokhin (Barnaul), Nissan GT-R **
4. Alex Krivolapov (Vladivostok), Nissan Skyline **
5. Konstantin Katykin (Vladivostok), Nissan Skyline GT-R
6. Alexander Albin (Omsk), Nissan Skyline GT-R
** The fourth place is awarded in accordance with Art. 1 5.4 PDR16

Class RWD (US classification in the RAF, rear-wheel drive)
1. Dmitry Samorukov (Moscow), Dodge Viper DT
2. Alexey Onopchenko (Omsk), Toyota Chaser
3. Denis Ponomarev (Krasnoyarsk), Nissan Silvia
4. Andrew Mulenko (Omsk), Chevrolet Corvette Custom Turbo
5. Fazil Aliyev (Vladivostok), Nissan Skyline