Religious sports cars failed crash tests

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety USA spent crash tests Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro and Dodge Challenger.
None of the iconic sports car has not passed the test and the weak «four» — did not reach graduation Top Safety Pick (for it is necessary «good» in the five tests and a basic rating for frontal collision warning system).

Frontal crash tests IIHS conducted at a speed of 64 km / h. The test simulates a moderate overlap hit the driver's side of the deformable barrier. Test with a small overlap — about rigid barrier.

The worst performance by up to five crash tests at the Dodge Challenger. IIHS specialists came to the conclusion that the frontal impact probable leg injury viditeli. At the very least, to remove the dummy from the cabin after the impact, it had to be disassembled, and this happened on the strength of five times in the history of tests.

Ford Mustang but not hurt still shone on the frontal test, but has surpassed the rest of the subjects on the strength of the roof, which is very important. The IIHS argue that according to statistics in this vehicle class is the most dangerous — an accident with a coup.
Thus, among the experimental trio Mustang sports car is recognized as the most secure.

Chevrolet Camaro hit with a small overlap withstood without any problems, but it summed up the coupe roof. Its strength is estimated at «acceptable». Besides, Camaro is no system to prevent a frontal collision (meaning autobrake or even alarm).

A keen interest in sports car from the IIHS experts is understandable. «Nobody buys a sports car to drive in the slow lane,» — they say. Accordingly, these cars despite its scarcity bring the insurance companies the most significant financial losses.
Photo: IIHS
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