Infatuated with the aerodynamics. Part 3

We continue the story of the life and work of Count Alexis de Sahnoffski, which every day becomes more and more interesting and creative.
After a short career, the designer of women’s dresses, an immigrant from Russia with empty pockets and a love of design, especially of cars, finally to the middle of the 20’s finds its niche in the Belgian «coach bildinogovoy» Van den Plas company.

The first success

Many cars, the author of the design of which was Alexis, we began to win in various competitions of elegance, of which at that time in Europe was carried out a lot of Berlin, La Touquet, Cannes, Nice and of course — the Monte Carlo. It should be noted that in contrast to the modern «beauty contest» (Concours d’Elegance), which are judged on the machine only for its aesthetic beauty, their progenitors in the 20-30-s of the last century by a complicated system with charging points.
They received and for coordinating the presentation of the machine with fashion elements, which usually implies a charming young lady in a luxurious dress, but apart from that could include a dog, and even stylish driver side.

It is noteworthy that the condition for participation in the competition car was that it was supposed to be a private owner, cost more than 3500 dollars and not be older than three months!
It considered the most prestigious competition in Monaco, and the machine de Sahnoffski won a record five years here, and in a row. It is noteworthy that the main prize was the so-called «Grand Prix medallion» (Grand Prix medallion). Count himself says: «Fate has been kind to me at the time.»

In 1926 and the next they were machines built on its design based on the original Belgian Minerva is in 1928 at Rolls-Royce, in 1929 on the Packard, and finally, in 1930, for the first time in the history of this Grand Prix took American machine — the most famous Cord «Hayes Coupe», recently sold for nearly $ 2.5 million. It is this machine opened the American chapter of the history graph of life. His way across the ocean was just as extraordinary, and even adventurous, like the rest of life de Sahnoffski.
Drawing machines for the «rich world» is actually for a penny, and even in the desk close to the creaking wood floors and komorke instead cabinet, Alexis realized that his talents are much greater prospects. Awards at competitions confirmed his ambitions. As long as payment was inadequate, forcing every way «moonlight».

There is evidence that although the Alexis tactfully silenced in an interview, still use his design talent and direct competitors Van den Plas. Since it is known that the sensational shown in 1928, at an exhibition in Paris on the basis of convertible Packard Victoria was built in D’Ieteren Freres under sketches of the graph. And the car was soon offered itself already Van den Plas and a couple of companies in the United States. There is also a view that the realities of Alexis in the same period in the whole «moonlighting», both nearby, in Belgium, and with orders from other countries.

The new goal … 

Working «on the left» made yesterday cleanliness aristocrat is not a good life, or high earnings. Strange as it will sound, but loud post «Art Director» did not mean a big payday, and at that time the Count could not even afford at least some car:
«To be honest, sometimes it was this agonizing torture to bring on the road one of the cars of my design. You see, at that moment I wanted to have a car — at least some car! To at least satisfy my desire, I have concluded with our managers some agreement on the fact that on weekends I can „test“ your own creations.

Since our production at the time produced an average of 1.5 cars per week, there was at least one fully assembled and ready for each weekend, ready for my trip to the Saturday before to be distilled off to its new owner.
Dressed in their best clothes I passed on these luxury cars past the huge glass windows of shops in Belgium’s capital, observing them in the long elegant lines built by my sketches of prestigious cars with me behind the wheel. All of my meager savings of the time was spent just on the outing to the coast or on mountain resorts, where admiring and envious glances of the local audience gave me this giddy feeling of success. At that moment I realized that only the most exclusive places are good enough for my machine!»

The thirst to raise their standard of living, supported by the success had come and had already acquired a reputation on the European level as one of the top designers, gave rise to new life goals — a repetition of continental success in attracting all America:
«I started to think seriously about how to go to America. In principle, as a teenager I already visited dream of living overseas, but now I wanted more — recognition! Understand, I never wanted to come to the United States as an immigrant and to start „from scratch“. No! My goal was to get there on my own terms: to cross the ocean in a nice cabin and a contract to work in his pocket.
These ambitious plans require fundamental training. First of all I needed recognition outside Belgium, but I could not afford this representative agent. That’s when I realized that the need to earn a name for himself with the help of publications in the press. And it was not only about the sketches. They were accompanied by these texts».

