Pro Modified Schedule changes

Additional weight handicap will get the cars with the turbo engine with nitrous oxide injection system.
Class Pro Modified (Pro Mod) is one of the youngest in the world drag racing, NHRA and recognized its professional division only in 2010, founded J & A Service Pro Modified Series. And ever since the battle of the championship began to thunder at official events under the auspices of the Association, there was at least one command, dissatisfied with the technical regulations of the competition. This is not surprising, because the scope for increasing the impact of power plants and the choice of shape of the car in this class, the most wide: on one strip can meet and turbocharged Chevrolet Corvette last generation, and the Ford Mustang of the sixties with drive supercharger. And in order to equalize the chances of participants to bet on various configurations of engines, Technical Commission almost every year rulbuki copied by changing the minimum allowable weight dregster depending on the tuning options.

In the current season, Jonathan Gray set a new national record on his Chevrolet Camaro with a twin-turbo engine, and in the competition among the pilots alone governs veteran Ricky Smith, who made a bet on nitrous oxide. By the way, the last event series Smith for the first time exceeded the 250-mile barrier driving a naturally aspirated car. Naturally, from such a scenario, the drivers using driving compressors delight did not come, and immediately began to argue and numerous appeals to the NHRA guidance on the subject, that it is time to revise the regulations again. And the changes will not take long to wait. In the fourth phase, which will be held in June in Inglishtaune, come into force new requirements, based on statistical data collected by the Technical Commission during the past three the events.
From now on, the minimum allowable weight dregster equipped with turbo engine or the injection of nitrous oxide will be increased by 50 pounds (22.7 kg).
Thus, the minimum weight of the cars to mechanical compressors remain unchanged at 2,600 pounds (1180 kg) in the case of turbo-config — 2650 pounds (1202 kg), but in the context of nitrous oxide injection — 2475 pounds (1123 kg).
For obvious reasons, the data changes will be glad not all, and how it will affect the alignment of forces in the championship, we will see in the very near future.
Photo: open source