Unique tool

Range Rover SVR — an SUV with the heart of a sports car. Why the need for such a car, and that's special about it?

Taking a test drive bright blue Range Rover SVR, I'm glad to see him as an old friend: it is precisely on this car a little less than a year ago, we came off on the racetrack «racetrack Sochi» during the official test-drive! And again, he said.

The amazing vitality to the press car park, which in the meantime has repeatedly got into the hands of a very hard-nosed thugs journalists. In the representation swear: no serious repair or replacement units was not, except that it was necessary to change the brake pads so straighten lapped someone door. Agree, when the jokes, who love to share about the «PP» owners of other brands, this story sounds almost plausible. Nevertheless, it is a fact.

«PP» has long ceased to be moody and easily broken car. It is a full-fledged SUV, ready to go and viscous mud, and deep ford without compromising his condition where we once only not experienced — and deep ditches and wet forests of Britain, sands and mountain rivers of Morocco, on the steep hill of Bahrain and even formulaic track.

The «PP» unconditional Luxury class car with all its attendant characteristics: it is no less comfortable than in any other vehicle in this segment, and often even more. And he is ready to compete and even win the competition with other luxury SUVs on the totality of its properties: no wonder the Queen of England prefers PP.

But SVR... Such improvements SUV history does not know yet. 550 hp, 700 Nm of torque and acceleration to 100 km / h in 4.5 seconds — the result is truly impressive for such dimensions. Moreover, it is impressive when you can not read the numbers on the paper, and you sit behind the wheel and feel it is my fifth point. However, the question is: why the car with off-road features such speed and such acceleration, anyway revolves language. What is it — a toy for the rich and crazy fetish for youngsters or a museum exhibit for the jaded elders?

Answer me this question (and other too), as well as demonstrate what actually able RR SVR, he has agreed to lead the instructor Jaguar Land Rover Experiense Yegor Vasilyev.

Yegor Vasilyev — Candidate of Technical Sciences, master of sport, multiple winner of the Championship and the Cup of Russia Rally, a bronze medalist Russia in the class A7 (2002) has long been engaged in car brand Jaguar Land Rover and knows all about them. Also, my experience with multiple Egor tells us that as a man he is direct and candid, and will answer questions honestly.

For the photo shoot and test and arrived in Russia's new Jaguar Land Rover Brand Experience Center, located on the New Riga highway, 22 km from MKAD. The center is very convenient: to get to it no problem. The journey from Moscow takes about 20 minutes. In addition, on its territory it provided almost everything that can be useful for testing cars. There is off-road and obstacles, and the 2-kilometer circular track asphalt and asphalt playground with the possibility of dampening cover all interest test.

The site was covered with fresh snow and simply attracted to break the virgin white. It was interesting to bring to drift such a machine, the more that four-wheel drive, in principle, not so easy to slip sideways. But thanks to Egor: his tips all happened rather quickly and steeply.

We disable all systems stabilize and begin to catch adrenaline!

With SVR important to feel the level of pressing the gas pedal and catch the moment when it's time to swap the wheel. Change the angle of the wheels you need for a few moments before the slide has become unmanageable. So, precisely metered single, relatively powerful pressing the gas to disrupt the rear axle, then the dissolution of a small move in a smooth side sliding now turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction, otherwise we will carry out «the wrong step». Raza fifth I understand what he wants from me this handsome healthy.

These exercises, by the way, useful to all — just to understand what this car is capable of in various situations where a point of no return, and to what extent it is possible to test features.

— This beautiful motor car, similar to what is on the top-end Jaguar F-Type: 550 hp, 700 Nm, — says Yegor Vasilyev. — What else do you need for happiness? Plus, this engine likes to be hyping up high speed. At RR SVR excellent transmission, so it is enough to keep the engine at peak torque (and it comes almost immediately, on 2500). And the regiment from 2500 to 7000 can be completely relaxed feel in terms of +/- 2 transfer to manual control.

According to its genotype is the Range Rover off-road car, not SUV, although lately LR / RR and the trend towards the asphalt.

