Ice ice, Ferrari

Snow, Mountain, Formula 1. It seems that it is becoming a tradition and mainstream trends.

In those same days, when in the Murmansk region on natural ice of Lake Lovozero Mikhail Aleshin has made successful attempts to establish speed records per formula GP2 class car in a completely different part of the world, in the Italian ski resort of Livigno Scuderia Ferrari at the Kaspersky Motorsport supported entertained spectators races Formula 1 on the snowy slopes.

Records there did not put any — it was purely spectator event, show, conducted by a team of people to raise interest in motorsport in general, Formula 1 and of Ferrari in particular.

By car F1 Suderia Ferrari 2009 in races he attended pilot of Giancarlo Fisichella, who stands today in the American Championship Tech Sports Car and Le Mans Series series.

Giancarlo, who, as it turned out, had always dreamed of a formula to take out car outside the asphalt circuits, not just traveled in a straight line, but also twisted so beloved audience «bagels» fan blowing snow spray, and showed elements of slalom.

Today, the first time I was able to ride on the Formula 1 in the snow, and it was quite an exciting action! But the main thing for me was how the audience reacted to it.
Giancarlo Fisichella

Well, it all ended with presentation of communication with the audience and autographs.

Important became the second day of the event, when the other two pilots of the team — young Antonio Fuoco and Alexander Moiseev, who is also the Managing Director of Kaspersky Lab Europe — conducted the lessons of safe driving and driving skills to the public «Kaspersky Snow Driving Experience», demonstrating how to drive a car in difficult weather conditions.

Italian cars and snow are always created a feeling of antagonism, however, the example of these two days it became clear that the «Italians» just allow you to control a snow in the winter and, well, get the skills — not such a big problem.

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