NHRA. Tests in Phoenix. The best time Johnson

At the private tests Tommy Johnson Jr. on his Funny Car Dodge Charger overcame 1,000 feet for 3,874 seconds.

In the off-season regulation NHRA has undergone many changes and personnel changes are not abated almost to the start of the championship. But those whose faces are not flashing in the news articles in specialized publications and in various press conferences, are not sitting idle.

We are talking about the mechanics of the teams that are hard to prepare for the new season, tirelessly. And the results of their work not long in coming. During a closed session for the audience the test Nitro Spring Training, held in Phoenix, Tommy Johnson Jr. at the wheel of his blue and white Make-A-Wish Dodge Charger tysyachefutovuyu went the distance in a record in the classroom Funny Car 3.874 seconds. Naturally, this would not become a national record, but such an achievement says that time bracket in the coming season will move, and likely many times.

It was excellent — shared pilot of Don Schumacher Racing. — Check in it was almost perfect, and I knew it as soon as the brake parachutes opened. These figures — the result of heavy four tests and well-coordinated work of the whole team during a break between seasons. We all were infinitely pleased to see the fruits of our labors on the scoreboard after the race...
Tommy Johnson Jr.:

«However, I have not said in vain» almost perfect «- said Rider. — To the level of 1/8 of a mile all went as well as possible, but based on the telemetry readings, we can say with confidence that we can improve the total value of pure time at the finish. I'm sure John Collins (chief mechanic Johnson's team) knows how to solve this problem and make dregster accelerate up to the mark and after the passage of 660 feet. And if we add to this favorable weather conditions, then we have every chance to become owners of a new national record in the quickest possible time. »

Well... The season has already begun, and very soon we will actually see what the forecasts are confirmed, and which will appear in the section too bold.

Photo: open source