Subaru instead Volkswagen

Subaru will fight for victory in the British Touring Car Championship races.

Wagon Subaru Levorg — now British fighter Championship Touring Car Racing BTCC. The factory will be supported private team BMR. It is curious that they had previously performed at the Volkswagen CC.

Manage the new technology will be two-time champions VTSS Jason Plato and Colin Tarkington, the remaining drivers will be announced later.

«We are very happy to start cooperation with BMR. Despite the fact that the famous Levorg equipped AWD system Subaru, this machine to comply with the rules of BTCC rear-wheel can be done easily. Can not wait to see how it will manifest itself in the championship, „- said the managing director of the British branch of Subaru Paul Tanikliff.

Specifications are kept secret, but, of course, the car will comply with the regulations. It is known that Levorg equip turbo 2-liter «Quartet» power of 350 horsepower (in stock — 300 hp).

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