… Means to achieve them … 

Alexis starts sending his sketches and paintings in a variety of publications. It is known that while de Sahnoffski published in Autobody, L’Equipement Automobile, Conquete de l’Air, Psyche, Skyways and such giants as the Motor Trend and The Classic car.
«Although I never studied to the writer, to haunt the education received from my English, French and German governesses. Fortunately, by this time actively working in the office, I have become skilled in technical terminology. Almost at once I settled in L’Equipment Automobile, a prestigious Parisian edition, where once a month out of my materials on current trends in automotive design. At the same time successfully printed materials and prestigious Autobody, published in New York.

The main thing is that all publications were accompanied by not just my signature, and address where you can contact me. But I’m still earning it. Moreover, since the pay is fixed by page, I quickly orient. Where profitable to send materials to a large number of photos and illustrations, which significantly reduces the need for large text. You know, I have not had any problems with photos of cars, which we did in my design in Van den Plas. Thus, this part would bring me money and much needed awareness, both in France and in America».
And already in 1928, the year of publication in the American Sahnoffski de Autobody began to bring him real dividends. The first offer of cooperation came from anyone else, but from General Motors Corp. It was an art-raskrasochnom department (Art & Colour), which offered de Sahnoffski six-month contract with a doubling of wages. However, calculating the graph rejecting the offer, hoping for a long and wealthy option. Nevertheless, he agreed to meet with possible future boss to «Autumn Show Olympia» (Fall Olympia Show) in London.
Most interestingly, it was not about someone, but the Harley Ёorle, that the future author Chevrolet Corvette, a man, through which the light in the ‘50s saw the famous American fin rear fenders. It belongs Ёorlu first in the history of the world auto industry concept car.

This Buick Y-jod, produced in 1938 as a fully working model, on which he rode Harley everyday life until the ‘50s. The style of its Buick grille used until now.

… Real fruit … 

Calculation de Sahnoffski is true and after a couple of months, he gets much more serious proposal, however, by far less well-known company. She began specializing in bodywork orders Hayes Mfg. Co. from Grand Rapids (Michigan). Although at that time its turnover was great, and she has built a body for such giants as the Chrysler, Marmon, Willys and Reo, the firm is more cog of the American automobile industry, not the integral unit, as the same GM.

I must say that for the first time officials saw de Hayes Sahnoffski as … a guide who conducted them for a tour of the factory Van den Plas in Brussels. But now regularly seeing its publication in the Autobody and being a familiar live with his works, and also heard about receiving the award, in the management of Hayes hoped that create a real design studio within the company, they will be able to raise its credibility among automakers and attract new customers. They offered de position Sahnoffski «Art Director», which from the point of view of the situation is completely satisfied with the graph. However, there were other issues, as well as options.
In the 20s American cars Packard partly gained fame on the Continent just because of «coach-Builder» Van den Plas, who worked directly with two of the largest European dealers of the brand in Paris and London. Several design machines based on de Sahnoffski Packard won various awards, including the Grand Prix and the very firm annually delivers a new show car to the dealer Barbezart designed for the prestigious annual «Paris Salon.»

French dealer was so pleased with the work of the Belgian ‘coach builders’, that organized a meeting of Heads of Alexis and Elva Macaulay Packard board of directors in autumn 1928 on «the Paris Salon.» The backdrop to the meeting was a convertible Packard Convertible Victoria deep black with red leather in the hands of the de Sahnoffski. It is this machine, or rather a couple of innovations, in fact, in many ways served as a turning point in the future transatlantic career native of Russia.
«Golden youth in Europe was ready and waiting Shikov machines. But now, besides the graceful body and a luxurious interior, and they demanded the relevant driving characteristics of the chassis. We had to compete with such giants as the Hispano-Suiza, Delage, Bentley and partner Minerva, too, coping well with the release of luxury cars. Otherwise, we would have died on the spot and soon died … „And the count had the idea that not only helped his company to compete with the powerful from the automotive industry, but also became the fundamental stones in his career, and even the fate!

