Drew Skillman change commands

On crossing the horses do not change, but the decision seems justified.
Winner of the title «Rookie of the Year 2015» Drew Skillman in the middle of the championship decided to change the team. In truth, the pilot solution is hardly hasty or irrational. Last season Skillman in a cage with two-time champion Erica Enders Stephens participated in the national championship as part of Elite Motorsports. And at that moment the red Chevrolet Camaro this team looked very advantageous against the background of the opponents.
Eric finished the season in the status of champion, as Drew opened his account victories in St. Louis, has repeatedly note the appearance in the final and finished on the fifth line of the table that we have to admit, is a very good result for a debutant. However, after the change of the regulations and the transition to electronic fuel injection, the case of «stable» Richard Freeman went from bad to worse.
Of course, against the background of the dominance of one crying in the KB Racing rank outsiders can safely record absolutely all the participants of this championship, but the ninth and tenth place in the standings for the top pilots of the team — it is unlikely that the outcome of which wanted the head of Elite Motorsports.
As a result, Skillman, who was at that time the fourth place on points (above all his former colleagues on the team), gone over to the Gray Motorsports.
And, frankly, the choice of new home can hardly be called successful.
The only team rider Shane Gray did not shine last year, and this is almost throughout the season hanging outside the top-10.

«It is obvious that things were not quite as dreamed Skillman. Despite the fact that Drew took fourth place, they began to look closely to other teams. When I asked Ray (father and main sponsor Drew), if they are going to leave us, he replied: „Yes.“ I had no choice but to wish them good luck, — commented Richard Freeman. — We are well aware that at the moment the command level does not meet the standards to which we are accustomed to in recent years. We also know that the transition to new technical requirements will not be easy. But now we are working very hard to regain their former position, and, rest assured, we will refund them „
„We planned to spend the season in the Elite Motorsports. But something went wrong. I focused on the result, and therefore took such a decision “, — did not particularly exchanged for Skillman comments.
Photo: open source