Lamborghini opened a new museum

The company Automobili Lamborghini has opened a new museum and spent running in honor of the 50th anniversary of the model Miura
The company's headquarters, located near Bologna, the official opening of Automobili Lamborghini Museum.

The interior decoration of the museum has been updated, fully recyclable and subjected itself a museum exhibition, which includes exhibits along with traditional media displays and installations.

The official opening of the museum was combined with the first stage of the rally Miura, organized for the owners of the legendary supercar and in honor of its 50th anniversary.

The route runs 500 km passes through the areas of Italy as Emilia Romagna, Liguria and Tuscany. In the heart of the 20 car rally participants were exposed to the company's headquarters, above them in welcoming the ranks flew four fighters Eurofighter from the 36th Fighter Squadron Stormo Caccia, attached to the air base at Gioia del Colle near Bari, in southern Italy. The event was attended by Lieutenant General Vechcharelli Enzo (Enzo Vecciarelli), the new Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force.

Stefano Domenicali, Managing Director of Automobili Lamborghini, said: «The official opening of the new Museum of Lamborghini in the day of the start of the rally Miura is another manifestation of the respect Lamborghini company to its history Visitors to the museum will be able to feel the incredible atmosphere of the brand and will have a lasting impression, this area will be the site of fans of attraction. Lamborghini from around the world. The new organization of the space of the museum allows you to capture a unique „spirit“ Lamborghini and a closer look at the brand history. Booths and exhibits will tell about how over time improved design and technology, talk about powerful engines, and will take visitors from the past to the future the legendary brand. „

New Lamborghini Museum

Lamborghini Museum, opened in 2001, underwent a complete renovation. Its exhibits cause incredible sensations, allowing you to make a real journey from the past to the future of the brand. The new concept of the museum floor white and gray tones of the walls and ceiling are designed to set off the bright colors of the exhibition of cars and other exhibits, telling about the inspiring events in the history of Lamborghini.
The reconstruction was carried out in record time and virtually no inconvenience to visitors. She was supported by the company ETT Solutions, a work directed by Antonio Ghini (Antonio Ghini), a renowned expert in the field.

Entrance to the museum and the exhibition of the first floor

Visit the museum can be divided into several parts. At the entrance of visitors welcomed growl Aventador and Huracan engines speeding through the virtual landscape, typical for the region of Emilia-Romagna. Thus, from the outset, guests are immersed in the world of Lamborghini inimitable sound. Then, visitors are greeted by the first commercially produced in Sant'Agata Bolognese car — Lamborghini 350 GT 1963, followed by the Miura legendary, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Close to the only representative of this model with a body «roadster», you can see the chassis, showing the design of the car. The museum exhibition dedicated to technologies, is the most famous engines. On the history of the brand visually narrate a model in which there were the most significant technological innovations: it is a Diablo-wheel drive system, P 140 with an aluminum chassis, Sesto Elemento carbon-fiber body and Asterion, equipped with hybrid technology.

Without leaving the first floor, visitors have the opportunity to look into the future: here a number of built concept car class SUV Lamborghini Urus, whose serial version will debut in 2018, model LM 002, the predecessor of the luxury SUV class. Lamborghini Cheetah, the first prototype of the future car LM 002, saw the light in 1977, when the term «the SUV class car» have not even been in vogue.
Of particular interest to visitors is a huge mural — a kind of «family tree», which clearly shows all Lamborghini models created for the 50-year history of the brand. An incredible impression amazing and unique graphics. On four screens are shown alternately Lamborghini models, and conducted a detailed account of their technical and design features.

The second floor of the museum

The second floor is divided into two thematic areas. In one of them put all the basic model of the Lamborghini, ranging from modern to classic and Aventador models with front engine, such as the model 400 GT. The second zone is dedicated to motorsport. The style and color of this part of the exhibition visitors are immersed in the wonderful world of motor racing.

In the pits, exactly replicate the real thing, you can see the racing version of the Diablo GTR, Gallardo and Huracan Series Super Trofeo, as well as two cars «Formula 1» with the V12 Lamborghini engine — Lotus L102 and Lamborghini seasons 1990–1991. The atmosphere of racing enhance numerous multimedia exhibits, such as screens to access the site Squadra Corse, two virtual reality systems that allow visitors to experience the spirit of the race track in the Lamborghini Super Trofeo and the present seat Huracan models, and video wall on which flashed footage of recent races Super Series Trofeo. Also worth noting are two interactive demonstrations Huracan models participating in the world championships in GT and Super Trofeo classes. Visitors can feel the real pilots racing cars, holding on to the steering wheel of the car and driving all the features available to racers on the track. They may even go up to this podium and photographed, and for maximum realism pick your national flag to be displayed on the display above them.
The central part of the second floor reserved Miura and his 50-year history. In honor of the anniversary model is exposed to a single instance in a body «roadster», as well as the chassis, showing the technical perfection of the car, created in 1965, designers Gian Paolo Dallara (Gian Paolo Dallara) and Paolo Stanzani (Paolo Stanzani).
Rounding out the exhibition video, talks about how the center of Lamborghini Centro Stile in Sant'Agata Bolognese — the secret place of work of designers who create the future. This is the future, along with models that it will bring, will make your stay in the Lamborghini Museum, located in the heart of the plant, even more memorable.

Time for visits and additional features

Lamborghini Museum is open to visitors from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 17:00. You can also book a tour of the assembly line, which collects new cars. This is a unique opportunity for Lamborghini fans to immerse themselves in the legendary history of the brand, which is developing in accordance with the original ideas of its founder Ferruccio Lamborghini (Ferruccio Lamborghini).

The rally Miura

Miura rally held from 8 to 12 June in honor of the 50th anniversary of the most iconic models in the history of the brand Lamborghini — Miura. 20 best cars Lamborghini Miura, produced in the period from 1966 to 1972. and preserved to this day, overcame a route length of 500 kilometers.

Autos from Japan, USA and European countries arrived in Bologna, 8 June and were put up on the famous square Piazza Minghetti. On the morning of June 9, they went to the company headquarters in Sant'Agata Bolognese, where their owners have visited the factory and witnessed the official opening of the new Lamborghini Museum. Day column went to Varano de «Melegari and made a stop in the company Dallara Automobili, where Gian Paolo Dallara, one of the creators of the Miura model, welcomed the participants of the run.

June 10 vehicles continued on their way from Parma in Viareggio with a stop in the lovely small town of Portovenere, in Liguria. June 11 continued the journey in the beautiful Tuscan cities of Lucca and Florence, where the cars were on display until 12 June.

Photo: Lamborghini
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