«Centennial» supercar

Lamborghini will present in Geneva supercar Centenario LP 770–4.
Centenario in Italian — century. It is the right word, to emphasize the affiliation of the new supercar brand to super-event — the 100th anniversary of the birth of its founder Ferruccio Lamborghini.
For the first time the long term model Lamborghini received polnoupravlyaemoe chassis.
Moreover, at low speeds the rear wheels to enhance maneuverability and reduce the turning radius of rotation at a small angle to the opposite side from the front (at high speeds, all four wheels are still looking in the same direction).

Under the hood — V-shaped 6.5-liter 12-cylinder engine capable of developing 770 hp and to overcome the first hundred for 2.8 seconds, and up to 300 kilometers per hour — for 23,5 seconds. Supercar Maximum speed is limited to 350 km / h. The braking distance at a speed of 100 km / h is 30 meters, and 300 km / h — 290 meters.

Of course, dominated by carbon. The whole model is built around a carbon fiber monocoque. From the same material — absolutely all the body panels. Galore — passive passive aerodynamic elements (ducts of headlamps in the wheel arches and sills) and active (wing, for example, which is able to change the height and angle).

Circulation trends is limited to 40 copies, the first half of them — a compartment, the second — a roadster. The price tag starts at 1.75 million euros. Free copies no longer exists, all sold out. The first lucky ones will get their Centenario this fall, and the rest — during 2017.

Photo: manufacturer
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