Alone on the «Formula 1». Monaco

We continue to share the experience of independent travel in the «Formula 1», and this time we go to Europe, in Monaco.
Самостоятельно на «Формулу-1». Монако Вся галерея мероприятия
This Grand Prix is ​​probably combines all that is associated with you and the royal races: speed, stunning sound, the risk (because this is where the cars always pass very close to the barriers limiting the track), entertainment, emotion, passion, romance, luxury and a real glamor. It attracts the stars of sport and show business, politics, and the powers that be. The race in Monaco wants to win every pilot, and every viewer wants to watch her from the yacht and preferably their own.

This is one of the best and one of the most expensive holiday destinations in the world. Add to all listed by the fact that it is the Côte d’Azur and the average statistical number of sunny days per year here — 300 from 365, and close by are Cannes, where on the same date to the famous International Film Festival, which you can also visit.
At the Grand Prix of Monaco is definitely worth a visit at least once in life. And now we’ll show you how to do this without any impact on your wallet.

The history of the Grand Prix, «Formula 1» in Monaco has its roots far back in time. It all began, perhaps, with the founded in 1890 velosportivnoy Association of Monaco — SVM (Sport Vélocipédique Monégasque), later became in 1907 in connection with the development and distribution of automobiles and automobile velosportivnoy Association of Monaco — SAVM. Nogez Alexander and his son Anton took over the organization of the first serious «four-wheel» racing. And already in 1911 in the vicinity of the dwarf state held its first Monte Carlo rally.

On the morning of March 29, 1925 at the extraordinary general meeting, which was attended by 55 members SAVM club president Alexander Noghès stated that «due to the ever increasing club size, its name should be changed to» Auto Club DE Monaco, «he added, that „cycling is becoming less popular.“ The proposal was approved by a vote. Becoming the „Automobile Club“, the association joined a large and growing family of national automobile clubs. However, one obstacle remained: the admission to the International Association of recognized automobile clubs (AIACR), something in the likeness of the current International Automobile Federation (FIA). As the Commissioner General of the club, his son Alexander — Anthony Noghès was requested to send an application to the Automobile Club of Monaco AIACR headquarters in Paris. He returned empty-handed, because of AIACR gentlemen considered that although the club and really organized sporting events, they were not carried out on the territory of Monaco.

35-year-old Anthony Noghès, with wounded pride and youthful determination, still decided to perform this extraordinary task — to hold the race in Monaco. The future of the club, founded by his father, was at stake. Driving the road, which was then determined to be substantially the same as the modern, with the exception of the swimming pool complex, which was opened only in 1973.
The idea of ​​the race in the city seemed impossible. Obstacles for the laying of the track had plenty: the stairs to the waterfront and near the Albert the First petrol station pavers on many streets, the tram tracks near the Casino. Noghès thought over about two years, where and how to pave the road, and finally decided to show their project to the authoritative expert, the person in whose fair and impartial opinion could expect: Louis Chiron. Once known racer Anthony heard the plan, he said: „Excellent, wonderful, wonderful!“ Supported venture and Prince Louis — helped the organization and allocated funds from the state treasury to the streets alteration.
Six months later, on April 14, 1929, Prince Pierre opened the 1st Grand Prix of Monaco, and performed a lap of honor in the car Avions Voisin Torpedo running race director Charles Faro. Louis Chiron was absent that day on the grid, as took part in the race the Indianapolis 500. A total of 16 cars left the start (the Bugatti eight, three Alfa Romeo, two Maserati, Licorne and Mercedes SSK) at arbitrary positions. A certain Englishman named William Williams, who arrived too late to take part in the official training, got up at dawn on Saturday and stunned all spectators with a stop, hitting the pole position. Williams won the Grand Prix on his green 35B Bugatti in 3 hours, 56 minutes and 11 seconds with an average speed of 80.194 kilometers per hour to 100 circles. The race was a phenomenal success.

