Galactic fruit madness

«Gelendvagen» should be black. In a government motorcade possible. But in ordinary life, where too many gray and gloomy, why not paint even such brutal robust fellow?

This is the case when the choice of only complicates the situation. Yellow, green, orange, red or purple? Eyes run. Perhaps in five colors, I still would choose green. Or orange? No, it is yellow.

Just because the bright yellow G63 AMG — it's complete and final challenge to all the habits and traditions. Someone once said that «Gelendvagen» should be black?

In the furnace of your opinion! I do not want to be like everyone else and I can afford it!

However, I was a little forgotten. Now I choose not afford a new car, and take a ride press and park, so the choice of colors is not necessary for me: I got purple. «Chameleon».

Perhaps, out of all the colors — the most familiar. And the calm. A few years ago, it was very fashionable «chameleon» in Russia, so it met the drivers react to G63 in purple is not so rapidly as in the summer reacted to yellow and orange. But still nice. Overlooked a car exactly nowhere to stay.

Collection Crazy Color — this is not just an option for every color «Gelendvagen» no. Five colors can afford only the owners of versions of G63 or G65 AMG. At the same time the cheapest option color will cost you an additional 1.071 million, while the most expensive one in 1 400 000 rubles. That's not counting the cost of the car itself, which begins with 11.11 million at the G63 and 20.22 million in G65.

I do not know why the name of the collection Crazy color I associate with Angry birds toy. Most likely, because «Gelendvagen» in this color — this is the highest level of right of insanity, the same crazy toy, which I would like to have every fan of the brand and model, capable of insane acts. Why not? Who said that life should be a gray or black?

Hail shestisotsilnye «refrigerators» bright colors!

Huge (under two meters tall), heavy (over 2.5 tonnes in weight), frame and rigid axle, this super-SUV in the top version of the famous tuning house, has become one of the largest companies in the world in terms of operational development of cars, itself fruit frenzy. I still remember my feelings from the management of one of the serpentine, leading to Krasnaya Polyana. Top that was not terrible, but down in the corners and even on a not very high speed (up to 80 km / h), this car seemed quite unmanageable.

But here on the flat straight — the king and god of all roads. 5.4 to 100 km / h? No problem! Just PUSH pedal. In off-road sections it is also beautiful. It is due to continuous bridge and three differential locks — central and two cross-axle. By the way, steering it very simple and classic, the same as is on our UAZ «screw + ball nut.»

Once removed from the production of Defender, Gelaendwagen was perhaps the last bastion of proper off-roader. Wrangler All these and others like them next to the Mercedes G-klasse resemble toys for boys, although they have their own unique charisma. I'm not talking about the competitors in the class of 500+: none BMW M5 can not be compared with the G-Klasse neither the mood nor on the terrain. And it is only the brutal brick, square, loud and beautiful, able to wake up in its owner something primal that really dormant in each of us. Every time climbing into the comfortable cabin (call it a salon in my language does not turn, and it's good!), I was in awe turned the ignition key (yes, there is all these new-fangled launch buttons!) And listening to the sweet sound of glass rattling in the glass «lamp» entrance.

This twin-turbo V8 with whom you want to raise the morning because enough sleep, sleepy, went to ride!

It is with this feeling I have started every day, no matter how heavy or light it is assumed, and what the weather was outside. G-Klasse was waiting for me under the windows, and we had just conquered street by street. There were, of course, and problems: on a slippery road currently need to account for a relatively high inertia of the vehicle: it is not stopped immediately, as soon as there was such a desire. But stabilization systems work perfectly, ABS chatters underfoot faster sewing machine, the main thing: do not take our foot off the brake pedal.

He is completely urban, at the same time is not afraid of off-road. And equally organically look like ears in mud and on pure asphalt on a background of glass facades. Black, white, purple or green, it is always eye-stopper and the object of desire of all generations «mersovodov». It is in itself — a challenge, and in crazy color edition — call twice, if not triple. Yellow «Gelendvagen»... No, it had to come up with!

Now the G-Class can be ordered in the following colors:
Yellow — AMG Solarbeam
Green — AMG Aliengreen
Orange — AMG Sunsetbeam
Red — AMG Tomatored
Purple — AMG Galacticbeam.

PS By the way, in the new year waiting for the modernization of the famous «Gelika» — Mercedes promises to set a new aluminum frame instead of steel, independent front suspension, new engines and an updated interior.

Photo: Maria Melnikova

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