Mikhail Aleshin: «Each race — it's a real challenge to you as a rider and as a person»

Mikhail Aleshin returns to IndyCar.
Mikhail Aleshin, who for various reasons had to miss last season in the IndyCar US, in 2016 returns to one of the toughest racing series in the world. Our athlete will perform for the team Schmidt Peterson Motorsport, but under the Russian flag, and with the support of SMP Racing racing program.
The complexity of the series lies in several points: a big competition, ultra-high speed and few (or rather three) variants of race track: the traditional ring, oval track and the city. Shortly before the start of the season Michael spoke about his impressions of the series.

— Please tell us more about the upcoming season. About the team competition, partners and competitors.
— Schmidt Peterson Motorsport team organized by Sam Schmidt, who was a former pilot of the IndyCar, has not yet had a serious accident and was not paralyzed. This team is in the top 4 of the coolest American racing teams — «Penske» «HaNasi» and «Andretti» and in that order. Schmidt Peterson — team is very close to the «Andretti» in its results. In 2014, when we were with Simon, we were able to get ahead of the team, «Andretti» in the middle of the season on points in the team standings, despite the fact that they had three pilots, and we have only two.
— Who is your team-mate this year?
— With me go Hinchfer James, a Canadian, it acts in the IndyCar about five years. Quick and competent pilot. It is true that last year he too, like I was in a very unpleasant accident, when it could not end so well. But it is good that he is with us, in every sense of the word.
— How many in the team all machines?
— Two pilots have all four cars. And this is because for ovals machines differ from conventional machines to the ring or city road. They vary in size, some detail aerodynamic body kit and settings.

— What percentage of tracks on the calendar — roughly equal or not?
— This year about yes. But two years ago, when I spoke, it was less than ovals, now they added.
— What is the most difficult route?
— For me, probably, in the first season it was the most difficult oval, as he had unfamiliar to me the specifics. The rest of the tracks were still familiar. But also on oval I learned pretty quickly. The complexity of the oval is that it is necessary to actively think, especially when you're going to race in traffic. And to respond quickly to any changes in the situation. Because when you're driving at a speed of 380 km / h on an oval, particularly in the arc, and around you in 5 cm from both sides coming four machines, the response must be instantaneous.
— How realistic is it to control the machine at such speeds?
— Of course, really, just someone who does it better, some worse.
— A person who has never ridden at this speed, it is difficult to understand the specifics of this motion. Especially when next to you side by side, are other cars. How is driving the process? There are rules?
— The fact is, and the specificity and particularity of oval racing, because it is constantly in tension. It's hard to explain.
— Maybe you have your personal chips that you apply?
— There are no chips actually. You have to be ready for this easy. And the more you experience, the better. On ovals win mostly those people who have done this for years and some for decades. On an oval really need a lot of thinking, a lot of pre-calculate their actions, even long before.
— How important is it to know or predict the behavior of other drivers?
— It is extremely important, because of the behavior of other drivers your life depends, and it's not a metaphor. For example, the oval there is a certain code of conduct pilots. You can not be reconstructed immediately after passing under someone. And not because you prune it, and because, if it falls into the bag in the aerodynamic turning right behind you, it is a 99% chance to immediately fly to the wall because of the lack of downforce. This is the main rule in the race, even if the struggle is for the leadership. I explained it the other pilots on the first day before the races: just came up and said, like «we have here is a situation nobody wants to be in the hospital once again.»
— There are some rules?
— This is the main. All other rules boil down to one thing: just to be human in relation to others. Because the race on an oval — it's really a life-threatening thing. And, of course, no one wants to go to the light before the time, and all respect each other on the track, because it really depends on life.
— You participated in almost all the world's racing series, perhaps with the exception of NASCAR. IndyCar and in fact the most difficult of them?
— Definitely! Here the minimum auxiliary systems and maximum power. In addition, the track here is very peculiar. Even familiar ring roads extremely unsafe, not to mention the ovals. Ovals — this is a specific topic. Compare with European oval tracks — it's like comparing «Formula Renault 3.5» and rally. On the oval need to completely forget everything you knew before, and to learn from scratch. But the car is much easier.
— In what sense — it is easier? Structurally?
— Yes. They're easier than the «Formula 1», but more powerful, faster, and they have all these complex and unnecessary technology in F1. Incidentally, no steering, and the race is longer, almost an hour. Physical fitness should be much more serious than in the «Formula 1». And I like IndyCar is the fact that every race — it's a real challenge to you as a pilot and as a person in the first place, because there is really very difficult: mentally and physically.

Photo: SMP Racing
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