… And a small designer deception

This design has become a kind of trick thereby let not the ticket to America, but the turning point in the life of Count Alexis de Sahnoffski. We are talking about the Packard Victoria. Macaulay walked slowly around the car, which in reality was 25 centimeters lower than the rest of the round. The head of the American «executive» turned out to be above the decomposition convertible fabric top, and he immediately expressed his doubt about the fact that the raised roof there simply is no room for the head. What it was his surprise when he fell on the driver’s seat.
Macaulay found that not only the top of his head is not rested on the roof, but also over the bowler hat, which he had not bothered to take off, was only a few centimeters of space! Naturally de Sahnoffski did not disclose their tricks. A «casket just opened.»

Alexis used a trick, most familiar today as the Hot Rodder «channeling», then called «dropped floor». It translates literally as «an understated sex» when the bottom body «Retractable» below the level of the chassis (frame), which significantly reduce the level of seat attachment, thereby giving extra headroom.
This know-how is not an invention of de Sahnoffski, but rather actively applied at the time the producers sports cars, but in their case it was not a comfort and a low center of gravity, while the civilian cars this technique almost never used. After he returned to Makaleyyu speech, he said the designer:
«Young man, of course, you are designing attractive cars, but they are purely» continental «. Given the fact that our level of exports to Europe, no more than 5% of total production, who cares what the Europeans prefer ?! Nevertheless, I think that your place in America, but I’m not the one who „imports“ take you there. But when you come to us in Michigan, come to meet me. „Here is a kind of snobbish response. It seemed he could to discourage anyone, but Alexis, and he was correct in his self-confidence.

The most ironic thing about this is, as Alexis could not know — this gig was bought itself Packard Motor Company, loaded on a ship and sent to Detroit. The man who allegedly did not interest the European trends and know-how of the young designer vyskachki of „nowhere“ … Yes, the position in the Packard was tempting opportunity by any measure, but the count has already formally adopted Hayes offers, and a ticket to the ship at the moment He was already in his pocket … 

A new beginning

A former refugee from Czarist Russia to America on the SS Leviathan almost immediately after that exhibition arrived to the «Statue of Liberty» October 22, 1928-year. It is noteworthy that new employers have begun to exploit the exotic title and the name of Alexis while he was crossing the ocean! They previously released a loud press release notifying the local press. And in the November issue of the very Autobody published an article with the simple title «Art Director Hayes», that new Art Director, unable to come to the US to perform in December at the specialized forum «Community of Automotive Engineers» S.A.E. (Society of Automotive Engineers):
«Alexis de Sahnoffski, recently arrived from Europe, adopted a proposal to become Art Director Hayes Body Corporation. A native of Russia, when he was 18 years old, left his homeland, soon joined in the „School of Engineers“ in Lucerne, Switzerland, where he worked for two years, and then continued his education at the „Electro-Mehnichesky Institute“ in Brussels for two more years. However, Alexis began specializing design and first half year he spent in the Parisian studios, designing clothes and dresses.

Alexis has worked for five years with the Brussels Carrosseri Van den Plas, S.A. first as an artist responsible for „lines and colors“, and later as a full-fledged art director, including heading the department of experimental development. Five consecutive years of bodywork developed by de Sahnoffski won the Grand Prix in the „Competition of Elegance“ in Monaco and one at „Le Touquet Rally.“ In addition, a body designed Van den Plas, issued by other major European „coach-Builder,“ including Snutsel Aine and Vesteres and l’Auto Carrossiere.
Three years Graphite is designer dresses for Natan & Co, and was also a freelance correspondent for the Continental branch of Autobody, where he was responsible for materials on European trends in car design, publishing similar material in other publications — Paris L’Equipment Automobile and Brussels Psyche fashion magazine.
Count is the author of a series of articles devoted to aviation design, publishing in the journal Aviation Conquete de l’Air. He also served as konsultanta- „Bodywork Engineer“ for the Belgian manufacturer SABCA aircraft and designed the special-editions of the 30-strong Minerva for the eponymous Belgian automaker».

Some of these loud statements «PR» carried inaccuracies and small, including frank exaggeration. For example, they «ran ahead» with prizes in Monaco.
Contradictory information about him will haunt de Sahnoffski continue, especially in the living rumors America. Yes, later it will really cooperate including with aircraft manufacturers to write a lot of articles on aircraft design, but the same information about working with SABCA in this case only, and he de Sahnoffski never mentioned them … Nevertheless, later Earl completely overfulfilled issued his credit, and he will start with the creation of the car, which went down in the annals of the world of design as one of the most beautiful in the history of automotive design! …. 

To be continued
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