WTCC Russia. Lada Riders defeated rivals

On the home track for the team in Moscow the pilots of the Russian team won a double victory in both races of the weekend.

But before the start of the races on the track Moscow Raceway World Touring recalled his fans — the FIA ​​announced the results of consideration of appeals Honda factory team.

Recall — against Team Honda was investigated and the results of its FIA excluded the results of the riders of the Japanese brand of the protocols of the Hungarian and the Moroccan stages of the championship. The reason for this was that alleged that both factory and «private» Honda Civic cars are equipped with head, not the relevant regulations of FIA WTCC 2016 year.

Honda appealed the decision — would be more, because of this, Rob Huff lost victory in Morocco. However, the International FIA Court of Appeal took a Solomonic decision — the team returned to the points earned in Hungary, but an exception to the protocol of the race in Morocco upheld.

The team expressed its surprise outcome of the case, but agreed with them. In this litigation, spoil the karma throughout the championship finally ended. Riders and teams do what they are able to best — racing!

In the Russian stage of the «best of the best» riders were acting on the Russian car Lada Vesta WTCC. And not just «better» — they have succeeded completely in all the sessions!

To start with the trio of pilots for «Ladakh» one wicket won the qualifying races. They were held in difficult weather conditions — first the rain poured, it then he stopped, but the track remained wet.

To this we were not ready the main favorites of the race — Citroen drivers. Jose Maria Lopez finished only qualified sixth, but he was the best representative of the «double chevron». Yvan Muller showed only the eighth time, and acting on the Citroen «private traders» were even further.

Not defined qualifications for pilots and Honda. Norbert Mihelits was fifth, Tiago Monteiro — tenth (he got the pole the morning of the race on the principle of reverse lattice), and after it turned out Rob Huff.

A three Lada Vesta were on the first three positions — Nicky Katsburg showed the best time, Gabriele Tarquini was second, and South Valent graduated qualified third.

After qualifying racers had to fight in the team race, which once again won the «ladovtsy». However, there blunder veteran team — and the championship — 54-year-old Gabriele Tarquini: Italian made a false start!

As a result, the Russian team won half-minute penalty and fell back to the third and last place behind the Honda and Citroen.

However, this was only a prelude to the main action — the two main races of the weekend. And here is the trio of pilots Lada did not blunder!

The race was held in the rain — it began during the warm-up lap. Start had to be postponed so that the participants could pereobut their cars in the rain tires.

In the first race of the participants started in the reverse order to what has been defined qualifications. But that did not stop the race departed in ninth and tenth Tarquini and Katsburgu win a double victory.

Gabriele and Nicky literally flashed peloton, ahead of all rivals. Their teammate South Valens followed at their heels, but remained «only-only» fourth — a trio of «Lad» broke Yvan Muller.

Jose Maria Lopez finished the race fifth, then — two Honda Tiago Monteiro and Rob Huff.

The second race was held without the rain, but wet coating. At this time the victors qualifying and the first race Katsburg and Tarquini started first. From the start the two of them went forward and led the way to the finish.

But the rest of the battle fought with each other until the end. If changing weather conditions did not affect the pace of Lada drivers, the speed of their opponents very affected. And if Honda drivers drove faster, the riders in front of Citroen lost speed.

Hence the results of the second run — the head of the peloton two Lada Vesta running Nicky Katsburga and Gabriele Tarquini: another double win. Places from third to fifth occupied by representatives of Honda — was the best Norbert Mihelits, then Rob Huff and Tiago Monteiro.

Sixth finished «guest» Chevrolet driver James Thompson and only after it has finished the second race in one more representative of Lada Hugo Valente.

And only the eighth place finish went to the best representatives of Citroen Jose Maria Lopez...

The next stage of the World Championship WTCC will take place from 24 to 26 June in Portugal.


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