April 19, 1932 gathering crowd enthusiastically welcomed Sir Malcolm Campbell (who recently broke the world speed record — 408.621km / h on his famous Bluebird), had opened the 2nd Monaco Grand Prix at the wheel of the magnificent black and silver Rolls Royce Torpedo.

From 1938 to 1947 the Grand Prix has not been due to financial difficulties, lack of opponents, as well as the aggravation of the international situation. Finally, 16 May 1948, almost zabyvshiysya engines roar came again echo through the streets of the Principality. However, May 9, 1949, Prince Louis II died, and the Grand Prix was not held. May 21, 1950, the 11th Grand Prix was won by Juan Manuel Fangio of Argentina.

The following year, the race was again canceled due to problems with the budget, but also because of new rules for fast cars has not yet been prepared. In the Grand Prix on touring cars in 1952 in the famous tunnel he had an accident and died later the Italian rider Luigi Fagioli. The 12th Grand Prix was held at the request of «his lordship» Prince. The race took place, but international rules and were not prepared. In 1953 and 1954, the Grand Prix has not been for the same reason. May 21, 1955, the 13th Monaco Grand Prix is ​​back on the streets of the Principality. Then there was the famous Ascari accident — his car broke the fence and fell into the water. The pilot was still alive, but later crashed at Monza. Since then, the Monaco Grand Prix is ​​held each year, although since that time there have been many changes. For the duration of the stages F1 killing two pilots and two others flew into the water.

This is the slowest track on the calendar of the championship Formula 1, the difference between the best lap and total failure is very small, so the pilots to take risks. In Monaco overtaking is almost impossible to make the outcome of the race depends on the qualification and passing the first turn.
Nine times in the last ten years in Monaco defeated rider, who started from pole position. The only exception — the 2008 season, when Felipe Massa won the qualification and chaotic rain race — Lewis Hamilton.

Monaco — a small country located in southern Europe. The tiny principality on the shore of the Ligurian Sea (if you do not know this part of the Mediterranean Sea) is widely known for the casino, the Monte Carlo Rally and Grand Prix, «Formula 1». For entry into the country need a Schengen visa. Flight options are many: and direct, and with transfers, the second, of course, be longer, but cheaper. The nearest international airport is located in the French city of Nice. Getting to Monaco here is easiest by train, and if money is in abundance — then at least by helicopter. However, if you’re not a millionaire, then it is recommended to stay in Nice and other nearby towns lying to the principality, Monaco, because the price of living in the days of the Grand Prix exorbitant. While in Nice, to book accommodation in advance is better, rather, to find a more or less reasonable prices, much better in advance, and do not forget to include in the budget to pay the daily travel travel to Monaco and back.

We, for example, it is well done: choose a hotel in Nice, within walking distance from the train station and on the train went to Monaco. The hotel was certainly not a 5 star, a small room, and breakfast were given coffee, but the bread and butter, but with the busy day program, we are at a major bank, there is only spent the night, so he gave us quite. Tickets bought on the train at the station in vending machines. By the way on the day of the race of people at the station a lot, so it is best to arrive in advance and wait for the train than did late.

The first of the fun activities that can be visited during the Monaco Grand Prix — a football game featuring the stars and pilots «Formula 1». It usually takes a Wednesday evening. Frankly, those wishing to watch the game is not too much, so buy tickets for the match can be directly at the box office stadium «Louis II» and the place will be. There is also a chance to get autographs from the drivers and, if lucky, to be photographed with them.

And now directly about the prices for visiting Grand Prix F1. Tickets to the rostrum are overtly expensive. For example, the price in 2016 only to Sunday starting at 300 euros, and a combination of three days — from 430. Alternatively, you can explore deals on hotels and terraces with views to the track as the locals, and in hotels, and this is also expensive. Charter, by itself, will cost even more. And you can buy standing room area in the hill: on Sunday from 70 euros, on Saturday from 40 euros.

The most vivid impressions can be obtained on Thursday, visiting the pit lane area and the boxing team, this trip is available upon presentation of a ticket for one (any) of the days of the Grand Prix.

