NHRA. 50 years old Funny Car class

In 1966, the NHRA regulations an entirely new class of dregster.

Enthusiasts quarter-mile races on all available ways tried to squeeze the maximum performance out of their cars.

That is how the cars are born with an altered wheelbase, wide slicks and devastating power motors. Funny Car class immediately won the love of the public due to exaggerated forms of body and really impressive numbers at the finish. For half a century of evolution dregster changed dramatically: technological progress has marked time, engine output has increased many times, and the resemblance to the technology that travels on the roads of America, it was altogether negligible.

During the coming season, NHRA is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of one of the fastest and most popular divisions in drag racing.

In connection with this round date for the championship will be held a series of events with the participation of religious and legendary drivers of cars that will forever become a part of the long history of racing in a straight line.

Planned numerous performances of riders on classic touring dregster, autograph sessions heroes of the past, as well as the exposure technique straight out of the sixties, seventies and eighties. And of course, the press service of the NHRA promises strongly heated public interest in this significant event through television programs, as well as publications on the official website of the Association and materials on the pages of the leading theme of the magazine National Dragster. Channel FOX Sports, which this year will cover all game events NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series, will also take the most active part.

«Funny Car class continues to be one of the main champions NHRA, and we all greatly excited about the prospect of celebrating the fiftieth anniversary since the introduction of these machines on the Strip ultimatum America. Just think about it for half a century of history for which the world has seen dozens of talented riders, the epochal significance of his races and cars that quickly became inexorably from year to year, from season to season. — Said at a press conference, President NHRA Peter Clifford. — This feast for the fans, because we are all well aware how much they love the unpredictable nature of these 10,000-strong monsters. »

Photo: NHRA