— Here and there is a certain dissonance. Despite the traditional off-road test, it's not just a Range Rover, a version of the SVR — the machine prepared for the demonstration of results on time and power, rather than climbing mud and swamps. Not if this was the completion of «the antithesis of the» off-road qualities?

— Good question. But what is responsible for the off-road performance of the car? The suspension, ground clearance, vehicle weight, torque and type of all-wheel drive. And, of course, a properly fitted wheels and tires — a particular road. That we have and in excellent form. As for the asphalt, it is important to vehicle weight, power to the vehicle's center of gravity as low as possible. Important body rigidity, the power that enables to drive at high speeds, torque, because it provides good acceleration. As for the weight, yes, here it is losing weight, but this is offset by capacity. The car has turned significantly more dynamic all other «PP».

— What surprised me in the car, so it's the brakes. Why not put ceramics?

— I was hoping you would not ask this question... the problem with the brakes, yes. Of course, they have a very heavy load, especially in the race track. And I agree that carbon-ceramic here would look a lot more advantageous. Moreover, the brand has such a brake, they are well established, and this car would look quite appropriate. We hope that very soon there will be such, at least as an option. As for the regular braking system, under the normal operation of the road it is enough, well, that this car will be operated under the race track, I think we are not talking. Yet this is not a racing car.

— Yegor, and why all created this car? Does it have a practical application? The dirt on it not polezesh, on the track it is nothing to do on public roads such speed and power in general do not need...

— I thought about why build such cars. On the one hand, perhaps it is still such a challenge for the engineers — can we build a car even faster, more powerful, more manageable? Could — great! On the other hand, a judge will be able to feel the pure joy from the fact that he has such a completely unique instrument, which is absolutely superior to all that is created in this area.

When I get into the hands of such a car, I'm not trying to just experience it to the fullest. I appreciate the fact that he was a friend to do that, he invested a huge amount of knowledge, emotion and warmth. He is exceptional, and therefore will be relevant not just today and tomorrow, but years later. And this label SVR in itself says it's a different approach to building cars. It should also be understood that this is not an off-road vehicle and track, but it has a great off-road potential and behave in these conditions, if to put on a special rubber. But this does not mean that it is necessary to specifically to drive, just as it is not necessary to wipe the dirty hands of Monet, simply because it is also the canvas.

Personally, I think this car a work of art for lovers, for those who understand that the tenths of a second in dispersal to hundreds of the more worth than their less.

— This powerful machine is also a temptation. The temptation at some point push sneaker on the floor. How to deal with this? All you can pass a test of strength?

— When I'm in such a powerful car, I was not interested in the absolute speed or dynamics. It gives me joy to have the fact that I can overclock it. I had a situation where, driving a car Jaguar F-Type in manual mode, I'm in second gear broke up it to 90 km / h, and at this moment, when I thought about it, it dawned on me: and yet I have left more 6 gear!

— Did you have a direct comparison of normal RR Sport and SVR? Can a person really make a difference between the powerful and super power car?

— Yes it was. You just need the right approach to this. Vehicle dynamic. She differently configured exhaust, which also gives a lot of fun. When you hear the work of the exhaust, then immediately begin to imagine how it works, both from the combustion chamber is a mixture of the waste as it explodes!

The machine other suspension settings, it is sharper than in the reactions of the gas pedal, sharper steering settings. The car felt more collected, more demanding of the driver's actions, when he starts to go active. At the same time, it is possible to go as smoothly and without straining, and it will purr like a kitten. But it is ready to explode at any moment.

SVR car is much more rigid and demanding, and we must treat it seriously. He is able to surprise, and if it is not taken seriously, it may surprise and with a minus sign.

Such is the fate of all the separate, special version of the car are working and trying to make them «not like everything.» In the majority of such cars come already people who have achieved something in their lives and know how to properly treat such things. They are specialists in their field who are respected professionals and other fruits of their labor, willing to listen to them.
This professional tool. It does not require us to be a racer, but he dictates the basic principles that need to be able to understand and to manage such a car that is able to adequately respond to our sometimes unreasonably high expectations for him.

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