Lamborghini and Alcantara: double Italy

No no. Leather of ostrich legs to this material is irrelevant. And if you will tell me that it is produced from the poor animals called Lama, too, do not believe it.

Alcantara is a fully synthetic material, which is also called artificial suede. It is made of polyester and polyurethane. And the secret of the amazing softness and elasticity — in the process of processing the fibers.

In Moscow, sometimes amazing things happen. Suddenly, for example, carried out a presentation of the company Alcantara. And like everyone knows is an Italian name, and what is nice, but is still poor Italians aloud something about themselves and not claimed! And now we decided to correct this omission.

As it turned out, Alcantara is, although it produces most of its products to the needs of the automotive brand, yet there are other segments of their application. This fashion and furniture and even finish details monitors and speakers.

Still, 82% is cars.

By the way, few know that Alcantara was developed by Japanese scientists, and the enterprise for the production of the material was a joint Italo-Japanese. Now we forget about it already, and the brand has become a purely Italian.

Delicious Lamborghini Huracan orange color was mainly aystopperom evening. Salon traditionally trimmed in Alcantara in conjunction with the skin, and in addition to the tactile pleasure in alcantara, there are several advantages, it is very important from the point of view of both the producer and owner of the car.

One of them — the practicality, because this material can easily withstand dry cleaning, and other effects, easy to get rid of dirt and stains. The second — the temperature regime: alcantara winter is much warmer than the skin, and in the summer — cooler.

But from the point of view of the company making sports cars, there are more important aspects: a small weight of the material (several times lighter skin) and a good ratio of «coupling» with the human body. Steering wheel covered with Alcantara, did not slip in hand, sitting in this artificial suede increase «perseverance.»

— The Lamborghini is the first sports cars and racing technology, — said Brand Director Lamborghini Russia Konstantin Sychev. — For us the crucial weight of the car, so we pay great attention to the materials used. Carbon Alcantara and it's just our theme.

— Each of our car — continued Mr. Sychev — a unique special project. Our lineup has never been more than one or two models at the same time, and each, we pay a lot of attention. For example, our limited edition Huracan Avio, issued in the amount of 250 pieces, and was manufactured using Alcantara. Several of these cars hit in Russia.

A little sadder is the situation with another exclusive, represented in Geneva. Centenario, Coupe, made on the basis of Lamborghini Aventador, in Russia, most likely, will not fall, although one Russian among customers and it says: leave for Europe.

According to the same Konstantin Sychev, a feature of the Russian market is the brand that customers do not like to buy cars that do not have time to see live. As Centenario,, they were sold out even before, as they were presented «in the flesh».

— Konstantin, please tell me whether there were at least some of your quota of cars to Russia in the current year?

— With regard aventadorov, they are now all sold out. Especially Superveloce series has been very popular. But it is possible that later on we will be able to present our customers with a surprise. But to say what, I can not yet. As for Huracan, then we can say that Russia is even a little ahead of the rest of Europe in terms of sales growth. For example, yesterday there was still a quota for Avio, but today it no longer exists.

In general, we try to always give the market a little less cars than required. Oddly enough, this is what excites the growing demand. Last year we sold in Russia a little more than 20 vehicles, showing a growth of 30% compared to 2014, and I can say that this year our growth will certainly not less.

— And what is the fate of a hybrid Lamborghini Asterion?

— It was only a concept car, demonstrate our vision for technology development. But last year was made final development of a third model line. And it's not a hybrid.

Lamborghini — exclusive cars, but last summer was adopted a unique solution for the production of the third model. And this SUV. Preliminary title — Urus, most likely, it will remain. The car will be collected at our main site, at the headquarters in Sant'Agate- Bolognese. There for this doubles the area and power, significantly increase the number of employees. So the third line, which will be implemented already in 2018, in its fullness will be approximately equal to two existing ones. This is at least 300 cars per year.

On some characteristics of the Urus is now too early to speak. It is important that we stick to our traditional sports ratio weight / power. And I can say that even taking into account the development of the SUV segment, I do not see even to 2018 any competitor our car among existing brands.

— But at least it will be naturally aspirated engine? You save the fine tradition? Or we can talk about the turbo?

— Now I can not yet say. The only thing I'm willing to be noted that to this day, we remain true to our aspirated V10 and W12. And our customers appreciate that. But in terms of the concept SUV weight and power density are very important. A turbo engine, of course, in this sense is much more than meets these requirements.

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