NHRA Thunder Valley

The next stop of Eastern Swing became a four-stage marathon event NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals.
Bristol Dragway is considered one of the most scenic routes in the calendar of the association: the strip is surrounded by high green hills, and after each race, the shock wave that is generated mnogolitrovye nitromethane monsters, long walks in the valley echoed. For two pilots this event brought the first victory of the season, and in the class of Pro Stock... But let's all in order.

Top Fuel

Triumphant NHRA Summernationals, otgremevshego week earlier, Steve Torrence confidently won first place in the qualification, and the majority of fans and motorsport experts predicted a victory to him this weekend. However, Shawn Langdon in this regard were his views, and his first appearance in this year did not fail to turn the podium in the final. Call it a victory simply an easy language does not turn. On the way to his twelfth career Champions Trophy in 2013 dealt with the leader in the standings Doug Kalittoy double victory this season Brittany Force, and in the final match to stop the most titled racing driver Tony Schumacher in the class, which for the second time failed to reach the finals.
This performance eightfold champion can be called a success with a clear conscience, because at the beginning of the national championship on the majority's Event him basically failed in the races Shootout pass on the second round. Despite the fact that most stellar rider Don Schumacher Racing (DSR) is still unable to come up to the podium, he finally started to score points, and very firmly entrenched in fifth place standings. The rest in the top individual athletes in the division, as well as in the other two, on the basis of race in Bristol did not happen absolutely no change, except that Steve Torrence after the disappearance of Brittany Force of the race in the second round increased the gap between the daughter of the eminent pilots.

Funny Car

Ron Capps continued his triumphant march of two consecutive first places in qualifying, both of which turned two victories in the previous of Event, and once again was the fastest rider on the results of the qualifying rounds, simultaneously sliding the bar of pure time of the strip within the 3.8-second zone. This result is one of its kind has become a landmark event, as Bristol Dragway because of its location relative to sea level is not the fastest route. This season, the class pilots beat all past accomplishments and track records fall at every stage. Mechanics team continues to develop innovative technical solutions Jimmy Proca, after which the results of performances of the riders went on a fundamentally different level. This topic we will soon devote a separate article.
However, in this case the leader of qualifications failed to add to their lead and build on this success. The main battle for the trophy was developed between pilots DSR: the double champion Matt Hagan sent home Ron Capps and Tommy Johnson Jr. in turn exclusively due to better respond to the start with a minimal advantage at the finish dashed all hopes of the double champion of the third statuette Wally this year. This victory was for the pilot's blue and white car debut this season and is in no way affected the balance of power among the leaders. The riders in the top-5 points standings are very tight, and every victory in a single race could result permutation. Team John Force Racing (JFR) at full strength dropped out of the fight in the second round and continues to take positions, as they say, slowly but surely. The initiative in the championship entirely gradually transferred to the pilots (DSR), and they lose it, apparently is not going to.

Pro Stock

This division has been at the eleventh consecutive events develop according to the same scenario, with minor amendments. Once again, in the final meet Jason Line and Greg Anderson to find out who should get the trophy this weekend. Line successfully avenged his teammate, who began to catch up with two wins in a row in Epping and Inglishtaune. This event became the leader of the standings, perhaps, the easiest of the season: two single arrival due opponent vanishing due to technical reasons and easy victory over peremetnuvshimsya in Gray Motorsports Drew Skillmanom. Strain had only in a final duel, where this time luck was on his side. The gap between the KB Racing and the rest of the competition is growing from stage to stage, acting champion Erica Enders Stephens already retreated beyond the top 10, and the only consolation is that the best time of the event finally found somebody else, and therefore does not only Camaro logos Summit Racing can go fast, and dim hope for a turning point in the championship began to dawn on the horizon.
Failure Event: In the first round of races Shootout Clay Millican due to lack of toe was forced to skip ahead outsider Pat Dakin. Millikan himself, despite the fact that there is still so never once took home NHRA trophy six times champion of the rival IHRA Association and was the clear favorite of arrival. However, the champion continues to stubbornly refuse to carry, and the question «Can he open an account with his victories at the stages of NHRA Mello Yello drag Racing Series» still hangs in the air.
Pilot Event: Shawn Langdon fell out on the way to his first triumph of the season is very difficult opponents, and he was able to overcome them, demonstrating excellent response at the start and fi piloting skills. Especially spectacular finale turned out, when the driver did not lose after losing hook and managed a hundred percent use a similar problem faced by his opponent Tony Schumacher.

Check Event: Bo Butner in the first round of races Shootout marked the best pure transit time Quarter. But even such a blatant advantage he did not have to go further, because Jag Coughlin his opponent thanks to phenomenal results in 0.002 seconds on the tree won with a difference of a few inches.
Photo: motorsport.com, open source