The atmosphere is incredible excitement. Still, after all gathered in Monaco star at this moment are just there, and it’s not just about the pilots «Formula 1». It is here and now chances are high to see the very real celebrity — musicians, actors, athletes, politicians. And it is on the Monaco Grand Prix we managed to get the highest number of signings in the history of our trips to F1!

We all stood in one place, and only managing to «catch» the stars. Pilots, engineers and team leaders went back and forth, making the promenade and at the same time signing autographs, and finally not in a hurry. PR-crates were given to people specially trained branded cards and have them riders and painted. And, of course, you can take a picture with the idol, though often collective ☺ 

Apparently at the Monaco Grand Prix this behavior for members of «Formula 1» — an element of the special status of the race. For true fans humbly waiting for their idols in front of boxes while walking through the pit lane at every Grand Prix, in each country, but let’s face it, usually the drivers if in the end and go to the fans, then a few minutes, and sometimes do so and did not receive them with their attention. In Monaco, the fans come out to all the drivers, the main thing to catch the right moment.

Interestingly, two of the first session of free practice, according to tradition, at the Monaco Grand Prix held on Thursday. On Friday, the pilots of Formula 1 on the track does not leave, they have the program a number of social events, but the races are held the youth racing series. Boxes Support races are usually separated from the location area teams F1, almost at the other end of the city (we went up to them on the bus, and then another, and went on foot), but you can visit them for free. We were lucky to even get on a mini-tour of one of the teams, in which pilots «Formula Renault 3.5» show their cars and talked about them.

If you want the maximum touch to the atmosphere of a sports holiday and at the same time possible to save as much as possible, the qualification of «Formula 1» can be found not on the track, and in the sports bar, as an option, in the famous STARS’N’BARS, where the interior is decorated in the spirit of F1. The truth is the entrance to the bar will be paid from the 15 euros (probably with the money you can order a meal, so that profitable), and need to buy a ticket in advance. However, here you can watch the race and also bought a ticket in advance — if you absolutely save.
Best of all — is the fact that here in Monaco atmosphere of «Formula 1» can be felt in full, regardless of the ticket price, and, in principle, even at all without a ticket for the race.

The first emotion of walking on the pit lane and the meeting with the pilots of F1 exceeded even the emotions of watching the races: race cars, racing on the track, we have already seen, but the recharge of the let and short, but personal contact with these fearless crazy characters — it happens every day!

Second, the urban route, which means that even when you’re not on the podium, but, for example, in the next street, you still hear the roar of the engines and feel the rhythm of the race.

And watching the races even at the sports bar, but in the Monaco — is also feeling incomparable with sitting at home watching television.

Video: 3D-route preview

And the whole city is bred in the hills, the roads are one above the other, and there are places where, even from a distance, one can see the cars racing around the track. Around selling themed souvenirs and paraphernalia. In general, during the Grand Prix all steeped in the spirit of the race, he is in the air in the literal sense of the word.

Monaco — an unusually beautiful place, here you will find many interesting places to visit and regardless of the «Formula 1»: palace, museum, casino, opera, parks and gardens, and landscapes fascinate and delight the eye. This is one of the most brilliant Grand Prix of the F1 calendar and the entire trip, which is an unforgettable positive impression.


The official name of the track: Circuit de Monaco
Location: Monaco Center
Capacity: 120,000 
Established: 1929 
Track length: 3.337 km
Race distance: 260,286 km
Number of laps: 78
Number of corners: 19 (8, 11, left and right)
The first Grand Prix at this track: 1950 
Record range: 1: 18,063, Daniel Riccardo, 2015

Photo: Svetlana Parfenov and open source
Svetlana Parfenova column,

Svetlana Parfenova column,

Svetlana Parfenova column,

Svetlana Parfenova column,

Svetlana Parfenova column,

Svetlana Parfenova column,

Svetlana Parfenova column,

Svetlana Parfenova column,

Svetlana Parfenova column,