Beauty will save the world

We had a long argument with an acquaintance about the sense to buy Maserati Quattroporte. Especially in Russia, especially in the amount of more than 10 million rubles.
Maserati Quattroporte. Красота спасет мир Вся галерея мероприятия
His arguments were simple: even for less money can buy something much more practical (eg, all-wheel drive and a long wheelbase «Seven» BMW V8 and still remain on the hull) or more pathetic.
Although, when we got to the pathos of adequate examples for the same amount it turned out quite a bit. First of all, on the tongue begged Panamera — indeed, this is one of those cars, which, in addition there is also pathos and style. Another example of a luxury sedan, which, in my opinion, can stand in a row with the Maserati Quattroporte beauty, characteristics and price — a Jaguar XJ. By the way, and the audience they have similar: and there, and there are people who understand the art, style and beauty (Porsche owners are much closer to the business). And, of course, would not change the true Italian elegance in the form of beer Bavarians.

Maserati is currently one of the most problematic cars on the market, and with exactly the same as the way Alfa Romeo a few years ago: luxurious body with a number of problems when it comes to quality. Alfa Romeo pulled quality, and now they have released one of the most beautiful cars in history — Giulia.

Maserati, it seems, to such trifles do not pay attention. As mentioned at the Alfa Romeo, they have their own audience for which they seek. And they love them without any cause and reason: simply because they do not love such beauty can not. On the other hand, the new models with a trident in the grille is already far not so picky as before. Do they pretend to mass at the expense of uniqueness? Hardly.

Maserati Quattroporte sportsedan first appeared in 1963 and instantly became a classic. From the outset, they were staffed by atmospheric eights capable to disperse the car to 100 km / h in just 8 seconds and the maximum speed was 225 km / h. For such a sedan it was a very good performance — or rather, the best of its time. This car was really luxurious. In addition to the quality of finishing, even then, these machines can be proud of air conditioning and electrical stelkopodemnikami.
The only dark spot in the history of the Quattroporte was the second generation, when the brand was owned Citroen.
Modern Quattroporte — this is the sixth generation. And here is the second, which is developing a design Pininfarina. In 2013, we built the car, on the copy which I dissect today on the roads of Moscow.

You know what I like about her? Dear Italian cars — without exception — have a weekend style. Behind the wheel of a car you are equally at ease you feel in jeans and in evening dress. You can come to her in a Sunday brunch or grand rout: without a difference.
The Italians seemed to have the right to mimicry — unlike most others. However, it is the property of any of the aristocracy, which is acquired by selection.
Over a hundred years of history such as that of Maserati brand differently and could not be. Even little things like sloppy translation in the media or has been detected twice fundamentally unprompted button disable function start / stop the engine are perceived as an artistic mess of hair: kind of like it even possible to find out their flavor.

However, the car, got me to test drive revealed at first sight deficiencies were limited only to the above. salon quality — perfect. Light skin color ivory, the same tone mats, combined with aluminum inserts, look very easy and stylish. The refined design of the steering wheel pulls his hand. Even when just sitting in the car, I want to touch a stylized metal oysters, inserted into the broad lower needle. Because it is beautiful, unusual and pleasant to the touch.

One frustration: Go on about the Americans, whose market they consider it important for the brand, a Maserati installed under the hood of my car, turbo V6 (another option — turbo V8), and there is already that deep bass atmospheric eight, so that warmed the soul. Honestly, but I do not always have enough of those 411 horsepower, which were hidden in a V-shaped six. They would have been enough for a normal car — but not for the Quattroporte. However, for people like me, there is always the magic button «sport», and when it is pressed all the embarrassment of lack of power and torque disappears instantly! Wow! I just do not know this car!

Another purely marketing acquisition, namely: four-wheel drive Q4 is, which we wrote about in Maserati Ghibli test seems to significantly benefit the car. By connecting the broadcast distribution points in the dashboard, I had the opportunity to observe the distribution of torque. Equal to its distribution on both axes is observed only at the start and on a slippery surface: in other cases, preference is given to rear-wheel drive in various proportions. Well, when the blue car moving at all turns into a 100% rear wheel drive sedan. Hand put the vehicle settings and experts from Ferrari: thanks to their efforts to get the weight distribution is almost ideal. For they also had a hand in the motor. Additional nuances — the «brains» that are responsible for control of transmission and the multi-plate clutch that is responsible for the distribution of torque.

Smooth running and precise handling proved to be very useful in these days when winter does not agree to retreat, and cold asphalt and often snows were not best friends RWD cars.
On smooth Maserati unrivaled speed. The suspension is based on the QP chassis from Mercedes, delicately executed and configured. Special shock absorbers allow the car to instantly adapt to difficult road conditions. Therefore, traffic on the road any quality reserves, in principle, an extremely pleasant impression bumps and holes — a lot of other cars and drivers less fortunate.

... Happy drivers... Yes, perhaps, a measure of satisfaction from owning such a car can be only one: happiness. Neither practical nor vanity is not suitable, it is the notion of a completely different category. Italian cars are built entirely on emotion. The passion of the main word. The passion and the happiness that it brings. For this we are ready to forgive them everything.

Photo: Maria Melnikova
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