Indy 500. hundredth race in history ended with a sensation

Alexander Rossi was able to beat the «monster» IndyCar Series almost imperceptibly.

A native of California, the pilot of the Andretti Autosport before the eyes of 400,000 spectators at the circuit Indianapolis Motor Speedway won, which, it seems, no one was waiting for him in earnest. At the end of the race favorites suddenly behind the leader by more than 10 seconds, and the nearest pursuers were in 4 seconds. When the car pulled up to the podium Rossi, a pilot for some time remained in the car, trying to get over, and Carlos Muñoz, who for the second time missed the victory in the «Indi500», could hardly contain despair. Mikhail Aleshin, as Juan Pablo Montoya and six other pilots could not finish the race.

View jubilee race has come so many people on the historic road that had to put extra bleachers and invent, how to accommodate more spectators. But all who wish to places still not enough: the race tickets ran out long before its start. In general terms, broadcast rostrum reminded huge anthills: during the three-hour arrival, people get up, sit down, move — absolutely incredible spectacle. But initially like something went wrong with wanting to speak of the number of pilots and teams. With 33 seats in the back of the field claimed exactly 33 pilot, so the competition in qualifying did not work. Another «unusual» the last race was a large number of pit stops under yellow flags. In the «Indy» it looks simply enchanting: almost all of the riders at the same time scaling down the pit lane, and then begins the complete pandemonium. In the course of arrival it happened a few serious accidents, but fortunately there were no injuries, except emotionally.

Specificity of the race on the oval is competent strategy, «flair» team of staff to the changing conditions. The correct calculation of fuel and tires may decide the fate of arrival, as it happened to Rossi, Munoz and Nyugardenom. As it may sound cynical, but if does not happen on oval racing accident, the spectacle seems quite boring: in comparison with the «normal» tracks any acceleration or braking. Overtaking can not be called spectacular. Moreover, by the middle of arrival in the corners is only one «Passage» path, which is fraught with the output of the accident. The fact that the small rubber tire pieces from flying off and accumulate at the edges of the path. Contact with the car in such zone makes it poorly managed, especially given the constant speeds around 350 km / h.

Conventionally, all the jubilee race can be divided into fragments between pit stops. During these periods the pilots simply wound circles, occasionally changing positions. For example, in the first part of James Hinchklif and Ryan Hunter-Ray of the circle could twice to change positions. Moments that could mix the card leaders and favorites began with the first appearance on the track yellow flags. The appearance of the safety car on the 47th lap was associated with some debris on the track, which swept a long time. Just 28 pilots from 33 at the same time decided to refuel and change wheels. At this time, a massive pit stop went without accidents.

On the 64th lap crashes his car Juan Pablo Montoya. At the exit of the second corner he had a failure of the rear of the car. The car spun and thrown into the fence. Later Montoya said that the car suddenly appeared excessive understeer, although up to this point the car behaved perfectly. Most of the two-week preparation for Indi500 Montoya could not show a good result, and in qualifying he did not get the nine leaders. The gathering brought the Colombian again to enter the safety car and the riders again «crowd» went to the pit lane. There has not been without incident. Simon Pagenaud and Mikhail Aleshin sides clashed at the exit from the mechanics. Pagenaud punished formulation at the end of the peloton for a dangerous exit. As after the first pit stop, Aleshin lost a few positions. Now he was 12th, while walking to the first stop in the region of the fifth position.

Sage Kerem, not acting in this season in the whole championship, 94-lap was a victim of the «only path». When you try to overtake his car hit the so-called «gray zone», the remnants of contaminated rubber — «worms.» Sage slipped and flew at full speed into the wall. The impact was strongest, but worked all the safety systems, including those that have been introduced recently. The driver was not injured, but it took everything to her doctors for examination. Yellow flags, and again a mass pit stop.

On the 115-lap race ended Indi500 for Mikhail Aleshin accident as two peas similar to Montoya's accident. In the course of arrival no comment on the reasons for the accident has not been received. Later, the pilot wrote in his «Facebook»:

Not my race. When the story goes to the back of the car, I have neither of which could not be done. Prior to Texas, it will be necessary to check the car. The next time you are lucky!
Mikhail Aleshin

At the next collective arrival in the pit lane rigidly faced Conor Daly and Ryan Hunter-Ray. The third company was Elio Katroneves, but he got off lighter than rivals. Hunter-Ray then got even on the road, one of the rivals hurt him aerodynamic elements at the rear of the machine, resulting in a loss of speed.

In the area of ​​150 th wheel after a pit stop on the machine Buddy Laze nedokrutili rear wheel, and he almost lost it after leaving the pit lane. And then the fun began. For all «estimates» should have won some of the pilots coming from the fourth to the seventh position as the top three is still waiting for the final pit stop. Stop accounted literally on the last lap. Very good, as well as the entire race, was James Hinchcliffe, and he probably would have been in the top three winners. But it turned out differently. Nyugarden, Munoz and Russia to create some separation, which is the first two pilots enough to after a pit stop not to miss the top three riders behind him. But they could probably assume that Rossi saved fuel before the finish. Three laps before the end to refuel Nyugarden drove through a circle — Munoz. Even then, Carlos realized that victory again he swam from under his nose. Rossi was enough fuel before the finish, but the car stalled on the lap of honor, and the mechanics had to push it manually.

Alexander Rossi at the end of the race leaders jumped in like a yo-the-box. Smart strategy, stable and aerobatics, apparently, the ability to save fuel in the end brought him a sensational victory. Rossi in IndyCar — debutant, and no one expected him to such a hurried. His car almost did not get into the frame during the race. Showed favorites. By the way, a lot of riders are not worthy of attention directed broadcast. But when Rossi took the lead, ignore it already happened. Reading the reviews of foreign colleagues immediately after the finish line you will notice that almost no one has a history of the race Rossi.

But it is in the «Twitter» Team Andretti Autosport. In the area of ​​a circle 50 has such a record: «Team Rossi reminded that still a lot of racing ahead and do not be upset because of the 20-th position.» Twentieth when Alexander started from 11th. That is the beginning of the race it did not work out. Next comes a lot of records on the actions Marco Andretti (it is clear). It seems that in most team on Rossi rates did not, and only at the end it became clear that he could come to the podium. «We look at Rossi — says the team later — from 20 th to 14 th position. Rookie demonstrates perseverance. » Before the accident Aleshin Rossi fell back to 24th place, but moved up to second when under yellow flags most pilots went to the pit stop. Approximately 30 laps until the end Rossi is seventh, and Muñoz — in the top five. For 11 laps the team seems to have put on Muñoz, as Russia is the sixth. And only three laps before the end of the recording appear that Russia seems to win. Thus, Alexander for the race as it took off on a swing, then falling, and quite low. The more valuable and that his sensational victory.

The following weekend, June 4–5, held a double step on the road to Detroit.

Photo: Chris Owens, Webcast

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