Maserati driving courses

To better acquaint customers, both actual and potential, with the model number and capacity of vehicles, the company carries out a whole program of exclusive events on the track Varano de «Melegari.

The age-old story of a Maserati, like Solid series, full of drama. This impressive series of ups and downs, world fame and periods of calm. On the eve of the millennium mark next predicted oblivion, but there it was.

Armed with a trident manufacturer from Bologna again went on the attack. the sixth generation of the Quattroporte, Coupe GranTurismo, GranCabrio convertible, charged GranTurismo Sport, incredible MC Stradale — these models are rolled out to the market with a joyful roar, and out of nowhere — in fact, many have already considered a classic of Maserati museum.

The real breakthrough took place with the release of energetic Ghibli sedan. Sedan appeared soft on the move like a cat, it comforts as sofas by Piero Lissoni, but at any moment, they say, could «shoot» and perfectly manageable. Ghibli Maserati has increased the total number of sales in the world to an instance of the fantastic 50,000, turning half-forgotten brand in the most profitable division of FIAT Group. Now, with the release of Levante SUV, the head of the Group Sergio Marchionne puts the bar of 70 000! Get it? We'll see.

To better acquaint customers, both actual and potential, with the model number and capacity of vehicles, the company carries out a variety of activities under the program Maserati driving courses. It includes a dynamic ride and various exercises on the track Varano de «Melegari, as well as a number of pleasant travel under the rubric of conventional lifestyle.

Last year I participated in the basic phase of the program Maserati driving courses, it is called a Maserati GT, and is designed for beginners, many of them for the first time sit behind the wheel of a sports car.

Next step — Maserati Premium — turned out to be much more interesting and richer.

Say at once: and Premium program is designed for professionals or experienced amateur racers. Everything there indicates they are so good at. Its mission — to promote the brand, give it to fall in love, to instill the proper skills of driving on the road, to show the difference in the behavior of various Maserati models.

The program is very exciting: first, thanks to the excellent atmosphere — roaring motors, smells of burnt rubber, they smoke and crackling red-hot brake discs during the pit stops. Schedule respected, cars abound, and the restaurant serves excellent pasta. Secondly, the track Varano de «Melegari at least in appearance, and simple, but homologated by all major highway-ring races, including Formula 1, and this is something so mean.

Initially, all the races are held with the instructor, recorded on video, sometimes you will be warned that the written telemetry and we must try. While one group of irons track, the second — but only there were two groups of six people — trying to catch suddenly breaks down toward the stern on the asphalt, shift the car from side to side in a controlled drift and competes at the speed of passage of the snake, part of which is also laid on the wet asphalt. Then the group changed.

On the second day — the track still more. Without further ado, a cup of coffee and go. «Igor, your GranTurismo Sport Number 14, telemetry, the Prague!» — In broken Russian tells me the girl-hostess. We go with the instructor and the instructor — among other things, a big difference. But the real icing on the cake — it is three laps to reset hundred pounds compared to the GranTurismo Sport, the car MC Stradale. Here is a beast! Then the beast, unfortunately roll in the garage, and we are again, alternating the entire modern range of Bologna, lick track now without cones.

Bottom line: the quality of delight so intense racing therapy pleasant aching pain in the musculoskeletal system during the next two days, and a burning desire to ascend to the next level in a year. Moreover, they say he is very proud: Master High Performance.

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